View Full Version : Homebrew Design Board and OGL

The Gilded Duke
2007-03-23, 11:25 AM
I have been planning ideas for a d20 suppliment focused on rogues and bards, and was going to try and get some input on the ideas I have so far on various mechanics. The Homebrew Design Board has been great for helping with designing monsters and encounters and such in the past, I just wondered how it would work with possibly eventually published material?

If the Homebrew Design Board wouldn't be the place to get input on something I'm trying to write, would anyone have any suggestions on alternate places? I was considering the Forge but it doesn't look like they have a large d20 crowd there.

2007-03-23, 12:43 PM
I would suggest PMing people you want input of, it's more safe that way.

Fax Celestis
2007-03-23, 01:12 PM
Further, anything you publish yourself is rightfully yours. If you don't mind making your product OGL, posting it to the forums is perfectly acceptable. If you do mind, you can probably provide a copyright in the post itself, clarifying that the contents of the post are copyrighted and are also available in X supplement.

Renegade Paladin
2007-03-23, 01:40 PM
Just to point out, stuff under the Open Gaming License is copyrighted; the license doesn't change that. It just means that the copyright holder allows it to be used for the purposes of the OGL.

Fax Celestis
2007-03-23, 03:29 PM
Just to point out, stuff under the Open Gaming License is copyrighted; the license doesn't change that. It just means that the copyright holder allows it to be used for the purposes of the OGL.

Certainly. But OGL means that it is free to reproduce. However, if you own the material, you are allowed to reproduce it under copyright with no repercussions however you like, since it is your creation.

The Gilded Duke
2007-03-23, 07:25 PM
Ahh, my mistake in wording, I meant if I was working on an idea using the D20 OGL and was wanting to get input from people on the boards. It sounds like it would be okay if marked out ahead of time.