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View Full Version : (IC) Leocanto's Illicit Adventures

2014-11-16, 03:09 AM
Character Sheet: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1057252

OOC: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?383839-(OOC)-Leocanto-s-Illicit-Adventures&p=18411276#post18411276

2014-11-16, 07:00 PM
You walk down a wide avenue. It is midday and you are carrying a case of your signature wine to the Fancy Mask, an inn where you typically sell a case of wine a week. You walk in through the door and you see the familiar face of Aldo behind the counter.

2014-11-17, 12:05 AM
Leocanto favored his walks throuh the city at large. He had a large ego, which reflected in the way he walked, dressed, and talked to people. Most people had a sharp enough wit to give him a respectable berth in the street: the last time a man foolishly let his sword brush against Leo's resulted in a public duel right then and there. Leo ended the duel humiliating the man and slashing the back of his hand. And so it often was with Leocanto, him expecting to get his way and punishing those who failed or disrespected him. Such was the way for those who recieved a blessing from the capa, a leader of the criminal underworld. Leocanto proudly wore a crimson cape over his left shoulder, marked with a diamond symbol that linked his person to the protection of a very powerful man. Even the citywatch, dressed in their yellow tabards over chain shirts, looked over him as he passed. It stood an open secret that high ranked criminal, call garristas, of the sort that ran their own gangs and operations, while not immune to the law, did not have to worry about moving through the city publically due to a negotiation between the capa and the duke.

Leocanto smiled his toothsome grin. Beneath his left arm, he held the wooden case, and inside its velvet lined interior, two fancy glass bottles, blue, sealed at the top with white wax. If you asked, someone in the crowd would know of its significance, and tell some barroom story about the near mythic Marid's Wine. Leo knew that he comissioned the bottles from a young glassblower nearly a thousand miles north in a different city, not scrounged from an ancient burrow clawed out in the insufferable desert.

Leo set the case on the counter in front of the portly barkeep Aldo. The Fancy Mask was a fine stablishment, but the Gilded Rose had better company. Leocanto saundered off and fell onto one of the cushioned seats not far away. "Business going well today, you fat bastard? It looks to be utterly empty this fine mornng."

2014-11-17, 05:30 AM
"It's going fine for me," Aldo quips, "But I can't say the same for you. I've already bought my wine for the week, and a for a whole lot cheaper than what you're peddling." You look up and notice a case of wine is already occupying the place that your wine usually sits behind his bar.

2014-11-17, 11:31 AM
I didn't breathe, afraid to betray my emotions. I wanted to leap from the chair, but I forced myself to remain composed and even-toned. Slowly, I sat upright in the chair."Is that some kind of joke?" I eventually managed without any humour. Conviction had to be really felt to lend it to words, but I felt a slow sink in my stomach. No one could have wine like that--it just didn't exist. Someone wouldn't be buying and reselling it either, since it was being undersold, without losing a huge chunk of money. Was someone trying to make a point? That suggested an ugly truth.

"I know you're a dumbass, but even you wouldn't be so stupid as to cut from the capa's own profits." Which likely rules out that whoever is selling isn't in with the capa, like me. If my business hurts, then so does the capa's share of my profits. Suggesting that the capa be cheated was not a pleasant thing, and I clenched my teeth.

Intimidate: [roll0]

2014-11-17, 05:35 PM
"It's no joke at all," Aldo calmly responds, "The capa won't come after me as long as I'm paying him his protection cut, and he'll be delighted to know that I can pay extra this month seeing as I've had to spend so much less on my product." Aldo finishes cleaning a glass and returns it to it's place behind the bar.

2014-11-17, 07:25 PM
I stood and tried not to tremble. If the capa already knew.. then this would be bad. Aldo could be lying, but I never considered him a clever man. He's serious then, that someone else was working the same game that I am. "Fine, but consider this bridge burned," I mustered. "Whenever, whoever this is runs their little well dry, you won't get another drop from me. Consider then how well the capa will like your lardy ass." I didn't wait for him to respond, embarassed enough as it already was. I scooped the case into my arms and scuttled back out to the street without much grace.

In the few blocks from the Fancy Mask to my own Gilded Rose, I tried to level my head, but thoughts kept swimming. I stuck to the backways and alleys, because I didn't want to be seen carrying my wine out and away from Aldo's place. I safely hid it in my desk again, beside a dozen other cases just like it, once I returned to my office. I had a plan in mind, and waited for night to come. Hopefully, the day wouod not yield more nasty surprises.

2014-11-18, 04:34 PM
As you sit behind your desk in your office your hear a knock at your door and see a letter get slipped underneath it. You open the door to an empty hallway, you quickly look about but you do not see anyone around. You pick up the letter and examine it, you notice it is sealed with and precise reproduction of the makers mark that you stamp in wax on every bottle of your wine.

2014-11-18, 08:04 PM
I looked up from the very exciting world of ledger balancing--I needed to put together a list of every client I've had within the last month. When I saw that mark in the wax, I froze. Someone knew. I rushed to my desk and unlocked the top drawer, where I kept the signet ring. It probably was the single most incriminating piece of evidence in the game; I could probably spin a story about how I redo the seal, but it would be suspect if anyone thought that I didn't find the wine any different than how I sold it.

I checked out my door. The office overlooked the main taproom from a wooden balcony, but everyone below carried on in their normal manner. A strange figure this early in the day would have aroused suspicion. No need to throw the alarm just yet, especially if whoever this was was still around, watching. I returned to my office and carefully peeled the wax seal on the letter using a thin boning knife.

2014-11-19, 05:44 PM
In a careful script the letter reads, "As I'm sure you're aware someone knows all your dirty little secret, and that someone is me. Don't bother trying to figure out who I may happen to be, you'd only be wasting your time. Don't fret over if I'll go and tattle on you, if that's what I wanted I'd oh already done it. I'll let you know soon enough just what I expect of you." At the bottom the letter is signed with a stylized D.

2014-11-19, 08:13 PM
Well, damn.

I set the letter down. Whoever this D was claimed to know everything, but other than using the same seal that I use, which wouldn't be difficult to obtain if this was a previous buyer. I sold to enough independent merchants rather than regular buyers, like Aldo, that it didn't narrow down the list of suspects. Using the seal could have just been a lucky stroke. "D" wanted me for something as well, so my secret was still safe. I head downstairs and talk with my next in charge, the lady of the house Sabaza. She was more than capable of running the joint without me, which she often did while I managed other business. She didn't even question my motives.

Back in my office, I pull out the Wardrobe. I kept all manner of costumes available for my games and clients. Most of the right people knew that I was the only seller of Marid's Wine, but I kept up an illusion of many vendors to those out of the loop using mummery and sleight of hand. I selected a down-trodden look for the evening, yet with a certain noblesse--just the kind of rough and rich merchant that frequented the Fancy Mask. I donned a wig and a change of clothes, a little dirty, and alchemical prosthetics to change the shape of my face. I add color to my skin with makeup and don a pair of false optics. I would leave my sword and cape behind, as they are too conspicuous, but I kept my dagger and spring loaded bracer ready and hidden.

I, properly dressed, would make my way to the Fancy Mask, once dusk had finally passed.

Disguise: take 20 for a final of 27.

2014-11-20, 10:47 PM
You make your way to the Fancy Mask at around dusk. It is as busy, which is usual for this time of night. From what you can tell Aldo doesn't recognize you.

2014-11-20, 10:59 PM
I will take a seat at the bar and order a bottle of wine--nothing fancy, just a casual wino's choice--and make some small talk with a few of my fellow patrons. (Diplomacy: [roll0].) If things are going well, I'll fill a few people's cups and drop a remark about the case of Marid's Wine behind the bar in hopes of scoring some hearsay about it.

2014-11-20, 11:12 PM
After a few conversations you manage to figure out that some people are aware that the bar has a new supplier but they're not sure who it is.

2014-11-20, 11:55 PM
I'll try and strike up a conversation with Aldo, if he's around.

"Word is on the street," I say, after the general pleasantries, "That you got quite a deal on some rare wines, friend. Would you care any to talk a little business?"

2014-11-21, 06:04 PM
"Depends on what kind of business you're looking to talk." Aldo says as he crosses his arms.

2014-11-21, 08:02 PM
"Just a little brokering," I say with a tilt of my diguised head. "Say I want a few more cases of a very particular wine that you have to sell." I slide a small deerskin pouch across the bartop discreetly. Inside are five gold coins. "I hear you've had a recent windfall with a new client, or at least that's the word on the street. You can, ah, point me in the right direction, and you can get a share. Think of it as a, um, finder's fee."

2014-11-23, 12:08 AM
He looks at you from across the bar then checks inside the pouch. "Which wine are you talking about?" He questions.

2014-11-23, 05:09 PM
I bit my lip. Aldo always was a bit of a dolt. "One of your exclusive specialties; the Marid's wine."

2014-11-23, 06:04 PM
"Oh, that." He responds. "Well yes I have recently found a new supplier, but I do know a guy who is looking to offload some of it." He says with a chuckle, "Man named Leocanto, he was my old supplier before I got my new one."

2014-11-24, 12:20 AM
I rolled my eyes. "Every whore from here to the docks could tell you about Leocanto. His stuff is too expensive. I want to get my hands on a more, ah, lucrative offer, savvy?"

2014-11-24, 05:23 AM
"Ohh you want in on my new supplier hmm?" Aldo says, "I'll see what I can do. What was your name again?"

2014-11-24, 05:32 AM
Ah. Yes, he seemed to actually get it now. I absent-mindedly drum my fingers on the bartop while I envision horrific means of torture to employ on Aldo. I speak with a smile.

"Don Azulvejo," I bow my head with a flourish. I wish I thought to wear a hat; hats make for great accessories. "At your humble service."