View Full Version : Optimization Gear for Crusader?

2014-11-17, 07:29 AM
I have 1000 gold to spend for a 1st lvl crusader (human, with the Luck of Heroes feat & Extra granted maneuver), what to pick?

Dex is 12, STR 16, by the way.

I need armor, a two handed weapon, a dagger or similar back-up, and a ranged weapon. Ideally I'd like to fit something magical in there (Healing belt is perhaps still too pricey).

2014-11-17, 08:02 AM
Ideally I'd like to fit something magical in there (Healing belt is perhaps still too pricey).

Brute Gauntlets (500 GP, MIC). 3 charges per day, +2/+3/+4 morale bonus on Str checks and weapon damage.

Chronocharm of the Horizon Walker (500 GP, MIC). Swift action to move up to half your speed 1/day.

Toll Gut Rope (500 GP, MIC). Produces 300' of rope that dissolves after 12 hours. The gold standard for tying up hostages. (Most adventurers are at least two continents away after 12 hours.)

2014-11-17, 10:08 AM
Brute gauntlets are good for when using Charging Minotaur to get an extra edge, while still being able to up the damage as well.

So: Breastplate 200 gp, Brute Gauntlets 500 gp (can they be spiked?), dagger 2 gp, sling+bullets, guisarme 9 gp, morningstar (for bludgeoning?) 8 gp

50 gp for the spikes. The rest will go to consumables.

Would lesser Aasimar be worth it? +2 CHA is what I'm really looking for, but the +2 WIS is not bad as it will enable a cleric dip later on. I could go with a flaw I guess, "shaky" most likely.

2014-11-17, 10:43 AM
Before you go with Lesser Aasimar, double-check with your DM that it'll be allowed. Only in Faerun is a race allowed to have a net positive to ability scores without an LA.

2014-11-17, 01:27 PM
So: Breastplate 200 gp, Brute Gauntlets 500 gp (can they be spiked?), dagger 2 gp, sling+bullets, guisarme 9 gp, morningstar (for bludgeoning?) 8 gp

Since a spiked gauntlet counts as a weapon, some DMs could require that it has to be masterwork in order to enchant it. Then again, a non-spiked gauntlet is also a weapon, so... you might have an argument that the masterwork quality is already included in the cost.

Before you go with Lesser Aasimar, double-check with your DM that it'll be allowed. Only in Faerun is a race allowed to have a net positive to ability scores without an LA.

Savage Progression Aasimar (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040213a) still gets +2 Cha with no LA.

Would lesser Aasimar be worth it? +2 CHA is what I'm really looking for, but the +2 WIS is not bad as it will enable a cleric dip later on. I could go with a flaw I guess, "shaky" most likely.

Can you use the Magic-Blooded template? If so, how about Magic-Blooded Dream Dwarf or Gold Dwarf? Swap Urgrosh for Dwarven Warpike, maybe Dwarven Waraxe for Buckler-Axe.

2014-11-17, 02:48 PM
Belt of healing

2014-11-18, 02:16 AM
The belt is great, but will leave me with only 250 gp for everything else. As a crusader I have limited healing anyway (and perhaps should switch my stance to martial spirit and pick up Iron guard at lvl 2) so the belt I can save for later.

2014-11-18, 02:31 AM
Do you hope to do a lot of tripping? If not, a glaive might be better than a guisarme (I chose to take it and Stand Still for my Crusader).

2014-11-18, 05:49 AM
I wasn't going to, but with the brute gauntlets it may be a possibility. Good point, thanks!

Feint's End
2014-11-18, 07:48 AM
If you take a cleric dip later on might I suggest animal devotion and travel devotion? Animal devotion gets you scaling, swift action activation flight or a scaling strength bonus which stacks with almost everything. Travel Devotion is obviously great for increased utility and movement+full attack.

2014-11-18, 08:08 AM
I was considering knowledge devotion for the killing, but maybe that's not recommended?
Lore of the Gods spell (cleric 2) seems to be fitting for that kind of build, especially if picking a god of knowledge.

Feint's End
2014-11-18, 11:56 AM
I was considering knowledge devotion for the killing, but maybe that's not recommended?
Lore of the Gods spell (cleric 2) seems to be fitting for that kind of build, especially if picking a god of knowledge.

Well the problem is you give up all knowledge skills when you exchange it for knowledge devotion so unless you want to spend tons of skillpoints you'll be very limited in your enemies (undead mostly ... which is fitting though).

It is however a good idea since its the only devotion which doesn't take up turn undead uses so you can spare those for animal devotion.
So overall maybe the better choice (also crusader has a lot of standard action strikes anyways).

Edit: I assume you go cloistered cleric btw. The next bonus is you could pick a good second domain with a nice domain power.

2014-11-18, 02:02 PM
If you go knowledge devotion, I would recommend putting a point in all the combat knowledge skills so you can use knowledge devotion with all your enemies (not to mention knowing some things above dc 10).