View Full Version : Artisan's Tools...what can you make?

2014-11-17, 09:28 AM
Hello Playground!

One of my fellow players is a Fighter and chose the Battle Master archetype at level 3. This gets him proficiency with artisan's tools. After looking at the far from helpful description in the PHB, I figured I'd turn to your experience.

Is one set of artisan's tools more useful than the others? He was looking into alchemist's tools, but based on what's written, we have no idea what that would allow him to make, if anything. Alchemist's fire, maybe?

My assumption is, like everything in 5e so far, it's really up to the DM, but figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

Thanks again!

2014-11-17, 10:56 AM
Well like you said it's up to DM, I'm sure they will elaborate crafting in DMG that comes out next month tho. :)

Spacehamster to infinity and beyond!

2014-11-17, 11:24 AM
The DMG isn't out yet, right? I presume it would contain the rules for crafting. It would only make sense, as they've even introduced a guild background that almost entirely revolves around being able to craft various things.

I imagine a battle master would profit the most from either smithing (allowing him to create and repair his own arms and armor) or alchemy (bombs, potions, alchemist fire, acid... all very handy in combat I imagine).

2014-11-17, 11:27 AM
I like the smith's tools personally.

Actually crafting an item of any real size or complexity should take a proper forge, so you can't do that on the run. But there are plenty of other things that can be done.

-Minor item repairs, dings, dents, etc. Not just limited to metal items btw. A few well placed metal supports can turn a broken ballista back into a killing machine.

-small tool crafting/modification. This one actually happened in a session, made a set of spikes that could be inserted into a lock and makes them impossible to open, our rogue used the things to keep a large garrison off our backs just long enough for us to do our job and disappear.

2014-11-17, 11:37 AM
My battlemaster/assassin will have poisoner kit, herbalism kit and alcemy kit and basically be the mad alchemist of the party. :D

Picturing him blowing up a door instead of picking the lock, continuing with tossing smoke bombs inside and then sneaking inside in the cover of thick smoke. ^^

2014-11-17, 07:50 PM
Artisan's Tools does not include Poisoner's Kit or Herbalism Kit.
There's an exact list in the PHB. It includes Alchemist Supplies, but not the other two.

2014-11-17, 08:54 PM
I'm specializing in alchemy/herbalism in my game and we've homebrewed a decent number of things I can use from 3.5, but I have to find people to teach me the recipes first and then scrounge up the materials and what not.

so far I can make potions of cure moderate wounds, anti-toxin, light sticks, smoke bombs, and tangle root bags and it's worked out really well so far, I've been able to hand out a few potions to each person in my group for when healing is scarce, and my control items have come in handy when trying to get the jump on people or escape from unfavorable engagements.

it's all up to your DM though how useful anything will be so talk to him and see what he thinks

Human Paragon 3
2014-11-17, 11:57 PM
What are some good things to build with a set of tinkerer's tools?

2014-11-18, 09:49 AM
Artisan's Tools does not include Poisoner's Kit or Herbalism Kit.
There's an exact list in the PHB. It includes Alchemist Supplies, but not the other two.

Yeah I know, were talking about crafting in general sorry did not specify. :)

2014-11-18, 10:00 AM
What are some good things to build with a set of tinkerer's tools?
I assume you mean the tinker's tools in the PHB?

A tinker is a type of tinsmith that specializes in field repairs. Most of their stuff is along the lines of pots, pans, and occasional ornamental work. The metals in use are soft enough that they will fail if used in a high strength situation. That being said, they are also a lot easier to work with than iron, and fine details are relatively simple to accomplish if one has the skill. So stuff like key replicas and basic clockwork machines are certainly possible.

Tinkers commonly made use of solder and molds, so if you can imagine a shape well enough to form an impression of it in clay, you can make the item in question fairly easily.

P.S. If it comes up, a tinsmith can double as a silver or goldsmith, although perhaps not with the same degree of skill as one trained in the latter crafts. The tools and training are largely the same.

2014-11-18, 04:07 PM
If I were the DM I would rule that with tinkerers tools you could create accessories such as rings, pendants, brooches, glasses, or anything mechanical (I'd probably let this count as thieves tools for any trap that used gears and whatnot). basically anything like that. and if the player was really innovative and could come up with a good reason why and make it fit well into the story I'd let them make simple robots.

2015-11-02, 11:33 PM
So, I know I'm like a year late to the party, but I'll just leave this here.
First, I like the idea of tools enhancing roleplaying, the key being ENHANCE. In an example with trying to pass off fake jewelry as real, I would add the Jeweler's Kit Prof ( +2 on Top of the Deception Roll) as a Synergy bonus.
Second, since the Downtime rules state that you must be proficiency with the tools related to the object you're trying to make, crafting is straight forward. No proficiency? Can't craft. So what tools are related to what objects? I made a spreadsheet according to my logic:

*Primary Tool - The one to me that is most involved in the making of said item

*Alt/Synergy - At the DM's discretion, an alternative tool OR if other players have said tools they can assist even if they don't have the primary (for example: To craft a Greatclub would require Woodcarver's Tool, with Alt/Synergy of Carpenter's Tool and/or Smith's Tool helping out)

Hope it helps.