View Full Version : Professor Izinic's Laboratory

2007-03-23, 07:57 PM
The laboratory also serves as Izzy's house. The front door leads to a hallway that branches off into a storage room, a kitchen/dining room, a bathroom, two bedrooms, and a staircase leading downstairs to the basement, which is where the large center of research and experimentation resides. Noises and bursts of light come constantly from the basement as the professor works. Bannel, Izzy's pseudodragon, also lives here, and a half-elf named Kalana also lives in the laboratory.

This building was purchased at the OmniShop, as a model of itself that grew into the real thing. Izzy is happy with it.

2007-03-23, 07:58 PM
The three of them walk inside for the first time, marveling at the convenience of the item they bought. Izzy sets to work putting things away, while Kalana sets to exploring and Bannel flutters around in the wide open underground laboratory.

2007-03-24, 07:50 AM
A couple of very strong guys, each holding five or six more Handy Haversacks, knock on the door. Izzy answers it. "Ah, yes! It is too bad we could only fit our needed things in two bags. Thank you, boys." He gives each of them a platinum piece and continues unpacking.

2007-04-13, 05:02 PM
Izzy has finished unpacking. The half-elf sits at a table, swinging her legs as she eats some cereal. Bannel is perched on Izzy's shoulder, who has just finished putting up all the decorations and finalized the unpacking. They head off for a well-earned nap.

2007-04-28, 09:58 PM
Kalana frowns at her player for leaving these characters alone for so long. Bannel and Izzy are at work in the Lab, and she's rather bored.