View Full Version : The innocent must burn!

2014-11-18, 08:01 AM
I want to make a character that is as evil as evil can get. I want him to eat babies for breakfast, puppies for lunch, and kittens for dinner.

Just one problem. I need a thematic build. And a backstory. I wanted the backstory to be, "I was a jerk then, and I'm still a jerk now" but the DM needs more details. It's meant to be an evil campaign, so don't worry about not fitting in.

2014-11-18, 08:11 AM
Barbarian who believes that eating the hearts of his enemies' children strengthens himself. He took this so far as to believe his whole tribe was his own enemy and so he ate their hearts.... AND THEIR CHILDREN'S HEARTS!

Red Fel
2014-11-18, 08:13 AM
Ugh. Caricatures demean us all.

You're going to have to be more specific about "evil as evil can get." Do you want a completely bloodthirsty but self-interested jerk, like Alucard from Hellsing Abridged? Do you want a maniacal murderous zealot who looks down on everyone as unworthy, like Anderson from Hellsing Abridged? Do you want a diabolical fiend who commands armies and thirsts for the annihilation of everything pure and good, like the Major from Hellsing Abridged?

Or do you want, I don't know, an Evil character who isn't a total one-dimensional caricature of the alignment? Let's face it, if you cross the line you're thinking of crossing, your character becomes (1) boring, because we all know what he's going to do, and there's nothing novel or clever about it, and (2) unplayable, because he has no motivation that would put him in line with other PCs, even Evil PCs, and every motivation to put him opposed to them.

So let's try this again, hm? What exactly is it that you're trying to build?

Fouredged Sword
2014-11-18, 08:25 AM
Evil for the sake of evil and eats babies you say... Well, that sounds to me like a soul eater build.

Lets start with the base requirements - A living non-humanoid with a natural weapon. That one is easy, lets just go with Warforged, as a living construct with a slam, you are well suited and expressly a non-LA humanoid with lots of goodies and immunities.

Now, backstory. You are envious of mortal races and their true lives, how they look down on your race as mere things. You will show them, you will use arcane might to steal the very thing they hold over you. They will die at your touch!

Duskblade 5 / Soul eater 10 / X
1st feat - Alertness
3nd feat - Weapon focus (slam)
6th feat - Lifedrain (gain 5+cha temp Hp each time you cause a negative level, deal cha extra damage with your negative levels, so don't dump cha. You will naturally boost str/con/dex, so invest in +cha items)
9th feat - Improved energy drain (+1 to lots of stuff for an hour after draining a level)
12th feat - Spell drain - you get to cast spells you cause other people to lose due to negative levels.

Now, the sweet spot for this is 12th level. You are dealing 2 negative levels per standard action (likely with a CL5 shocking grasp added to that due to duskblade), gaining 10+2xCha each time, +4 enhancement to str and con, +3 to ALL skills, ALL saves, and ALL ability checks, and +1 to attack rolls.

And when you kill a person you can choose to take on their"soul radiance", ie you automatically shapechange into them for 24 hours.

You are a killer souleating changeling robot assassin.

If you get flaws, consider tomb tainted and practiced spellcaster (so your duskblade CL is 9).

Also, ask your DM to resolve the soul eater RAW/RAI debate. The class RAW requires you to use a standard action touch attack to drain your target's life. It fails to state this outright though, and the prereqs heavily suggest that the ability is intended to work like a vampire's slam, activating on a natural attack. If so, try to rack up natural attacks, (mask of fangs, monks belt). If not, just use your touch attack as a standard action each round.

2014-11-18, 11:46 AM
Eating babies really doesn't seem that evil.

D&D is full of evil babies like the Unholy Scion, or the Slaymate or a Chromatic Dragon Wyrmling. You could justify eating all the Unholy Scions in the world as a good act.

You need to do much worse than eat babies to be over the top evil. You need to like, draw and quarter soon to be born babies through the abdominal walls of expecting mothers.