View Full Version : Player Help Relatively simple question about dragon disciples

The Inquisition
2014-11-18, 05:50 PM
When a Dragon Disciple goes through Dragon Apotheosis upon reaching level 10 and gains a size bonus, does he immediately explode through all of his armor/items he has on him?
My friend is playing and has this worry, and I was curious as to whether or not this could be avoided without metagaming.


Extra Anchovies
2014-11-18, 05:54 PM
They don't gain a size increase.

2014-11-18, 05:55 PM
This... Is not like he "explodes" in a moment. This is more like a steady growth throughout the whole 10 levels, hence the bonuses to Strength and Constitution and whatnot. It's just that at 10th level he's large and burly enough to...
Waaait a sec.

Where in the Dragon Disciple class do you see a size change? The capstone just gives the Disciple a full half-dragon template, which says that the size is unchanged.

EDIT: Aaand, Dragon Devotee'd.

2014-11-18, 05:56 PM
What Dragon Disciple are you looking at?

The Inquisition
2014-11-18, 05:58 PM
They don't gain a size increase.

I apologize, he was talking about something else. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

EDIT: He was refering to the Gem Dragon Disciple, he was using this as his source http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/burne/old/Gem_Dragon_Disciple.htm

Red Fel
2014-11-18, 08:01 PM
Thing is, you don't suddenly "ding" up a level and gain new powers. The fluff of leveling up is simply that all of the study, training, and preparation of the prior level crystalizes into new understanding and skills.

So, even if we are talking about a class that grants a size-up, you don't suddenly "poof" out of your armor all at once. In all likelihood, as Xerlith expresses, it's a gradual process. He'll notice his armor is getting tighter and tighter over time, then wake up one morning (i.e. after leveling up) and notice it no longer fits.

No exploding.

2014-11-18, 08:16 PM
Thing is, you don't suddenly "ding" up a level and gain new powers. The fluff of leveling up is simply that all of the study, training, and preparation of the prior level crystalizes into new understanding and skills.

So, even if we are talking about a class that grants a size-up, you don't suddenly "poof" out of your armor all at once. In all likelihood, as Xerlith expresses, it's a gradual process. He'll notice his armor is getting tighter and tighter over time, then wake up one morning (i.e. after leveling up) and notice it no longer fits.

No exploding.

A PrC which caused you to explode as it's capstone would be hilarious though. Kind of reminiscent of Risen Martyr.

The Inquisition
2014-11-18, 08:36 PM
Thing is, you don't suddenly "ding" up a level and gain new powers. The fluff of leveling up is simply that all of the study, training, and preparation of the prior level crystalizes into new understanding and skills.

So, even if we are talking about a class that grants a size-up, you don't suddenly "poof" out of your armor all at once. In all likelihood, as Xerlith expresses, it's a gradual process. He'll notice his armor is getting tighter and tighter over time, then wake up one morning (i.e. after leveling up) and notice it no longer fits.

No exploding.

I figured it would be like this. Thanks for you answer!

2014-11-18, 10:51 PM
When a Dragon Disciple goes through Dragon Apotheosis upon reaching level 10 and gains a size bonus, does he immediately explode through all of his armor/items he has on him?

No, because once he reaches Dragon Disciple 10 and changes his type to dragon, he no longer qualifies for the prestige class, and loses all his Dragon Disciple abilities.