View Full Version : 3rd Ed Help me make a cannibal.

Joe Eskimo
2014-11-19, 07:10 AM
Are there feats or templates to make your character a cannibal? Rules for cannibalism? Ghoul or Gravetouched Ghoul would be an easy choice but I'd still like to remain alive though.

2014-11-19, 07:37 AM
There's a few spells in BoVD that involve the caster eating a human (humanoid?) body part as part of the casting process.

2014-11-19, 07:37 AM
Step 1: determine what species count for cannibalism (is it only your own or do any sentient species count? Only those that look somewhat like you?)
Step 2: eat them.

2014-11-19, 07:47 AM
I know of one third-party one. That's about it, really, in the way of templates. I also think it's for 3.5.

I think there is a trait for it in the Book of Vile Darkness.

2014-11-19, 08:19 AM
I actually helped a friend with a similar character concept. Female human dervish cannibal. We took the Symbiote Template from savage species and this extraplanar plant swarm that I cannot for the life of me remember the name of (sorry). Pulled some other shenanigans, and then he basically went around paralyzing commons by proximity and then consuming them alive.

Jeff the Green
2014-11-19, 08:53 AM
Step 1: determine what species count for cannibalism (is it only your own or do any sentient species count? Only those that look somewhat like you?)

It's defined thusly in BoVD:

Cannibalism: Cannibals are creatures that eat others of their own kind. In the broader sense, cannibals may be defined as creatures that eat other intelligent creatures for whatever perverted pleasure they gain from it. Many creatures do this—dragons eat humans and other intelligent creatures all the time—but usually they gain no more pleasure (and definitely less sustenance) from a human than they do from a cow.

Cannibals gain pleasure, and in some cases power (see the absorb mind and absorb strength spells in Chapter 6), from eating others. Often cannibals consume foes that they have defeated in battle, but sometimes they simply murder their meals.

Tarlek Flamehai
2014-11-19, 09:49 AM
AFB, but wouldn't the we divorce wendio template apply?

Sigh, auto-correct on my cell phone is sometimes more trouble than it's worth.

2014-11-19, 10:48 AM
I actually helped a friend with a similar character concept. Female human dervish cannibal. We took the Symbiote Template from savage species and this extraplanar plant swarm that I cannot for the life of me remember the name of (sorry). Pulled some other shenanigans, and then he basically went around paralyzing commons by proximity and then consuming them alive.

Dread Blossom Swarm, MM3. Sounds like the Forgotten Template (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?259833).

Dragon #300 (the EEEEVIL issue) had a Flesh-Eater PrC. BoVD has Jerren, flesh-eating halflings. I think Dark Sun also had cannibal halflings.

2014-11-19, 11:25 AM
Dread Blossom Swarm, MM3. Sounds like the Forgotten Template (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?259833).

Ah, I love that template. Too bad almost no DM's allow it.

2014-11-19, 11:39 AM
BOVD is your best source for stuff like this, but I'm sure the various Fiend Folios can help.

Joe Eskimo
2014-11-19, 04:45 PM
I found Scavenging Gullet from LoM:

You gain nourishment from eating any organic material, despite its freshness or source. You gain a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves to resist the effect of ingested poisons, as well as on Fortitude saves to resist diseases caused by ingested substances (such as spoiled food).

Basically lets me eat anything organic no matter the state. Is this any good? Is this even necessary?

2014-11-19, 05:03 PM
I found Scavenging Gullet from LoM:

Basically lets me eat anything organic no matter the state. Is this any good? Is this even necessary?

It's the best way to get rid of incriminating evidence. Happiness is mandatory, citizen.