View Full Version : [EMPIRE] Pilgrim's Progress - 471

2014-11-19, 07:56 PM
Sucheta had never visited the heart of the Radurjic faith before, in fact few Raaneki ever did except for those that joined the monasteries. Most, whilst they supported the religion, preferred to stay within their home nation. The outside world, for all that much of it was welcoming, was also a strange place, and not all of its nations were accepting of the peculiarities of the Painted Diarchy's culture. More, why would you ever want to leave? There was little that the prosperous nation did not have already, and even less that its people would desire. But Sucheta was not wholly a product of Raaneka, something she knew well, and the years of her rulership so far had left their mark as she grew from an exuberant teenager into an equally exuberant young woman. And a mark, or the feeling of it, was what had led her onto the road to Miji Mkuu.

It had been more complicated than she had imagined, but she had the Council's trust and they had hers, so it was less of a difficulty perhaps then many other rulers might have found it. Yet as she moved day by day closer to the Radurja's heart,, and moved swiftly, for the Nadanada was an excellent waterway, she found that the feeling that had prompted her decision to undertake the pilgrimage grew steadily stronger. In her dreams the last few days before reaching Miji Mkuu, she began to see black behind the fins that she kept wrapped around her arms, instead of pale bronze that she knew should be there. She'd visited the holy library in Avaya, read the Illuminated texts that recorded her families history, yet it had only given more questions. She'd even delved deep into the fragmentary journals left behind by her predecessors, searching for...something.

Yet nothing had materialised out of those records, even the miraculous illusion histories of Illuminations had left her almost aimless.

She knew herself, and because of that she knew her actions at the Coronation had not been like her. The her that she knew could not have spoken so coldly and without consideration, even in the knowledge that it was needed. It just hadn't been in her. She wasn't really sure that it was even now. Yet she knew the doctrine of her faith, and the weight of possibility - and the black that she still remembered from that day almost ten years ago, in a hall full of smoke and death - had led her to this place.

She arrived as any other pilgrim, dressed in simple clothing - the only difference being its quality - and walked slowly down main street of the city towards Unification Square, where she knew the great temple lay. She took her time even then, almost as if she didn't want to take the final steps that brought her across the threshold of the temple. But she did it in the end, passing through the vast square - a smile flickering upon her face at the sight of the vast spire of Raaneki sandstone towering fit to compete with the vast trees around her. It was a welcome sight, the familiar stones centering her as she crossed to the great temple. For all that she was dressed as a pilgrim, it was easy to identify her if one looked - the fins curled around her forearms gave it away - and she knew that she was expected.

2014-11-27, 06:59 AM
Unification square was full of people. Children played a ground based version of kudaka*, and families picnicked in the gardens. It was a pleasant day to say the least. As Sucheta crossed the square she saw the temple resting on the banks of the mighty Nadanada. The watafiti tending the gardens in front of the temple looked up as she approached. None recognized her, but an elder greeted her.

"Are you alright, my child?"

*Kudaka was played at the third Raaneki games, and at least one other time in fluff with Raaneki, so Sucheta might be familiar with the game. Originally it was basically treetop rugby and the ground was out of bounds. Ground kudaka is just rugby pretty much.

OOC: also, sorry you waited almost 2 weeks for this short post : P I'll be for the rest of the week though.

2014-11-28, 05:39 PM
"I'm honestly not sure," Sucheta said quietly. "Every step I've taken has only made my questions louder, and yet a part of me is scared of what the answer might be." She looked across at the elder, and her eyes were terribly dark as they stared into his. But then they cleared, the shadows seeming to flow back into the liquid depths from which they'd come. "I'm sorry, Shahidi, I am not really myself. I...have an appointment with the Shahidi Gozzolo," she flexed the fins around her forearms. It was a gesture of nervousness, actually, as movement like this always seemed to help her clear her head. Not something she needed very often... Yet the gesture would also probably identify her. Merfolk hybrids weren't necessarily rare, but they weren't particularly common either.

2014-12-02, 07:58 PM
"Ah, Shahidi Gozzolo is in the primary chamber. Head straight up through the steps through the main door." He pointed, but it was unnecessary. The doors where massive.

2014-12-03, 07:44 PM
"Thank you, Elder," Sucheta murmured, and then she moved on towards the doors, slipping through the vast portal into the chamber beyond. She seemed to hesitate before stepping through, but the moment lasted less than an eyeblink, and then her foot touched the floor of the main chamber of the temple.

It was, in a word, awesome. Sucheta had been in temples before, she had visited shrines, but there was something different about this place that stole her breath away. She walked through the place as if in a dream, her feet leading her of their own accord across the floor, and she let them walk her where they would, towards a man deep in meditation at the far end of the temple chamber.

2014-12-04, 04:33 PM
The main room of the temple was a marvel of architecture. The whole thing was lit by natural sunlight yet the skylights were all obscured in such a way that they could not be spotted. A very curious, or perhaps clever, person might find that the light is brought in with mirrors and focused on to glass water jars that almost seemed to glow as if by magic.

There were quite a few people in the temple, some in meditation, and others just there to view the frescoes. The back wall had the tell tale signs of Ayavan Illumination. The still image depicted Shahidi Mkuu Mosi II standing on a balcony overlooking the ocean and a cresting wave of light. Activating it let one experience the First Revelation as Mosi remembered it. Beneath it sat Shahidi Gozzolo on a small cushion. He did not notice her approach until she was almost upon him. From behind she could see his balding head was speckled with liver spots. Once he had worn dreadlocks as was common in the church, but now he kept his hair short. Balding led to too much upkeep, which was very much the opposite of the point. As she got closer Sucheta was almost certain that she heard faint snoring.

When Sucheta was but mere steps behind him he awoke and turned to greet her. "Good day my dear!" He stood up and reached out to hug her. "I've been waiting for you! Come sit down with me. Have you eaten? We can move to the dining hall. We've just harvested a wonderful mango crop." He spoke with the demeanor of a well meaning grandparent.

2014-12-04, 08:55 PM
Sucheta marveled at the beauty in the chamber, running a hesitant hand across the intricate frescoes as she passed them, to feel the texture beyond the pictures. Yet she accepted Gozzolo's hug easily, returning it fully, and at his question she folded her legs beneath her and dropped gently to the floor cross-legged.

"Before I leave, certainly!" She said brightly - she'd come to love the fruits of Genivana as a girl, and nothing had lessened that affection. "I am afraid that food would only help me distract myself, and I do not think that a wise idea right now." She looked up at the elder, and her lips turned in a confused frown. "I know my letters have not been illuminating, but in the end it is quite simple. I need your help, Shahidi."

She rubbed her forearms as she admitted it, and although she did not see it, black showed beneath her fins as her touch displaced them.

2014-12-05, 03:33 PM
Gozzolo sat back down slowly, and took on a more serious tone. "Of course. Anything you need, my dear." Her fidgeting drew his attention to her forearms. Through his osuro bleached eyes he could see the strange changes in Sucheta's hands. "My, my... That is peculiar." He reached out to take her hand that he might examine it more closely. "Is this visible under the lingine as well? That is... can you see these markings?"