View Full Version : Owlbear Hollow Mercenaries [3.5e IC]

2014-11-19, 08:51 PM
Another caravan job, you thought to yourself, the best way to travel. Free ride, and you get paid! And all you have to do is guard some wagons and people. Little did you know how important this job was going to become.

You all find yourselves around the campfire once again. You've been traveling as hired guards with the Fairview Mercantile Company, a Halfling/Dwarf joint venture, specializing in odd gadgets and alcoholic libations. All of you were given use of a horse, and all the mercenaries share a wagon for excess supplies.

The mountain road between the city of Fairview and the dwarven settlement of Sapphire Mines was safe until roughly a month ago when a group of bandits moved in, working out of somewhere in Owlbear Hollow (a small green valley along the road). Your first two nights passed rather uneventfully, other than the occasional bear wandering a bit too close to the horses. You find yourself doubly on guard this night though, as you are relatively close to Owlbear hollow and all reports of the Bandits say they have a wizard with them, allowing them to strike even the most well protected caravans. Around a small fire sit 6 of the mercenaries. Some of them you have met and some you haven't, but you know all their names: Aeric Silverleaf (a handsome half-elven Bard), Irieonna (a dwarven wizard), Argon (an elven archer), Kadinar (a half-orc Cleric), Raytoga (a human Paladin), and Terrence Tasslefoot (a halfling Fighter).

It is around 6 o'clock at night, and you are all fixing your evening meal around the fire. Various other cliques have formed around various other fires, the caravan's wagons forming a circle around the entire camp. Terrence, the senior guard, has assigned each of you to a shift on the watch. He states that Irieonna has first watch, then Raytoga, Aeric, Argon, then Kadinar has watch while he prepares his spells in the morning. It seems the watch schedule is set to allow both casters an uninterupted full night's rest.

2014-11-19, 08:56 PM
Irieonna gives Terrence an appreciative smile. "Understood," she says crisply.

2014-11-20, 12:28 AM
Raytoga Nods at Kadinar as he is about to take the first bite of his meal. He then tries to tell a joke to break the ice. "A warrior comes home very drunk from the pub with a Duck under his arm, his wife answers the door "what's this?" The warrior replies "this is the dragon i've been shaggin'" The angry wife shouts "That is not a Dragon that is a duck" The warrior looks at her and says "I was talking to the duck."

Lord Kesleth
2014-11-20, 04:31 AM
Argon sit's cross-legged around the fire, bow laid across his lap as he picked at the meal lying on a plate before him. It disheartened Argon to no end that his supper was not caught by his own hand. Since his exile he had prided himself on being self sufficient and the simple action of catching his own food had become somewhat of a daily ritual.
With a soft sigh, the elf pushed the plate away and stood up, raising a hand to the group and smiling lightly he wandered from the warmth of the fire and circled the caravan.

The night was crisp and the sounds of conversation carried on the wind, in truth he was instantly happier away from the crowd. The young elf struggled for conversation around other races, never truly knowing what to say. After finding a quiet spot, Argon drew and notched his bow, selecting a nearby tree and breathing slowly.

"Aa' i'sul nora lanne'lle" He whispered, loosing the arrow which flew through the night air, thudding into the tree Argon previously selected. "Tanya farnuva" He drew another arrow, notched, loosed, repeated.

2014-11-20, 12:07 PM
Kadinar sat quietly, which was not unusual for the half-orc. He stoked the fire with a branch he had hewn the small limbs off of, almost absentmindedly as he stared into the flickering coalbed beneath the brighter flames above - the heart of the fire. People paid most attention to what was immediately obvious about fire, the dancing and beautifully mesmerizing orange tendrils that formed the larger portion of it. But what people didn't seem to understand was that the fire's true potential, it's real power and beauty, lay beneath those boisterous tethers... in it's heart. He supposed that it was not unlike how he saw himself, really. What people saw on the outside was hardly what made him, but it was what most of them used to sum him up as a man. But deep beneath the surface, he knew he was more than simply half of a monster; at the least, he hoped.

He made a small snort of an exhale at his realized and unintentional analogy about himself, the noise just so happened to coincide with the punchline of Raytoga's crass joke. When it drew attention, Kadinar played it off as if he had been paying attention and had simply found the joke funny.

Having waited to be the last be served his dinner, he ate with an approving nod, favoring the roasted game bird over the rye loaves or even the sharp cheese that was offered. But before he was through, he had eaten those too... for he knew that he was going to need his energy when they traveled this close to Owlbear Hollow. He nodded his affirmation to Terrence's assignment, showing that he accepted his without issue. Looking around the camp, judging the faces huddled around the various fires, he silently hoped that the brigands weren't stupid enough to attack a caravan as heavily armed as this one was - it would lead to much bloodshed, and over nothing more than coin. But, if it was to happen, the half-orc was glad that he was among this particular group of men and women. They were a gifted lot, and he wasn't sure exactly what it was, but he had a good feeling about them as a whole.

Once he had finished eating, and the conversation had lulled into boring chit-chat, Kadinar hit Raytoga's knee lightly with the back of his hand. "I'm turning in. See you on the morrow. Sleep well, brother."

2014-11-20, 06:37 PM
Irieonna and Raytoga's watches go by uneventfully, but sometime during Aeric's watch, a thick fog descends on the camp, seeming to smother all light and deepen the sleep of all of the caravan members. None see the shadows enter and begin carrying the camp away. When the fog clears and the sun rises, there is no signs the caravan was ever there.

Kadinar awakes in a tent with a start, a young Bugbear woman watching him, then speaking in Orc Calm yourself friend, you have been freed from those who would hold you as a slave. Freed by the Lost Keep Bandits! Make yourself ready and follow me to meet our leader. Perhaps you shall join us as thanks. The last of her words are clear in their meaning. you are expected to join them, or die.

You awaken with a splitting headache, stripped of all your belongings and in a dank cell beneath an abandoned keep. A particularly ugly half-giant snores loudly next to a table with a lit candle on it. The keys on the table likely unlock your cells. Each of you is in a seperate cell, though you don't see Aeric, Terrence, or Kadinar. You also hear what sounds like soft snoring coming from farther into the jail, likely more prisoners.

So, the three of you can see each other, with a fourth cell sitting empty towards the Half-giant guard.

2014-11-20, 09:17 PM
If the keys are within ten feet of Irieonna's cell, she'll wait and watch for five minutes, and if nothing has happened yet, she'll go to the far end of the cell from the giant, cast Prestidigitation, wait while she silently counts another sixty seconds in case her incantation woke the giant up, and, if there's still no sign of a reaction, slowly levitate the keys over to herself.

If they aren't, or if it's a keyring big enough to weigh more than a pound, she'll take stock of the situation and hope someone else can do something.

2014-11-20, 11:10 PM
Irieonna is now in possession of a keyring with 10 keys on it, all similar in appearance, except for the one clearly meant for the main door of the jail.

2014-11-21, 01:05 AM
While Raytoga wakes with a splintering head ache, he pans the room to see if he can recognize the cell.
- if he does not recognize anything or anyone (besides the people from his caravan) he will act asleep while listening to the surrounding area.

Also, Raytoga notices that Irieonna has possession of a key ring. While looking at Irieonna, with hope in his eyes, he gives her a nod and patiently waits for the her move.

While his eyes are still shut and he pretends to be asleep, he attempts to detect and evil aura around them using Detect Evil. If he detects anything he will open his eyes slowly and concentrate on the area that the evil aura is emanating from, with a chance of seeing anything.
--- If he doesn't detect any evil presence he will continue waiting for Irieonna's move.

Lord Kesleth
2014-11-21, 08:22 AM
The last to wake, Argon groggily takes account of his situation. His most pressing thought was how he was abducted in the first place, he knew of his kinds natural immunity to sleep based magic and the trance state did not allow others to easily move him.

Many possible ideas moved through his mind as he took a look around the room, searching his surroundings for any hint of his captors, bar the Half-Giant lazing in the corner. If he finds nothing he quickly checks the cell for anything he may use as a weapon. As he looks he notes the Dwarf quietly obtain the cell door keys, he smiles and settles into a cross legged stance and watches intently, his eyes resting on the door for any signs of trouble.

2014-11-21, 09:42 AM
Irieonna carefully tries each of the keys that might fit her cell in its lock. She glances at the half-giant regularly to see if he seems to be stirring. If he is, she'll stop and hide the keyring: if there's any sort of bed or pallet in the cell, under that.

If she opens her door without incident, she'll next go to whichever of her two companions' cells is closer and try the keys in its lock.

2014-11-21, 12:03 PM
Kadinar looked around his tent, attempting to locate his heavy mace first. He then took stock of the situation at hand - A bugbear?!... In the camp?!... 'Freed from those'... by the gods!... he thinks to himself. Quickly, he devises a strategy as he slowly rouses and sits up.

[Orcish]"Did you kill the slavers?", the half-orc tries to use his rising concern to portray a trace of vengeful spite to his words. If allowed, he began donning his armor and gathered his gear. There was no telling what was happening outside of the canvas walls of his tent, nor what had transpired already. It was entirely possible that he would not be able to return to this camp, and he wanted to make sure that he was fully equipped, for whatever lie ahead.

2014-11-21, 11:15 PM
We captured most of them, ready to sell them into slavery. A bit of ironic comeuppance one might say she says with a toothy grin, as Kadinar dons his gear. All of it is there. When he is ready, she will lead him to the bandit leader.

Gonna let the others do something before I continue your adventure

Argon realizes that the "spell" was more likely a tranquilizer, and put him in something more akin to a coma rather than sleep. His head still aches a bit from the unfamiliar sensation. But his eyes quickly adjust to the darkness, and he notices a broken manacle on a length of chain on the floor. It might come in useful. And the Half-Giant seems to be the only captor in sight.

The only evil aura you notice is the half-giant sleeping near the door

Irieonna is able to quietly get her door open. She briefly wonders what they feed the bandits to put them so deeply to sleep, though seeing the empty bottle next to him, she has her suspicions. She quickly and quietly unlocks the cells of Raytoga and Argon, undoing the ropes tying them up. You three now stand in Raytoga's cell, in your clothes only. The half-giant sleeps roughly ten feet from the cell door, and it is another ten feet to the door out of the cells. Murmuring can be heard further into the jail area. One voice seems to be praying while the other is humming softly to himself.

2014-11-22, 07:18 AM
If there's anything in the guard's clothing that could be altered to impede him, Irieonna will do so (if he has bootlaces she uses her Prestidigitation to braid them, if a belt is holding up his pants she'll undo it, and so on). After that, if neither of her companions has done anything in the meantime, she'll go further into the jail, planning to keep letting prisoners out of cells.

2014-11-22, 01:41 PM
Raytoga consults with the others and asks if they should open the other cells to the other people, they may be of help to us. Other than that he will look for anything that may be of use as a weapon, like a plank of wood, a torch, loose metal. so on. He does not want to pick up anything that would be too loud, however. Nothing like a chain or clanking wood/metal.

2014-11-22, 01:45 PM
Presuming Raytoga asks that while Irieonna is adjusting the guard's clothing, she replies in a low voice, "Definitely. Whether they're helpful or not, I think we can take as read that these people have no moral right to detain anyone."

Lord Kesleth
2014-11-22, 02:37 PM
Argon bows his head to the dwarf upon release, picking the manacles from the floor and giving them a quick practice swing.
"Hm." He glances to the others as the dwarf adjusts their captors clothing, pursing his lips he moves to the half-giant.
"I agree, save the others." His inelligance with the common tounge shone through as he spoke. Momentarily he watched the jailer, looking on his overgrown form for any kind of blade.

IF he spots one, the elf will carefully remove it from its scabbard. Inspect it briefly and then in a single smooth motion, slide it between the jailers collarbone and throat. Spitting an elvish curse as he does.

2014-11-24, 09:20 PM
Ireonna and Raytoga move to free whoever is speaking towards the rear of the jail, while Argon finds a Kukri on the sleeping Jailer, and deftly slits his throat. The last thing the half-giant sees is the Elfs face, and then nothing.

Ireonna is able to makeout the forms of a Half-elf quietly sobbing in one of the cells, A human chained to a wall both hands and feet, and a hulking lizardman who seems to be praying in common.

The hobgoblin leads you to what looks to have been the inner courtyard of this abandoned keep. She stops in front of a large, ostentatious tent and beckons you in, The leader would like to speak with you holy one

2014-11-25, 02:26 AM
Raytoga, after freeing the people from their cells, asks where they last remember being. (He is trying to discern if this captivity spree as a random chain of kid-nappings, or if it was an organized crime.) He asks in Common tongue and elvish (if the half-elf does not know common).

- He also takes note that the lizardman and half-elf were free to move about in the cell but the human was chained by his hands and feet, he takes into account that the human may be dangerous. He quietly whispers to Ireonna "Keep an eye on the human".

Raytoga does not feel that the lizardman is an immediate threat. He reasons with himself "The man is a man of one religion or another and is understood for his faith". Also, Raytoga doesn't feel that the half-elf is an immediate threat either because she was sobbing and is obviously afraid.

2014-11-25, 11:47 AM
[Orcish]"I had not heard that the Bandits of Owlbear Hollow took prisoners.", Kadinar said, sounding surprised. He then forced himself to chuckle a bit, before adding, [Orcish]"'Slavery'... that's good. I like irony."

The half-orc exited his tent, a weight sitting heavily in his stomach. Were the others alright? What of Raytoga?, he questioned within his own mind. He continued to follow the bugbear, trying his best to look about in order to get his bearings. This was not where they had made camp... somehow magic had been used to relocate them. Something of this scale must have taken considerable power. The cleric tried to keep his investigation low-key, but cast his eyes about the keep for any sign of the others. When they finally arrived at the tent, he simply nodded to his guide before ducking through the flap.

Once inside, he allowed his eyes to adjust to the difference in lighting while standing just inside of the door to the tent.

2014-11-25, 01:19 PM
"How long have you been here?" Irieonna asks all the prisoners.

Lord Kesleth
2014-11-25, 03:37 PM
Argon watches as the others are freed, wiping the blood from his newly acquired blade on the sleeve of it's previous master.
"Esta." He mutters, relieving the guard of the blades sheathe and strapping it across his waist.

The thought of stopping to talk had not occurred to him, unarmed, few in number and mentally traumatized as many of his new companions seemed, they needed to get moving before more of their captors appeared.

"Mori'quessir" he whispered, crossing the room in two long paces. "We must move, Amin nauva auta yeste' to check the path ahead."

As much as he didn't want to admit it, the elves blood had began to pump with renewed vigor, it was time to test himself once more.

2014-12-01, 11:51 PM
The figure of the crying half-Elf fades away, and a half-elf seems to form out of the shadows of the cell

Damn, I thought that trick would work on the guard, not a fellow prisoner. Ah well, it can't be helped. He approaches Ireonna with an outstretched hand saying The name is Ayric, and these two he gestures to the chained man and the lizardman are T'lokir and Jim. We are all that remains of the Owlbear hollow mercenary company, the former tenants of this fine keep. So, have you been sent to aid us in taking back our home from these marauders? Or have they suddenly decided to take prisoners after all this time?

As Ayric speaks, the Lizardman approaches Raytoga, giving a nod saying My name is Jim, and I am a Cleric of Pelor. You too have the bearing of a holy man, may I ask who you pledge your allegiance to?

T'lokir seems to look around at the group exasperated that no one has helped him from his bonds quite yet.

As your eyes adjust to the tents light, you see a makeshift throne with a lovely human woman sitting on it, and two Dark-skinned half-elves flanking her, spears and shields in their hands. As you and the Hobgoblin enter, she greets you in Orc saying Welcome to our home fellow neer'do'well. I assume you have come wishing to thank me for freeing you from those awful slave owners? Before you can respond, she continues No thanks are necessary, all I ask is you pledge your loyalty to me now. You'll be a full member of the gang, you'll get some of the spoils, and heck, I'll even give you the holy human you were with. Seems like a sweet deal eh? Her eyes narrow as she says And you wouldn't want to seem ungrateful now, would you?

2014-12-02, 07:43 AM
Irieonna shakes the half-elf's hand. Then she goes to unchain T'lokir, if Raytoga hasn't done so already. "They took us prisoner. We were guarding a caravan last night when we were knocked out by a sleep spell. I'm not sure what happened to the rest of the caravan. My name is Irieonna."

2014-12-03, 01:23 PM
[Orcish]"I come because I was brought here.", the cleric said, indicating the female bugbear. [Orcish]"But I am thankful that you have freed me. Obad-hai upholds that freedom is enlightenment. However, I would hold the fates of all of those that took me captive in my hands. Allow me to bring all of these slavers-turned-slaves in to market; allow me to be the one to hand over the keys to their shackles; allow me to see the broken look upon their faces when they realize that the tables have turned. Of course, I do not expect for you to place such assets into my hands when my loyalty is not yet tested. Let this be my trial. Send a few of your men with me, to help keep order and to make sure that I do not take the gold for myself. Grant me this desire and, when I return, you will know the worth of my gratitude."

Kadinar spoke with as much courage and confidence as he could muster. At this last bit, he lowered himself to one knee and bowed his head towards the woman on the throne.

2014-12-04, 09:04 PM
Raytoga greats the Lizardman with a hardy smile and says "Hi I'm Raytoga, it is nice to meet another whom has chosen to follow their faith. I have pledged my allegiance to Heironeous, the god who, I would like to believe, saved me when i was a child." He then asks "Do you know anything about the human chained to the wall?"

Lord Kesleth
2014-12-06, 11:58 AM
The half elves appearance caught Argon's attention. The fact that their captors had allowed mage's to recoup their ability to bend the winds of magic so quickly boded well for any escape they could attempt. Perhaps he hadn't needed of killed the half-Giant, perhaps, but best to be safe.

"Vedui'il'er, amin essa Argon" He said, stepping close to the group placing a hand on the dwarves shoulder as he did. "Diola lle Irieonna." A small smile came as Argon struggled with the dwarven name, with luck it wasn't noticed. He turned his attention to the others.

"Lle quena i'lambe tel' Eldalie?" he questioned, hoping to not need to resort to his base understanding of the common tongue. "Lye ant kaly..."

2014-12-06, 11:37 PM
The lizardman responds to Raytoga, That is T'lorik, a cranky human who likes to follow Ayric around like a lost puppy. He grins at the human as Ireonna unties T'lorik from the wall. The human scowls at the Jim, then bows to Ireonna saying Thank you kindly miss. As my companions have stated, my name is T'lorik, a Monk of Bahamut.

As you look at the human, you notice that even though you undid his bonds, he still has a set of broken manacles on his wrists, each with a bit of chain attached.

As you get to know the two holy men, Ayric moves to Argon, and in Elven he says

I understand your impatience, but we must know those whom we travel with if we are to fight side by side. I've studied the habits of these bandits, and there will not be another to check on us for roughly 4 hours. It helps that you successfully took out that brute silently.

That is an intriguing idea. I'll have to think on it. She leans back in her chair, and as she does a gleaming violet stone on a silver chain catches your eye. As you look at it, you are filled with a hatred and loathing you've never felt before. All you know is that stone is the most evil thing you've ever encountered and it needs to be destroyed.

Knowledge Religion gives you the thought that this may be a Jewel of Domination, an evil item used to control beings of great power. But if it is one of those, who is it controlling. None in the camp you've seen so far seem powerful enough to warrant such an item's control.

You snap back to reality, and she smiles saying Elisia here will show you around camp, and to your bed in the bunkhouse. Now go, I shall summon you when I've made my decision about the slaves. With that, the Bugbear grabs you elbow and guides you out of the tent and towards the abandoned fort, which seems to be under redesign.

2014-12-07, 08:16 PM
"That is unfortunately not a language I speak," Irieonna says.

2014-12-08, 02:15 PM
Tearing his eyes away from the purple stone, Kadinar bows his head in mock-servitude while placing his fist across his chest. As the bugbear forcibly leads him from the tent, the cleric waits until they have exited and walked a short distance away from it before he spoke again.

[Orcish]"I don't think you need to hold my hand, Elisia. I have no problems with following, nor have I proved to be a threat.", Kadinar said, indicating where she was holding the crook of his arm. He then took in what he could about the layout and population of the abandoned fortress, seeing if he couldn't plan out a rough escape... should the need arise for it. He tried to play off his looking about as an interest in the construction work that was going on.

[Orcish]"It looks like there is a lot of hard work going on here - good work for tough hands and strong backs. This is good. Is it simply repairs? Or are there bigger plans to make this place suit your purposes?", the half-orc asked as he continued to follow the female bugbear.

2014-12-11, 07:19 PM
Our plan is to form a bandit company that will become the terror of these roads, freeing slaves and taking those nobles down a few pegs she laughs as she shows you to a empty bunk in the former barracks of the fort. Feel free to get some actual rest, then maybe get to know some of your new compatriots. The lady will let us know when you are to accompany some on your first raid. And with that, she heads out of the bunkroom.

2014-12-12, 11:33 AM
The cleric nodded his thanks to Elisia as she departed. Once she was gone, he left the barracks and started looking around. If anyone asked, he told them that he was trying to get the 'lay of the land' and wanted to know the strong points and weak points that the fortress possessed... in case they were attacked. But in reality, he was trying to locate where they were keeping the prisoners that they took from the caravan's encampment. It was possible that this bandit queen would allow Kadinar to carry out his proposed plan, but the half-orc wasn't going to simply wait around for that to happen or not. He at least needed to find Raytoga, to know that he was safe and uninjured enough to travel... and fight, if the need arose.

Looking about, he was fairly certain that it might.

2014-12-15, 04:39 PM
Raytoga explains to everyone that they were just the muscle for a caravan that had been ambushed at some point during the night. He doesn't remember anything that happened, he just remembers waking up in his cell. He also explains to everyone that they are missing one of the members, Kadinar, a Half-orc and long time friend of Raytoga's. He is afraid that Kadinar may be dead, or taken prisoner in another cell. Raytoga believes that if he wants to reach the end of his own goal, he must first help others reach their's.

"I know we don't fully know eachother, and some may not be able to understand another, but we are all in the same cell, held by the same jailers. I propose we help one another to get out of here. And if you wish, we may part ways after." Raytoga says this with slight hesitation in his voice. "Jim, I ask for your help, not as a Human, but as fellow holy man." He lightly rests his hand apon Jim's shoulder and looks him in the eyes with great sincerity. "Please."