View Full Version : TV What anime is this based on?

2014-11-20, 09:29 AM
So, oftentimes I play on the flash game site "Kongregate" when I'm bored. Recently one of the "hot" games is a weird game that's supposedly card based but doesn't seem to entail any real strategy called "Star Era." The game indicates in several ways that it's based on an anime, but I'm clueless to which one. More importantly, there are references to "new style humans", which is the real reason I'm posting this. What in the name of Miyamoto's mother is a "new style human" in the context of whatever anime this is from? >_<

2014-11-20, 12:16 PM
It sounds like Gundam's Newtype but without the actual game it's hard to say.

2014-11-20, 12:19 PM

It's okay to link that right?

2014-11-20, 12:24 PM
I don't see why not. It looks like it takes from a lot of anime/video games. I see elements from Blazblue Phantasy Star Online just to name two right off the bat. If there's a singular anime maybe Sword Art Online? It doesn't look like one sole thing though.

2014-11-21, 06:45 AM
Definitely not from an anime. If you actually look at the drawing style its clearly one that would actually animate that well/cheaply (I notice this a lot, most 'manga' art you see in places like ImagineFX magazine have shading techniques you'd never see in a manga).

'New style human' sounds pretty self-explanatory as a Sci Fi concept to me. More so than settings that place a random mythological name over something similar at any rate. I'd assume its just humans enhanced or created by whatever kind of tech (genetic engineering, cybernetics, cloning or nanomachines son).