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2014-11-20, 04:12 PM
The Wrath of the Eldar


THe void around the Ries system was quiet, almost supernaturally so. The massive eldar battlecruiser ghosted silently through void leaving nothing more than a shimmer against the stars in its wake. The runes had been cast and Taldareen had ordered the Emerald Dream towards the once exodite world of Ries to where a spirit stone of note has lain hidden for millenia before the primitive monkeigh settled there.


As the Emerald dream ghosted into the edge of the system the sensors scanning and searching out for anything of note in the system one of the wrath singers manning the ghost sensors nodded and transferred his feed to Taldareen and Captain Lysildur's chamber. The view unfolding all around them so that they could scrutinise the scene. Ahead they can see, on the far inner edge of the system fire blooms in the void. A trio of Imperial transports under fire scattering towards the inner solar asteroids as they are pursued by a pair of cruiser sized chaos vessels and a pair of smaller hunting frigates. The servants of the fallen gods laying in pursuit courses to intercept and destroy the hapless human transports.

With no one one on silent running you can pick up the explosions. Any more detail requires active augury
You can also skip ahead to getting closer to the enemy oif you want. Or sneak through to the Ries system

2014-11-21, 08:47 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/h_zps53ce1be2.jpg Farseer Taldareen

On Board The Emerald Dream


The vastness of space eclipsed the wall of the chamber and presented an infinite sheet of star-studded void. Its silent expanse drew ones spirit forward into an almost cathartic trance that Farseer Taldareen had to shake away in order to pry away her attention so that she could focus on the present. Allowing herself to gaze for several long seconds later into that endless expanse, the Farseer finally pulled herself away from the imagery to face the inside of her briefing chamber. A tall, clean-limbed member of a proud species, she cut a dignified figure as she crossed the elegant chamber to stand adjacent to another of her kind whom stared thoughtfully at a holographic, three-dimensional projection of the Jericho Reach. Dark of hair with athletic and handsome features, Captain Yuriel Lysildur reached forth to press a fingertip against a planet in the map which served as their destination.

"We can reach it in several days if we - "

A soft beeping from the projector station cut the captain off. Holding his tongue in consideration, he reached out and activated the communications signal.

"Captain Lysildur," the deep, metallic yet lyrical voice of the Wraithsinger chimed in as its imposing visage materialised as a hologram above the projector. A venerable wraith-construct of age and insight, its image carried several dents and twists collected from the battlefield that it had refused to correct, choosing instead to wear them as badges of pride.

"7 human vessels detected; 3 fleeing and 4 in pursuit."

The Wraithsingers image shrunk onto the peripherals of the projectors display as a live-feed of the human ships was brought through. The projector enhanced its holographic display as it included the walls and ceiling of the room to such a scale that both of the Eldar could almost feel as if they stood at a window right at the battle. The spark of laser fire and lances illuminated the room with flashes as the occasional blossoming fireball bathed the Farseer and Captain with a luminosity as beautiful in its image as it was ugly for its consequences.

This degree of magnification also granted acuity to the vessels themselves, or more specifically the pursuers - red-colored and dagger shaped.

"The Ruinous Powers," the captain uttered, exhaling sharply as he crossed his arms over his abdomen.

Behind him, Taldareen took a step forward and raised her chin. Her blue eyes were alive with scrutiny as she watched with grim removal at the scene unfolding before them.

"They're harrying Imperials this deep in the system?"

"They're doing more than that," Yuriel spoke as he took a step forward to the display, "See the smaller ones? If I were a betting man I'd wager they have grappling hooks for boarding. They'll cripple the engines, hold the transports in place, then marines from the two cruisers will board - "

"And every soul on those transports will be held up as an offering..." Taldareen finished his sentence, her lips pursed.

Understanding her meaning, Yuriel nodded slowly and grimaced his jaw. The idea of putting even one of his crew at risk for a drop in the ocean of humanity was...unsettling, to say the least. He had to trust the Farseer knew what she was doing.

Nodding, "Bring us in quickly at first, then quietly just outside their sensor range. And finally, all crew to battle stations." he spoke to the silent image of the Wraithsinger.

"Yes Captain."

Like a spear in the void, The Emerald Dream brought about its angular hull and shot forward.


Using energy conversion matrix to convert 25 power into 5 extra movement, bringing the Emerald Dream's speed up to 14 VU's. They'll use this until about 30 VU's away.

Once the ship reachings roughly 31 VU's it'll enter Silent Running: [roll0] - Na'ora is piloting and has to get under 110 (59 base + 22 ship maneuverability + 10 ordinary + 20 ship modifier). This will drop the speed to 7 VU's.

If Silent Running works, then enemies will receive -50 to detect them via auger (-20 from empyrean mantle and -30 from holographic cloaking). Hopefully they're too busy being shoot-happy with the Imperials to have a reason to make an Active Augery test.

2014-11-21, 09:04 AM

Farseer Taldareen is also utilising Void Watcher from the Void Dreamer psychic discipline section (page 129, Navis Primer). She is doing this once The Emerald Dream comes within about 35 VU's of the Imperial/Chaos ships.

Using the Eldritch Mastery talent (pg 121 of Navis Primer), Taldareen can make the check at Fettered and automatically succeed without having to roll. She is considered to have gotten degree's of success equal to her Psy Rating -1d5: 8-1D5 . If she gets 1 success, then she can detect every foreign object in range (at this power level that's 40 VU's) - ships, asteroids, debris, living beings etc, all of it. If she gets 3 or more Degree's of Success, she can also tell what the intentions of living beings are who're in range, unless a) they're aware of her psychic vigil and b) they pass a Very Hard (-30) Deceive test.

2014-11-21, 09:07 AM
Grrr: [roll0] take that away from 8, and that's how many Degree's of Success she got.

2014-11-22, 04:45 PM
The Emerald Dream shoots forwards, solar sails glistening in the strong yellow light as you plunge in towards the heart of the system. The violence continues to play out over the next couple of hours as you can see one of the transports crippled by lance and battery fire being taken alongside the pair of frigates before point blank fire from the ships of the ruinous powers shatters her hull and leaves her burning from stem to stern.

As the Dream approaches the Farseer reaches out to touch the minds of the enemy. Instantly she can feel the hate and the warped minds yearning for death, pillage and destruction. The minds of the chaos troops clear in her mind. The imperial naval troops filled with fear and doubt, desperate for successful flight! She also detects a brooding presence aboard the further of the two chaos cruisers, a warlock of some power!

To detect the void watching [roll0] TN ??

The exodite frontier world has life upon it
THe asteroid belt is full or rocks, there are 2 dead moons.
4 chaos vessels (2 cruiser (1 light) / 2 frigate)
32 Imperial tranports

As the void swallows the Dream the two cruisers slow down, sensors blasting apart the void as they search out for something new. The two frigates keeping up the chase upon the transports, the fleeing imperials and pursuing reavers on a course that will cross near yours...

Cruiser 1 (boss) [roll1] TN ??
Cruiser 2 (light) [roll2] TN ??

At 31 VU from the nearest vessels... then they have their moves

25 VU - imperial transports
27 VU - frigate 1
29 VU - frigate 2
36 VU - (light) cruiser
40 VU - (boss) cruiser

2014-11-23, 02:58 PM
On the Bridge of The Emerald Dream


Captain Yuriel stood upon the bridge of The Emerald Dream in a dignified pose; arms folded, brow furrowed and eyes alert as he watched the holographic imagery of the Imperial/Chaos engagement warp and sift in dimensions as the event unfolded. When one of the Imperial transports took several spears of fire, Yuriel watched as veins of molten metal seared to life across its cracked hull to announce its destruction.

"Our motivation just decreased by a third," he uttered over his shoulder to the auburn-haired and silent Farseer.

"Then you'd best hurry - we're going to need them." she answered quickly.

Allowing himself a smirk, Yuriel knew she was right. Those transports wouldn't last much longer - and with the cruisers scanning the area suspiciously it wouldn't be long until the Dream lost the element of surprise. Things might be easier if they were approaching from behind - but laying right in the firing range called for a different plan.

"Na'ora, creep us forward to coordinates..." Yuriel spoke as he stepped forward, hand out-stretched and pressed upon the three dimensional holographic map to show where he wanted the Dream to go.

"Weapons, ready torpedo bays for use..."

The Dream remained an observer in the void - its large, sleek form silently creeping forward as it silently watched the incoming human ships


I rolled the Flank Speed to see if we could coax some more speed out of the engines - I was going to gun forward and boom boom the frigates then dart off in the confusion and sneak around the chaos cruisers that'd hopefully forget about the Imperial transports.

But seems as the wraithbone isn't being particularly cooperative, change of plan!

Silent Running pilot roll - Yuriel: [roll0] - Target Number is 92.

The Dream then moves forward a total 7 + 1 (flank speed success) 8 squares and remains quiet. This should get them within 19 and 21 VU away from the frigates who are too busy being shooty happy; they'll be in place for an ambush next turn.

Hmm, a map might be useful.

The cruisers should be roughly 28 and 32 VU away next turn, assuredly 21 and 25 after they move.

2014-11-26, 04:55 PM
The Emerald Dream ghosts forward turning to present its flank to the oncoming transports and frigates but still a shadow in the void... The imperial transports continue to flee but more herded by the frigates that continue to pour fire into the rear of the transport. The two two cruisers however slow down, both hammering the void with the active auguries. A witch aboard one of the cruisers clearly unsettled by the powerful psychic presence in the void somewhere in the system.

The pair of frigates continue to pour fire into the transports, the trailing transport beginning to fray and come apart as aboard the Dream the skeins of runes drifting around the air beside the Farseer and the Captain indicate that the transports velocity is beginning to slow.

Cruiser 1 active augury [roll0] TN -50
Cruiser 2 active augury [roll1] TN -50

10 VU - imperial transport
12 VU - imperial transport (badly hit)
13 VU - frigate 1
14 VU - frigate 2
24 VU - (light) cruiser
27 VU - (boss) cruiser

2014-12-01, 02:30 PM
Cue dramatic/heroic music! (http://youtu.be/TulBh6klMuU?t=2m10s)

The Emerald Dream

Having crept ever closer to the engagement, the sleek, shark-like craft of the Eldar had gone unnoticed...for now. Though not coming upon any physical sensor, Farseer Taldareen's eyes narrowed slightly as she felt the presence of another - a conduit of the Warp that was nestled upon the largest Chaos vessel. It wouldn't be long until they were discovered by this mad sorcerer.

When Taldareen alerted Captain Ysildur to the situation she watched the hint of a smirk lurking in the corner of his thin lips. Having heeded her advice, he turned back to the all-encompassing bridge viewscreen and started to issue directives that were translated into action.


The gravity sails of The Emerald Dream glimmered to life as the craft pounced forward. Fueled by the compulsions of the Bonesinger Na'ora, the vessel sped through the voice of space like a knife in the void in a glittering display of the Eldar's master star-faring ability.

Such was its speed that The Emerald Dream soon had the Chaos frigates and human transports upon its starboard side. The predators of the ruinous powers were no longer the pursuer, as the sophisticated weaponry of the Eldar battlecruiser flared to life and streaked a dazzling show of firepower at both targets. Unlike the more ponderous vessels of the lesser races, The Emerald Dream continued its swift flight as it closed the distance with the two chaos cruiser.

Aboard the bridge, Farseer Taldareen pulled from the future the threads of fate that could be and chose the most favorable. Confident in her divination, she warned Captain Ysildur against the potential retaliation of Chaos before directing her insight into The Emerald Dreams weaponry once more.

Across the keel of the mighty vessel hatches slide aside to allow a dozen elegant, lance-like torpedoes to rocket forth in search of their designated prey. Meanwhile the prow and the keel of The Emerald Dream blossomed into a firestorm as rows upon rows of vicious Eldar weaponry speared hot death at the heavy Chaos cruiser.

I think it's also worth noting that "Blessed by the Emperor" can also be uttered as a warning to an ally of the psyker - in this case, Captain Ysildur as he's piloting The Emerald Dream. Because of the premonitions that he's given in this way all enemies are at -10 to hit him, which, I assume, because he's flying the ship extends to the ship itself. So with holofields, counter-measures and Blessed by the Emperor, the Chaos warships should be at -70 to hit. Also, recall that because of the holofield defenses, Eldar torpedoes ignore enemy Turret ratings.