View Full Version : City of the Sky

2007-03-24, 08:17 AM
Floating above the town is a small city, where criminals go to escape justice. It's mayor, Tor Gulder, has just arrived.

2007-03-24, 10:13 PM
Xerillum walks into the space station, looking for the Central Module. He finds it, and enters, drawing his sword. He sees the main building, and pulls a Sam Fisher. He stops behind Tor Gulder in the Main Extension Wing. Gulder turns around.
Ha. You again. You thought you had finished me when my people rebelled. You were wrong. I had poured money into this station, not as a tourist destination, or even a criminal refuge. No. I built a weapons system so advanced, it makes starships look like ox drawn carts. I have invented the Apocalyptic Gate Bomb. All I have to do is have my ground operative verify a PIN, and all hell will break loose on earth, and I mean that literally. Now, only you stand in my way, and I can fix that.

Gulder draws his blade. It glows with a vibrant yellow shine.

You who have caused me so much pain and suffering, who ruined me, who destroyed what sliver of life I had, you wil burn in hell this day I so swear!
Xerillum swings his blade down in a mighty arc, but Gulder blocks it and stabs through Xerillum's armor.
Xerillum swings again, knocking the dwarf to his back. The dwarf swings his sword to parry Xerillum's attacks, and detaches the Central Module from the City, floating above earth.
You are in a precarious position... trapped in a glass module, hovering above the earth... I could crash this right now.
Xerillum launches his sword at the dwarf, who catches the blade, pushing Xerillum back into the Reactor Core. Xerillum's sword glows blood red, and Gulder drops it, screaming in agony. Xerillum picks it up, channelig all of his power into one miniscule point on Gulder's chest. He swings his sword, cutting the tough chainmail, piercing the dwarf's heart.
You win this time, but I will have the last laugh...
Gulder falls backwards into the reactor, when a door opens from the main extension, a human figure in the mist...

Find out who it is tomorrow, on GITP-5!

2007-03-24, 11:42 PM
If any molecules of Tor Gulder manage to fall to the Town, the goblins call dib on desecrating them.

2007-03-25, 07:38 AM
jufgnsvzb o;jrhoradfgnrqburfnmtignhrtungmewojuentforwhunhobg iurthnbgtghrfvgrithnuguvrhngvann;fabtv nutvbhiurbftufvjqbhqrtuqvgbhgybnrubnvgubwtnfnbhgur tgtnuhnbgtngturgnvrngvapnrunhge'egavr

2007-03-25, 04:57 PM
far below, in the Town, the goblins desecrate the tiny bits of Tor Gulder that managed to survive the fall into the reactor and subsequent fall to earth.

2007-03-25, 05:51 PM
Xerillum's eyes go wide as the mist clears. His daughter steps out, and Xerillum goes flying into the glass wall, stuck there by a massive invisible hand.

Yes... I am part of this. The execution was a distraction. All I have to do is press one button and the bomb will go off under trog's tavern.

Wh...why? *hack* Why?

Because. I was paid hunderds of times what you could have offered. And now, you will be a hindrance no more.

A... h...hindrance? what are you talking about?

Gulder was working for me. I coordinated Liek's death. I formed the Stiletto Guild. I ordered the dwarves to invade the goblins! It was all ME! Anyone could have seen that! And now, you are going to die.
Xerillum's sword falls into the reactor, and he falls to the ground, breaking his foot.
You are a traitor... and that warrants... the DEATH PENALTY!
He forms n energy blade and stabs at Kara. She throws two daggers, one catching him in the arm, the other hitting the reactor.
Agh... He throws the blade at her, narrowly missing. He teleports the sword to his hand, and brings it down lightning fast, blocked at the last second. Kara throws him off balance, and stabs him, puncturing through his body. He bends back over the reactor core, a pit of pure energy below him. He fires a crossbow into Kara's neck, piercing it. Kara collapses in a heap, bleeding profusely.
I guess I was wrong...
Xerillum pulls himself to his feet, healing the bleeding on his arm, but bleeding still a lot; the sword had passed through his stomach, and part of it had broken off, slicing into his intestine. He staggers to the Communications Module, and sends a distress signal out. He then limps to the Stasis Module, to prolong his time alive the few precious seconds needed.

2007-03-25, 09:02 PM
((actually, going with the new revelations, I think we should probably desecrate her corpse as well.))

2007-04-02, 01:22 PM
The station enters near-earth orbit, and some parts break off. The station loses communication, and it suffers a 50% decrease in power output. Only vital lights and life support are online. A small military cruiser docks with the Stasis Module, seperating it from the station. The station shuts down. The military cruiser prepares for an earth landing. A noise can be heard on earth radios Planet niner-niner-charlie-alpha, This is Ship tango-tango-hotel-india. We are requesting an earth landing at the town.
Ship tango-tango-hotel-india, Landing accepted.

The cruiser flies to earth.

2007-04-03, 11:42 AM
Not-Renrik the goblin appears, and pokes the evil dead woman with a stick.