View Full Version : You All Woke Up In a Desert....(IC)

The Bandicoot
2014-11-20, 07:17 PM
The city of New New Aboten comes into view, it is a large city that is almost perfectly circular. Half of the city is bordered by a sea and the other half is bordered by hundred-foot walls made of stone and dotted watchtowers. It is a very lawful metropolis that serves as the major trade-hub for the entire desert.

There's a large camp outside the city walls with three ships about the size of yours and dozens of smaller ships. That's where Charlie steers the ship. Suddenly you hear a loud booming voice "Attention S.S. Cameleopardel as soon as you are settled you are to bring your manifest to the customs office and submit for a search of your ship." Charlie looks mildly nervous at this.

Hey Man Fey Man
2014-11-20, 09:35 PM
A note for the other players, since none of you probably hang around RP forums often, and we're kind of moving it spur-of-the-moment for schedule's sake: Don't assume the actions of other people. Only say your character does what your character is capable of doing, and don't assume outcomes, because we can't correct you in real-time here. We don't want to have to retcon anything. Also, we now have the advantage of not all needing to be in the same place at the same time, but still try to check here at least every few days; it's best if everyone gets at least one post between each DM update.

As soon as the voice is heard, the warlock orders his kobold slave companion to hide, and asks the short robot to "do something about your tank of baby squid things. Quickly, please."

The Bandicoot
2014-11-20, 09:56 PM
Charlie shakes his head "I ain't worried about the tank of them I'm worried about the two that ain't in the tank."

2014-11-23, 12:09 AM
The Warforged nods in agreement with Charlie. "The tank is just regular cargo. Those savages eat these things. I'll go find Thrak and ask him to hide the other ones inside the magical turban hole"

2014-11-23, 11:11 AM
"I'll stay here and distract them if you don't find the...blobs in time." The cleric walks to the side of the ship, ready to speak.

The Bandicoot
2014-11-23, 02:20 PM
"Finding thems the easy part!" Thrak shouts from the cargo bay "It's getting them to come with me that's the issue. They just keep gurgling at me and running away." he steps onto the deck and sighs "Are you sure we can't just eat them? I know a good recipe for spicy fried aboleth."

2014-11-25, 11:47 PM
Clyde watches Thrak's unsuccessful attempts to round up the aboleths and lets out a sigh of exasperation. "Do I have to do everything around here?" He then begins to.... gurgle, or so it seems, in an attempt to attract their attention.
Come to me.... come to me, my childrens..... we must hide you..... bad men are coming...... come....

2014-11-26, 10:33 AM
"What are you doing?" I ask Clyde, looking behind me curiously. "I've missed...alot."

2014-11-26, 07:37 PM
Well... I don't think I have anything to worry about. *Kicks feet up*

The Bandicoot
2014-11-26, 08:08 PM
After a short while Clyde comes back up with two aboleths, one about as big as a dog and the other slightly smaller. The big one is just gurgling away happily in apparent conversation with him while the smaller one looks on.

Charlie unwraps his turban and ushers the aboleths into the portable hole. He then looks at a ledger and blinks "Ok guys I need a quick list of what you picked up from the kobold camp. I already know about the two barrels full of ectoplasm....."

2014-12-01, 01:00 AM
"All we picked up was the weird red metal bars, and a weapon and shield made out of said metal. Oh, and some money, of course..... the Warlock nabbed the bars, and I think Thaldion ended up with the sword and shield. The bars are probably lying around here somewhere."

Hey Man Fey Man
2014-12-02, 12:06 AM
"I have, in my possession, exactly 46 ingots of Kheferu for research purposes," the warlock states before promptly walking into the city, looking for an appropriate place to pawn off his fancy-ass comb and fancy-ass sword.

The Bandicoot
2014-12-02, 12:32 AM
"Woah woah woah, you can't leave the ship until the inspection is done. I don't need to give them any more reason to give the ship any extra attention" Charlie says, stopping the fey. "Being that our cargo consists of a tank full of luxury foodstuffs, high-priced desert-dwarf sandstone sculptures, oh and a little over five and three-quarters tons of industrial-grade oil, they're already going to be suspicious" he takes a deep breath "Not to mention the kobold we apparently have stowing away since you told him to run off and hide.....why precisely did you do that by the way?"

The Bandicoot
2014-12-13, 01:41 PM
It takes about an hour for the elven inspector to come to the ship and after about a half hour of looking around he starts asking questions. Charlie politely offers the inspector a glass of wine and a small pouch and explains that he'd rather get to settling in as soon as possible. The inspector drinks the wine, looks in the pouch, and says that all the ship's affairs seem to be in order. He leaves the ship and Charlie breathes a sigh of relief. "Glad to see at least one of the inspectors is agreeable. That could've gone very badly if he hadn't been."

2014-12-13, 09:16 PM
So..? We're good to go? I can go wreak havoc? Er... Have a look around...

2014-12-13, 09:22 PM
"At least one of the inspectors?" How many are we gonna have to wait for? Also, if you could lend me your turban, I'd like to check on the Aboleths. They've been down there for quite some time....

The Bandicoot
2014-12-13, 10:08 PM
"As long as we behave we won't have to deal with any more inspectors." he turns to Thaldion "Everyone can go about but please at least attempt to avoid attracting attention. If you get in trouble with the law here the first place they'll come looking is here and the next inspector might not be able to be bought off by a weeks wages and a Sneed's token." He looks over his manifest "That and if you could get the oil appraised as well as giving me a few days notice before you guys want to leave so I have time to sell off the cargo and buy up some new stuff that'll sell good in Phu C'no Svah"

He then takes off his turban and lays it out on the deck.

2014-12-13, 10:33 PM
So uhh.. You been here before merchant? I'd like to know what fun I can have here.

The Bandicoot
2014-12-14, 01:05 AM
"Well I've been in this general area before......back when it was just New Aboten" Charlie taps Flarg's head "He's been here before in more recent times but mining an unconscious and unwilling host's head for info ain't an exact science."

2015-01-01, 09:31 PM
After discussing with Charlie what to do with the larger aboleths, Clyde gives the turban back to him. "Alright, we'll try and find someone who'll take care of 'em. If we can't by the time we leave the city, we'll just set them free into the ocean. I'm gonna go down to the market, I have some stuff to sell." Clyde then walks into the city, trying to find a jeweler within the marketplace.

2015-01-01, 10:07 PM
Well, now that we're off into this city, I'm going to walk around the Market District to find a tavern or two, and maybe if I see something shiny that catches my eye I'll come back with something something worth telling you all about.... Or maybe I'll start a fight club....

2015-01-04, 11:25 AM
"I'm going to look for a magic shop to help my cleric-ness. Then stop at a tavern. Namely whichever one Mr. Slaugter God goes to so I can make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble."

2015-01-12, 01:01 AM
As morning breaks, Clyde departs from the ship in search of his companions. After a while, he finds them in a small inn dubbed "The Humble Elemental". He approaches Thaldion and Sylkas, deliberately ignoring the warlock. "Alright, listen up guys, I found a... job that someone needs help with, and it can make us some friends in the city. Apparently there's some trouble-makers doing some unsavory, magical things with animals. The city officials need someone to apprehend the criminals, and preferably take them back alive. I volunteered to help them, you know, for the betterment of the city, being the nice guy I am. I was hoping you guys might help me out, seeing as how you seem to love your animals so much," Clyde says to Sylkas, "and you might get to kill some stuff if it get's a bit hairy," he says with a glance towards Thaldion. "So, what do you say?"

2015-01-12, 07:46 PM
*Perks up as he hears murder* So when do we start?

2016-09-07, 09:31 AM