View Full Version : Looking for a List of all 1st party 3.0 and 3.5 books

2014-11-21, 11:07 AM
Since D&D tools is no more, I was wondering if there was a list of all of the 1st party 3.0 and 3.5 books, including those of the Forgotten Realms, so that I can get the ones I really need now that I can't just look everything up instantly.

Fax Celestis
2014-11-21, 11:10 AM
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Dungeons_%26_Dragons_rulebooks#Dungeons_.2 6_Dragons_3rd_edition_and_v3.5

2014-11-21, 11:13 AM
That one is missing most campaign specific books like Forge of War

2014-11-21, 11:28 AM
That one is missing most campaign specific books like Forge of War

So you simply look for that setting the same way: Eberron sourcebooks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Eberron_modules_and_sourcebooks)
3.5 only had, like, 3 of 'em.

Aside #1: on one hand a lot of people are saying this move by WotC was unwarranted. On the other, I'm seeing a lot of "well damn, I have to get the books now" posts, which suggests that people wouldn't have done that had WotC not acted. Kinda makes you think.

Aside #2: This debacle is another big reason why I'm not switching to 5e. With no first-party online database in place to make research/browsing easy and no OGL to allow anyone else to create one, I could get fully invested in 5e only to find that a decade from now, some suit decides its continued existence is cutting into 7e's sales or whatever and I'm left high and dry digging through PDFs (or worse, crumbling dead tree editions) muttering to myself "I'm almost sure that feat was in this one..."

2014-11-21, 04:18 PM
So you simply look for that setting the same way: Eberron sourcebooks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Eberron_modules_and_sourcebooks)
3.5 only had, like, 3 of 'em.

Aside #1: on one hand a lot of people are saying this move by WotC was unwarranted. On the other, I'm seeing a lot of "well damn, I have to get the books now" posts, which suggests that people wouldn't have done that had WotC not acted. Kinda makes you think.

The question is how will they get the books? Given how people seem to be angry with WotC...

Aside #2: This debacle is another big reason why I'm not switching to 5e. With no first-party online database in place to make research/browsing easy and no OGL to allow anyone else to create one, I could get fully invested in 5e only to find that a decade from now, some suit decides its continued existence is cutting into 7e's sales or whatever and I'm left high and dry digging through PDFs (or worse, crumbling dead tree editions) muttering to myself "I'm almost sure that feat was in this one..."

And WotC is not going to help with searchable feat / PrC / Spell lists given how they're burying everything related to 3.5 into their archive sub-site with different adresses.

2014-11-21, 04:32 PM
You know it's bad when the wayback machine is the leading source of information that people are using on a regular basis.

2014-11-21, 04:39 PM
:( " feel the hate, let it flow through you..."

Lot of that seems to be going around. Thanks WotCost!

2014-11-21, 05:39 PM
The Winged Mod: Feel free to discuss legal sources (or lists, like those from Wikipedia above) of D&D PDFs, books, or information. However, please steer clear of the legal issues surrounding DnD Tools' shutdown or Wizards of the Coast. Thank you.

2014-11-21, 05:43 PM
The Winged Mod: Feel free to discuss legal sources (or lists, like those from Wikipedia above) of D&D PDFs, books, or information. However, please steer clear of the legal issues surrounding DnD Tools' shutdown or Wizards of the Coast. Thank you.

Will do.

I don't know where you'd get them (I think you can buy them used at places, though I don't think WOTC prints them anymore).

Extra Anchovies
2014-11-21, 05:45 PM
And WotC is not going to help with searchable feat / PrC / Spell lists given how they're burying everything related to 3.5 into their archive sub-site with different adresses.

Check the two links at the bottom of my signature. The first is a first-party list of dang near everything printed in a first-party book, with references to source book and source page. The second does the same for Dragon Magazine.

Thanks WotCost!

Wizards of the Cost. Clever.

2014-11-21, 05:53 PM
Check the two links at the bottom of my signature. The first is a first-party list of dang near everything printed in a first-party book, with references to source book and source page. The second does the same for Dragon Magazine.

You are a god amongst mortals, my friend.

2014-11-21, 05:56 PM
So you simply look for that setting the same way: Eberron sourcebooks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Eberron_modules_and_sourcebooks)
3.5 only had, like, 3 of 'em.

That list is also missing like... all of the FR stuff.

Here's some that exist that aren't on wiki's list:

champions of ruin
city of splendors: waterdeep
faiths and pantheons
forgotten realms campaign setting
lords of darkness
lost empires of faerun
magic of faerun
monsters of faerun
player's guide to faerun
power of faerun
races of faerun
serpent kingdoms
shining south
silver marches

bastion of broken souls (module)
champions of valor
dragon compendium
expedition to the demonweb pits (module, but this is where jaunter and some other stuff is)
expedition to castle ravenloft (module, features some classes, feats, etc)
shattered gates of slaughtergarde (module, features a mess of new prcs)

wikipedia's list of eberron books is (to my knowledge) complete as it stands.

hope that helps you.

Aside #1: on one hand a lot of people are saying this move by WotC was unwarranted. On the other, I'm seeing a lot of "well damn, I have to get the books now" posts, which suggests that people wouldn't have done that had WotC not acted. Kinda makes you think.

Not really? As of 2008, all wotc's 3.x stuff is out of print, so if one buys it nowadays, it'll be from a secondary retailer like amazon's affiliates (for the most part) so it's not like wotc is getting any of that money, so it doesn't even make sense from a mercenary perspective.

Aside #2: This debacle is another big reason why I'm not switching to 5e. With no first-party online database in place to make research/browsing easy and no OGL to allow anyone else to create one, I could get fully invested in 5e only to find that a decade from now, some suit decides its continued existence is cutting into 7e's sales or whatever and I'm left high and dry digging through PDFs (or worse, crumbling dead tree editions) muttering to myself "I'm almost sure that feat was in this one..."
You'll get no arguments from me there.

Extra Anchovies
2014-11-21, 06:07 PM
You are a god amongst mortals, my friend.

Heheheh thanks. I added them to my sig after the-site-which-must-not-be-named went down, for just this reason :smallsmile:

Fax Celestis
2014-11-21, 06:27 PM
That list is also missing like... all of the FR stuff.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Forgotten_Realms_modules_and_sourcebooks#D ungeons_.26_Dragons_3rd_edition

2014-11-21, 06:33 PM
Aside #1: on one hand a lot of people are saying this move by WotC was unwarranted. On the other, I'm seeing a lot of "well damn, I have to get the books now" posts, which suggests that people wouldn't have done that had WotC not acted. Kinda makes you think.

Aside #2: This debacle is another big reason why I'm not switching to 5e. With no first-party online database in place to make research/browsing easy and no OGL to allow anyone else to create one, I could get fully invested in 5e only to find that a decade from now, some suit decides its continued existence is cutting into 7e's sales or whatever and I'm left high and dry digging through PDFs (or worse, crumbling dead tree editions) muttering to myself "I'm almost sure that feat was in this one..."

Point #2 is highly valid, but point #1 really doesn't seem to serve the purpose that I would expect WotC to be wishing to accomplish with this move.

Presumably, the idea is "We'll get rid of easy access to 3e/3.5 materials, and then the 3.5 players will be more likely to move to 5e." The issue with this is that a lot of 3.5 players are going to decide to act similarly due to your 2nd point, and probably prefer to move to Pathfinder. If the idea was "Now they'll buy the books for 3.5!" that doesn't matter at all, or make sense for the company to do. There's no more first market for the books, only a secondary market; WotC doesn't get a dime from 3.5 book sales anymore, seeing as they don't sell those books. So that reasoning would just be silly.

I don't know exactly why they did this and I strongly suspect all it will do is encourage people to move to Pathfinder, who I understand is presently their biggest competitor. But at the very least, they haven't removed the SRD, thank goodness.

2014-11-21, 06:49 PM
Point #2 is highly valid, but point #1 really doesn't seem to serve the purpose that I would expect WotC to be wishing to accomplish with this move.

Presumably, the idea is "We'll get rid of easy access to 3e/3.5 materials, and then the 3.5 players will be more likely to move to 5e." The issue with this is that a lot of 3.5 players are going to decide to act similarly due to your 2nd point, and probably prefer to move to Pathfinder. If the idea was "Now they'll buy the books for 3.5!" that doesn't matter at all, or make sense for the company to do. There's no more first market for the books, only a secondary market; WotC doesn't get a dime from 3.5 book sales anymore, seeing as they don't sell those books. So that reasoning would just be silly.

I don't know exactly why they did this and I strongly suspect all it will do is encourage people to move to Pathfinder, who I understand is presently their biggest competitor. But at the very least, they haven't removed the SRD, thank goodness.

not sure why they'd think making 3.5 harder to access would make people play 5e, since taking down crystalkeep didn't help boost 4e's numbers.

right, that's what I was saying about secondary sales, so they don't care whether you buy the books or not, it does not help them and all it does is alienate their existing customer base, like basically every decision they make.

the SRD is OGL, so they don't have a legal leg to stand on to take it down.

2014-11-21, 06:57 PM
not sure why they'd think making 3.5 harder to access would make people play 5e, since taking down crystalkeep didn't help boost 4e's numbers.

right, that's what I was saying about secondary sales, so they don't care whether you buy the books or not, it does not help them and all it does is alienate their existing customer base, like basically every decision they make.

the SRD is OGL, so they don't have a legal leg to stand on to take it down.

Just to remind people, Mod warned us all to avoid legality, so we probably should.

2014-11-21, 07:17 PM
Check the two links at the bottom of my signature. The first is a first-party list of dang near everything printed in a first-party book, with references to source book and source page. The second does the same for Dragon Magazine.

In French, "Extra" can be use as a synonym for "Awesome".

The one things the that the list of WotC lacks is precisely the list of books however.

Point #2 is highly valid, but point #1 really doesn't seem to serve the purpose that I would expect WotC to be wishing to accomplish with this move.

Presumably, the idea is "We'll get rid of easy access to 3e/3.5 materials, and then the 3.5 players will be more likely to move to 5e." The issue with this is that a lot of 3.5 players are going to decide to act similarly due to your 2nd point, and probably prefer to move to Pathfinder. If the idea was "Now they'll buy the books for 3.5!" that doesn't matter at all, or make sense for the company to do. There's no more first market for the books, only a secondary market; WotC doesn't get a dime from 3.5 book sales anymore, seeing as they don't sell those books. So that reasoning would just be silly.

I don't know exactly why they did this and I strongly suspect all it will do is encourage people to move to Pathfinder, who I understand is presently their biggest competitor. But at the very least, they haven't removed the SRD, thank goodness.

WotC seems to be wanting to have 3.5 disappear completely and everybody all of a sudden playing 5E. Not gonna happen and they should be more realistic. People will not turn to buy the books, since the books are not really available. I don't even think they are legally available as PDF, besides a few of them on DriveTHRU. And they won't turn to 5E, since it only has the PHB, the MM and one adventure. They will just keep doing what they have been doing for years, using the books they already have and sometimes finding other things from non legal sources, or going to Pathfinder.

2014-11-21, 07:25 PM
Just out of curiosity when does the copyright on 3.5 stuff expire?

Fax Celestis
2014-11-21, 07:30 PM
Just out of curiosity when does the copyright on 3.5 stuff expire?

95 years from first publication or 120 years from creation, whichever is shorter.

The 3.5 PHB's copyright is up July 1, 2123. Your grandkids can have PDFs of everything.

2014-11-21, 07:35 PM

2014-11-21, 07:46 PM

well, wotc's owned by hasbro, one of the few companies disney might not assimilate in the next century

2014-11-21, 08:54 PM
That list is also missing like... all of the FR stuff.

Did you like... read what I wrote? :smalltongue:

If you want to find all FR sourcebooks, an article listing Eberron sourcebooks is an odd place to be reading, no?

Point #2 is highly valid, but point #1 really doesn't seem to serve the purpose that I would expect WotC to be wishing to accomplish with this move.

Presumably, the idea is "We'll get rid of easy access to 3e/3.5 materials, and then the 3.5 players will be more likely to move to 5e." The issue with this is that a lot of 3.5 players are going to decide to act similarly due to your 2nd point, and probably prefer to move to Pathfinder. If the idea was "Now they'll buy the books for 3.5!" that doesn't matter at all, or make sense for the company to do. There's no more first market for the books, only a secondary market; WotC doesn't get a dime from 3.5 book sales anymore, seeing as they don't sell those books. So that reasoning would just be silly.

I don't know exactly why they did this and I strongly suspect all it will do is encourage people to move to Pathfinder, who I understand is presently their biggest competitor. But at the very least, they haven't removed the SRD, thank goodness.

They do sell some. As mentioned, the DrivethruRPG stuff, and the Premium PDFs.

As for whether it was a good idea... heh.

2014-11-21, 08:59 PM
Did you like... read what I wrote? :smalltongue:

If you want to find all FR sourcebooks, an article listing Eberron sourcebooks is an odd place to be reading, no?

Yeah, I did, but I meant the "3.0 and 3.5 list" which I thought was exhaustive, so I put the stuff that wasn't there. fax then came in and linked the FR stuff, which was on a separate page. I didn't mean "why isn't the fr stuff on the eberron page"

2014-11-21, 10:31 PM
Yeah, I did, but I meant the "3.0 and 3.5 list" which I thought was exhaustive, so I put the stuff that wasn't there. fax then came in and linked the FR stuff, which was on a separate page. I didn't mean "why isn't the fr stuff on the eberron page"

Which is why I wrote:

So you simply look for that setting the same way:

i.e. you google "list of {setting} sourcebooks" - Google-fu ftw :smallsmile:

2014-11-21, 10:34 PM
Which is why I wrote:

i.e. you google "list of {setting} sourcebooks" - Google-fu ftw :smallsmile:

I thought you were specifically talking about eberron. usually my google-fu's pretty good. I haven't looked up lists of sourcebooks since I completed my library a few years ago once the last stuff went out of print.

2014-11-22, 07:09 AM

2014-11-23, 02:12 PM
bastion of broken souls (module)
expedition to the demonweb pits (module, but this is where jaunter and some other stuff is)
expedition to castle ravenloft (module, features some classes, feats, etc)
shattered gates of slaughtergarde (module, features a mess of new prcs)

Are any of these for specific campaign settings? And are they all from the same edition or are some 3.0 and others 3.5? I'm trying to make a list of books and sorting them by campaign setting and a few other categories because I need to sort out what books get priority on my buy list.

Also I know they weren't 1st party but does anyone have a list of the Dragonlance campaign setting books?

2014-11-23, 02:42 PM
Are any of these for specific campaign settings? And are they all from the same edition or are some 3.0 and others 3.5? I'm trying to make a list of books and sorting them by campaign setting and a few other categories because I need to sort out what books get priority on my buy list.

Also I know they weren't 1st party but does anyone have a list of the Dragonlance campaign setting books?

No, none of them are for specific campaign settings. Bastion of Broken Souls is 3.0. It's also noteworthy for being the first canonical mention of Ashadalon, Pyre of the Unborn. the rest are 3.5.

Dragonlance campaign setting is actually first party. subsequent ones are third.

here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Dragonlance_modules_and_sourcebooks) is the rest of the dragonlance books.