View Full Version : Spells or Items that can create a forest.

2014-11-21, 04:25 PM
I've got a druid that is trying to come up with a way to grow his own forest. Any ideas?

2014-11-21, 04:36 PM
What timeframe are you working within?

If you have plenty of time, there's a 0-level spell from the Dark Sun setting called Nurturing Seeds which is ideal for this sort of thing.

According to the wording, all seeds treated with this spell "magically take root," which means the spell ensures 100% germination. In terms of plant growth and forest regeneration, that's huge. The seeds will still need rain, nutrients, and sunlight, but if you're working with fast-growing species (say loblolly pine, catalpa, hickory, etc.) then you'd have a decent low canopy in 10-15 years, and heavy forest cover in 20-30 years.

2014-11-21, 04:46 PM
What timeframe are you working within?

If you have plenty of time, there's a 0-level spell from the Dark Sun setting called Nurturing Seeds which is ideal for this sort of thing.

According to the wording, all seeds treated with this spell "magically take root," which means the spell ensures 100% germination. In terms of plant growth and forest regeneration, that's huge. The seeds will still need rain, nutrients, and sunlight, but if you're working with fast-growing species (say loblolly pine, catalpa, hickory, etc.) then you'd have a decent low canopy in 10-15 years, and heavy forest cover in 20-30 years.

The quicker the better, but I'm going to keep that spell in mind.

2014-11-21, 05:00 PM
Lots of Tree Feather Tokens?

Honestly, Plant Growth seems to do exactly what you want.

2014-11-21, 06:36 PM
Lots of Tree Feather Tokens?

Honestly, Plant Growth seems to do exactly what you want.

And the best part is it's 1/3 of normal growth, not 1/3 of the newly adjusted growth after casting, so it won't asymptotically approach 2x normal growth, but will add 33% to normal growth with each casting. Blow all your slots on that every day and you should be able to grow a bunch of forest in no time.

don't forget your somatic components, though (http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/055/6/6/totoro_make_the_plants_grow_by_ask_elinor-d5w55il.gif)