View Full Version : Sand Elemental

2014-11-21, 06:57 PM
Hey guys!

I'm working on an idea for a Character modeled after Gaara from Naruto (Link Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?383982-Modeling-a-Character-after-Gaara)if you want to see the thread I've got going for him). It occurred to me that it might be neat to take the "Summon Elemental" Reserve feat from Complete Mage. But I only really like the idea if I can find a way to get a Sand elemental.

So, Does anyone know of a Sand elemental that exists in a first party 3.5 source? Or really in any reliable source.

Thanks a bunch!

Tarlek Flamehai
2014-11-21, 07:11 PM
Tome of Horrors (Revised) by Necromancer Games: Sandling and Sandman
Sandstorm by WotC: Sand Golem

2014-11-21, 07:19 PM
Tome of Horrors (Revised) by Necromancer Games: Sandling and Sandman
Sandstorm by WotC: Sand Golem

I had seen the Sand Golem, but it isn't quite the same. It's a little strong, even if I try to back it up some.

And I'll check around for that other source. Thanks!

2014-11-22, 01:55 AM
Is it to much to ask your DM to refluff an Earth Elemental into a Sand one? Earth is basically ground rock, and sand is basically ground earth. No reason this shouldn't work.

Extra Anchovies
2014-11-22, 02:20 AM
Take a water elemental, then replace water mastery with earth mastery, replace swim speed with earth glide, and replace vortex with the air elemental's whirlwind. Leave Drench because sand extinguishes fires pretty well.

2014-11-22, 10:59 AM
Is it to much to ask your DM to refluff an Earth Elemental into a Sand one? Earth is basically ground rock, and sand is basically ground earth. No reason this shouldn't work.

Yeah, that was my first approach. But I've been doing a lot of just "reskinning". I was hoping for something else that would actually be different. Know what I mean?

Take a water elemental, then replace water mastery with earth mastery, replace swim speed with earth glide, and replace vortex with the air elemental's whirlwind. Leave Drench because sand extinguishes fires pretty well.

This seems like a legitimate idea. I really kind of like it. Thanks a bunch!

Extra Anchovies
2014-11-22, 05:44 PM
This seems like a legitimate idea. I really kind of like it. Thanks a bunch!

Thanks! Sand sort of acts more like a liquid when it's in motion, so I felt that a reworked water elemental would be appropriate.

2014-11-23, 12:14 AM
There is a spell in the Sandstorm sourcebook called Awaken Sand.
The following is a quick description from the spell.

> You awaken a region of sand, or similar material, to human-like sentience. To succeed, you must make a DC 18 Will save. The awakened sand is friendly toward you. You have no special empathy or connection with sand you awaken, although it serves you in specific tasks or endeavors if you communicate your desire to it.
The sand creature you awaken has the same statistics as a Huge animated object with a base land speed of 40 feet and a burrow speed of 20 feet. Unlike normal animated objects, awakened sand beings have the earth subtype, and their Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores are each 3d6. A sand being has immunity to polymorphing.
