View Full Version : [3.P] Turning secondary natural attacks into primary natural attacks

Extra Anchovies
2014-11-23, 04:08 AM
Is there any way to make a secondary natural attack count as primary for the purposes of attack bonus and damage, or to at least get full Strength modifier on secondary attacks?

2014-11-23, 05:24 AM
Is there any way to do it, or to at least get full Strength modifier on secondary attacks?

Your question does not make sense. I advise reading ur-priest's monster handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?207928-Urpriest-s-Monstrous-Monster-Handbook) which explains this (and numerous other related) issues.

While you do, tell us about your specific example and what your general goals are so we can come at it from a different angle. As-is, the rules simply do not work this way.

Extra Anchovies
2014-11-23, 05:57 PM
The "it" in my OP refers to the thread title:

Is there any way to [turn secondary natural attacks into primary natural attacks], or to at least get full Strength modifier on secondary attacks?

The context: I'm tentatively working on a character who'll be gaining a lot of secondary natural attacks through class features (they won't have any inherent natural attacks, and won't be shapeshifting into other monsters), and I would prefer them to be primary attacks. What I'm asking is whether there's any way for a secondary natural attack to become a primary natural attack, or at least for a secondary natural attack to gain full Strength bonus to damage.

Also, this is for a 3.P game, not 3.5; I'll be changing the thread title to show that.

Sorry for the confusion.