View Full Version : Pathfinder Flowing Monk - Rules Question

2014-11-23, 02:39 PM
I have a question about how the flowing monk's elusive target ability works.
On the SRD it says that if you are being flanked when you use this ability, and you successfully evade the damage, you can redirect the damage to the enemy opposite the enemy attacking.
What's confusing to me is how the ability is presented.
The flanking clause is presented immediately after the 11th level improvement to the amount of damage evaded, without a paragraph break.
Does this mean that the flanking part of this ability can only be used once you reach 11th level, or is it an active part of the ability when you first get the ability at 5th level?

2014-11-23, 04:20 PM
It applies to both versions (the 5th level version and the 11th level version.) Before 11th, you can only cause the flanker to take half damage and only by succeeding at your saving throw. At 11+, the flanker takes half the damage if you fail (you take the other half), and all of the damage if you succeed (you take none.)

2014-11-23, 10:35 PM
Cool. Thanks for clearing that up for me.