View Full Version : DM Help Boccobian Ortho and heterodoxies running a city?

2014-11-23, 05:26 PM
Hello everybody!

I'm designing a city for a campaign that is run primarily by the church of Boccob. Now normally the clergy tends to stay out of political affairs and the like, but suppose they were in charge of a city. What would it be like?

I was thinking that the orthodox Boccobians maintaining strict neutrallity would be at the forefront by having the largest worshiping base.

I was thinking that there would be four heterodoxies that revolve around the four other alignments that Baccob clerics can be.

Neutral Good

Lawful Neutral

Chaotic Neutral

Neutral Evil

I'm having some difficulty fitting these four aspects together. So I came on here to brainstorm and get some ideas from everyone on the thought.

Soooooooo GO!
