View Full Version : Does Rich like the movie 300?

2007-03-24, 10:06 PM
I'ved noticed all thruout the last couple comics, there are Stuff, that is somewhat like the movie 300
(just to let you know, some of the quotes from 300 might be a little off, forgot how it went)
300 "Than we will fight in the shade"

Elan "But I don't want to fight in the shade" (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0425.html)

300: when they pause the movie when the one guy goes to attack the person, the sun shines like on this

Look at the first panel (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0430.html)

300: "Tonight we Dine in hell!"

7 Panel down, captin person "We may die today, men- but atleast we die with HONOR!" (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0430.html)


Post anymore you might of found

2007-03-24, 10:09 PM
Pure coincidence. You can find those in any movie. Especially the second and third one.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-03-24, 10:11 PM
And it isn't die in hell, it is dine.

The Giant
2007-03-24, 10:11 PM
No. I didn't see the movie, never read the comic, have no intention of seeing either (I'm not a fan of Frank Miller's work). The exact quote about fighting in the shade is a reference to the historical battle that 300 is based on, but as a fan of classical history, I was aware of the quote long before 300 came along; the other "references" are mere coincidence (and not very coincidental at that).

2007-03-24, 10:11 PM
And it isn't die in hell, it is dine.

oh really? dang

2007-03-24, 10:12 PM
No. I didn't see the movie, never read the comic, have no intention of seeing either (I'm not a fan of Frank Miller's work). The exact quote about fighting in the shade is a reference to the historical battle that 300 is based on; the other "references" are mere coincidence (and not very coincidental at that).

thanks for summing it up, great work on your comics

2007-03-24, 10:20 PM
"Than we will fight in the shade"

Refers to the Battle of Thermopylae, which 300 depicts.

2007-03-24, 11:28 PM
300 "Than we will fight in the shade"

Elan "But I don't want to fight in the shade" (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0425.html)


This is probably the only potential reference, and since the Giant's already declared it otherwise, all I can surmise is that it's an alleged quote from King Leonides and all 300 had to do with its inclusion was probably coming out around this time and reminding him of Thermopylae.

300: when they pause the movie when the one guy goes to attack the person, the sun shines like on this

Look at the first panel (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0430.html)


Dramatic lighting. It happens quite often.

300: "Tonight we Dine in hell!"

7 Panel down, captin person "We may die today, men- but atleast we die with HONOR!" (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0430.html)


Nothing at all similar: Honorable deaths weren't solely the province of Spartans, though they were pretty big on it. Probably about as much as, say... the samurai, off of whom the Sapphire Guard is base, or maybe paladins.

2007-03-25, 02:29 AM
This is worse than when V for Vendetta killed Guy Fawkes Night.

The Extinguisher
2007-03-25, 02:46 AM
Wait, there are people who didn't like 300?
This is maddness!

2007-03-25, 02:48 AM
Wait, there are people who didn't like 300?
This is maddness!

Don't get me started...

2007-03-25, 02:56 AM
So, does this mean we can expect a "Come and get them" quip in the future?

2007-03-25, 04:40 AM
Right now, 300 is just ripe for pop-culture mention..

Renegade Paladin
2007-03-25, 06:15 AM

Dude. The "We shall fight in the shade" quote has been around for literally two thousand years. The second "reference" does bear some passing resemblance to a scene in one of the trailers (I haven't seen the movie yet), but that kind of backlighting and everything has been around for years. As for the third, come on. We're talking about a samurai saying that; why do you need to look as far west as Sparta for inspiration? :smalltongue:

2007-03-25, 06:29 AM

Dude. The "We shall fight in the shade" quote has been around for literally two thousand years.

Make that 2500 years...

How come they say that he said "We shall fight in the shade" but they also say there were no survivors.

2007-03-25, 06:33 AM
How come they say that he said "We shall fight in the shade" but they also say there were no survivors.The Greeks did drama far better than they did history :smallwink:

2007-03-25, 06:33 AM
As said above, 300 depicts the battle of Thermopylae- although inaccurately, because I think the number of Persians there was 100,000 and not a million.

"We'll fight in the shade" was quoted by Herodotus, who wasn't present at the battle, but wrote about it. (I THINK, feel free to correct me)

"Tonight we die with HONOUR!" has been used many times, in all sorts of movies. Can you imagine how many times Oriental armies will have chanted that? (And European empires, for that matter)

2007-03-25, 06:47 AM
The light thing happens all the time

2007-03-25, 07:08 AM

Fixed 4 u. Now a proper 300 reference.

2007-03-25, 12:39 PM
what's it take to make a comic, 2-3 days? that let's the giant keep right on top of the cutting edge of popular culture

2007-03-25, 01:09 PM
(I'm not a fan of Frank Miller's work)

I.... see.

Wait, no I don't. Are you saying you don't like DKR? Duty and Honor? C'mon, you can't mean you dislike DKR. I'll understand if Strikes Back ruined it for you. I can even understand if you didn't like Sin City, it's not for everyone.

But are you seriously not a fan of the greatest Batman Story ever, and the greatest Wolverine mini-series ever?


2007-03-25, 01:12 PM
As said above, 300 depicts the battle of Thermopylae- although inaccurately, because I think the number of Persians there was 100,000 and not a million.

To be fair, the movie never explicitly says there are a million Persians--Leonidas says something along the lines of "The Persians claim they have a million men, but we will hope they are exaggerating" when he's talking to the old men on the mountain. Making your forces appear larger to overawe an enemy has been a common battlefield tactic since further back than even the Spartans! It DOES state explicitly that there are 90,000 Persians present at the battle a year later (10,000 Spartans, 20,000 Free Greeks, odds of 3 to 1), and it seems fairly unlikely that Leonidas' 300 men were able to kill more than nine hundred thousand of the opposition...

Green Bean
2007-03-25, 03:50 PM
Wait, there are people who didn't like 300?
This is maddness!

must...resist...perfect setup.

Aw, forget it.


Saithis Bladewing
2007-03-25, 04:35 PM
Dude. The "We shall fight in the shade" quote has been around for literally two thousand years. The second "reference" does bear some passing resemblance to a scene in one of the trailers (I haven't seen the movie yet), but that kind of backlighting and everything has been around for years. As for the third, come on. We're talking about a samurai saying that; why do you need to look as far west as Sparta for inspiration? :smalltongue:

Oh, I don't know, maybe because it is a famous quote from the Battle of Thermopylae that predates 300 by about 2500 years. :P

2007-03-25, 05:15 PM
Heh, before seeing #425 I thought that most people will get the "Fight in the shade" reference even without this "300" movie(that I haven't seen and I'm not going to do so). Guess I was overly optimistic.

2007-03-25, 05:19 PM
I thought it was a reference to British Longbowmen, because they were described in AoE II manual as "shooting so many arrows at an area that the sky would turn black from the shafts" or something like that.

Never heard of any other similar thing until 300. Guess I was wrong, eh?

2007-03-25, 05:33 PM
well at the real battle of thermopolye the persian army was some where between 200-300 thousand. records indicate they lost about 10-20k at the battle. Well that land battle they eluded to at the end was not what defeated the persians. the sea battle at solomus i believe was the name was what really won the war. they destroyed enough persian ships the persians had to flee before they ran out of suppplies, which the ships were carrying.

2007-03-25, 05:41 PM
It DOES state explicitly that there are 90,000 Persians present at the battle a year later (10,000 Spartans, 20,000 Free Greeks, odds of 3 to 1), and it seems fairly unlikely that Leonidas' 300 men were able to kill more than nine hundred thousand of the opposition...

In the battle of Platea.

Which occurred after the vast majority of the Persian army left Greece, after deeming it a "successful" campaign. They came to torch Athens. They did so. Then, after the Greeks actually started winning battles, Xerxes ended the campaign and left, taking his army with him.
Oop, t_t_r is faster than me. =(

The battle of Platea was simply the Greeks pushing out those few Persian warlords who had decided to stay because of the nice weather.

Tussy the Druid
2007-03-25, 05:57 PM
Don't get me started...

Ditto. I wrote a long paragraph on why 300 wasn't that great. www.ultimate-reviews.net

I go by Irish Monkey there though, stole the other guys' name.

2007-03-25, 06:20 PM
How come they say that he said "We shall fight in the shade" but they also say there were no survivors.

Because at the time he said that, there were still other Greek soldiers there. The other Greeks retreated when a local shepherd turned traitor and told the Persians how to encircle the Greek position. The 300 Spartans, and about 1000 Thespians, remained.

Grey Watcher
2007-03-25, 06:59 PM
You have no idea how many times I've seen the sun (or moon) used that way in comics, movies, TV shows.... It's not anything unique to 300.

Also, I'm not seeing the similarity between the line about dining in Hell and the samurai's line about dying with honor. :smallconfused:

2007-03-25, 07:02 PM
Come on!

Dine in hell.

Die with honor.

There are a lot of similarities.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-03-25, 07:53 PM
Come on!

Dine in hell.

Die with honor.

There are a lot of similarities.

As in the first word contains three of the same letters and the third word start with the same letters?

I hope you were being sarcastic Khantalas, because...yeah...look into the semantics, people...

A Large Bear
2007-03-26, 03:47 PM
I have faith that he was being sarcastic. Honestly, people, I know that the interwebs have removed a lot of people's faith in humanity, but there are some things that we should take on faith as sarcastic ;P

2007-03-26, 03:55 PM
I was sarcastic. Couldn't tell? Lack of smilies might be why.

2007-03-26, 04:09 PM
I was sarcastic. Couldn't tell? Lack of smilies might be why.

Yeah, sure :smallbiggrin: you were being :smalltongue: sarc:smallamused:astic. Ri-i-i-i-ight.

2007-04-05, 08:12 AM
For feck sake, it's "then"!

2007-04-05, 10:11 AM
I.... see.

Wait, no I don't. Are you saying you don't like DKR? Duty and Honor? C'mon, you can't mean you dislike DKR. I'll understand if Strikes Back ruined it for you. I can even understand if you didn't like Sin City, it's not for everyone.

But are you seriously not a fan of the greatest Batman Story ever, and the greatest Wolverine mini-series ever?

Seriously?Not a fan here either...

2007-04-05, 11:54 AM
So, does this mean we can expect a "Come and get them" quip in the future?
Come and get them is also from the original Battle of Thermopylae. Or at least the legends resulting from it.

2007-04-05, 05:16 PM
Exactly the point. Rich hasn't seen 300. Or, at least, he hadn't at the time I made that post.

2007-04-05, 07:24 PM
Hmm, Roy is bald...omg this is a startrek next generation rip-off comic!

OP is about as close to the mark as I am.