View Full Version : DM Help Campaign creation issue... Naming convention

2014-11-24, 10:27 AM
I'm working on a campaign setting, but can't think of names for some of the planes. What I want to do is give the planes interesting names to add more flavor, maybe something latin-based. I need Fire, Ice, Earth and Air. Anyone know of any good sources for names, or have any ideas? I'm probably not going to publish it on any website, so I don't really mind if the name is used somewhere else.
Acheron: The plane of suffering and decay, the underworld, and final resting place of those who have forsaken their beliefs or destroyed the souls of others.
Myrmidonia: The plane of valorous knights and glorious unending battle. This is the final resting place of chivalrous and honorable fighters, knights, and other souls who choose it- so long as they had a clean code of honor.
Aquilas: The plane of water. Here is where water magic originates.
Faywood: The plane of the fair folk. It is here that the spirits of fey originate, and it is here that they eventually return. Illusion magic originates here, as well.
Aetherium: The plane of shadows, of lost and wandering souls.

2014-11-24, 03:18 PM
Fire - Lavos (named after the final boss in Chrono Trigger)

Ice - Glacion (from glacier)

Earth - Terreria (named after the game where you dig - it can be all dirt with minerals scattered about.)

Air - Balam (balam means 'wind' in Korean.

2014-11-24, 03:48 PM
Fire - Lavos (named after the final boss in Chrono Trigger)

Ice - Glacion (from glacier)

Earth - Terreria (named after the game where you dig - it can be all dirt with minerals scattered about.)

Air - Balam (balam means 'wind' in Korean.

I think he wanted something with a theme, not different things pulled from all over the place?

For reference, in latin: Ignis - Fire, Aqua - Water, Aeris - Air, Terra - Earth (Wonder where they got the names for the elemental languages :smalltongue:)

Edit: To be honest, i personally quite like just using "Elemental plane of X" as the naming convention for the inner planes, but I also like to use an expanded inner plane setting, so have para and quasi planes. Combination of 2 elemental planes makes a paraelemental plane, excluding opposing elements, and combination of energy (positive or negative) and elemental makes a quasielemental plane. The typical ones are:

Fire-Earth -> Lava
Fire-Air -> Smoke
Air-Water -> Ice
Earth-Water -> Ooze

+Fire+ -> Radiance
+Water+ -> Steam
+Air+ -> Lightning
+Earth+ -> Mineral

-Fire- ->Ash
-Water- -> Salt
-Air- -> Vacuum
-Earth- -> Dust

You can expand that even further by having quasi-paraelemental planes, which are essentially a combination of 2 paraelementals and either positive or negative. Those aren't so frequently used, and seem to vary from setting to setting. This is the one I personally use (it also moves some of the quasi and para planes around)

2014-11-27, 10:58 PM
I'm actually not too concerned about a theme, but just looking for names for flavor. I may, however have to go with elemental plane of x, because I really like the diagram. Plasma elementals? Might just wreck a campaign binding one of those into a metal tube. :smallbiggrin: