View Full Version : Wow Warlock and Tyrande Whisperwind in Pathfinder

2014-11-25, 04:37 AM
Okay so I'm a fan of Warcraft 3 and WOW and Decided to do a bit of DMing in Azeroth. So I have been converting a number of things intr pathfinder and spent about a month looking online for the Wow Warlock as a Pathfinder Class... I ended up finding the answer offline... In Pathfinder Advanced Class Guide there is an Arcanist archtype called Occultist. And I feel that This Class Archtype truly embraces the WOW concept of the Warlock That we have all come to Know and love. And the basic Class is actually Very Close to the Dnd Warlock if a little better balanced for Pathfinder. This Book also Supplied me With the Shaman for Thralls Orcs and The Hunter Class in a manner very close to the spirit of WOW in an Official Pathfinder Book... Check it out.

My Question is though How Would you Do Tyrande Whisperwind? One of My Players want a Character Like that and it would fit in well with the Current Quest to introduce her now as a servent of Elune putting an end to The Corruption begining to eminate through the forest. If only I can figure out the Mechanics.

Firest Kathon
2014-11-25, 05:21 AM
I'm not very familiar with the character, but her description reads to me as if she could be built as a Warpriest (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/warpriest) or Oracle (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/oracle), depending how much you want to emphasize her combat ability. Though even an Oracle can make a good combatant.

2014-11-25, 06:23 AM
Thanks. I Kind of thought maybe Warpriest But the Player wants the Animal Companion too. The White Tiger mount. It sort of suits the adventure as well. Maybe Hunter? I have to Check their spells though. Possibly a multiclass But I would Like to avoid that if I can.
In my Game Though Spontainious casters are the casters at massive risk of Magic Addiction as all of thier Power comes from a source outside of their own control. I had a think on it and decided that basically Spontanious casters are opening a conduit to a power outside of their own control and that any interested outside power can attempt to influence them as a result whenever they rest and renew their spells per day. If they are of by even a litle from their desired power source of choice then others may attempt to interseed... Take Arthus and the lich king as a prime example. The lich king first began manipulating him when he put aside the morals of the light and instead did what he thought was right. I have defined casters at risk as being those who Cast using Charisma based Magic.

2014-11-25, 10:31 AM
WhisperWind could be a cavalier (order of the beast) / Divine caster. that'd get you the tiger mount plus a few of the spells.

Alternatively, you can just make the tigers normal mounts. Just have the character invest in ride, and take the cost of the mount out of his/her WBL.

2014-11-25, 12:02 PM
Warlock is tricky. Their big thing was being able to burn health for mana. In PF, we don't have mana. We have spell slots. If their was a arcanist that could burn HP for points, I think you would have a warlocks.

2014-11-25, 12:10 PM
One Oracle mystery can get an animal companion, which allows for the frostsaber mount (eventually, when it's big enough.)

2014-11-26, 04:50 AM
Um My suggestion on Warlock give Summoning High Magic Damage Dealing Abilities and IOf you look at the Arcane reservoir and then fit the Character for spell points instead of Spell slots. This is an official veriant rule and one I use then Hey presto... Mana. Also there is a Feat that gives the Ability to take Damage in return for more casting... Cant remember what it was called though.
But you can even suck the Life force out of Dieing enemies to Power your arcane exploits. and it is possible with another exploit to Convert Arcane reservoir points for Spell Slots. take a read of some of those exploites it basically covers it all... Other than taking damage for more Spells but as I say that feat... can anyone think what its called?

Also thanks for all the help guys I ended up going with the Divine Commander Warpiest Variant for my Whisperwind Loving Player.

Although it blew my mind a bit that she didn't want the tiger she wanted the Nightsaber. That black one the huntresses ride.
Panther are just more sexy apparently... at least so says the player...
Thanks all for all your help

2014-11-26, 04:59 AM
Destruction Warlocks don't convert health to mana anymore, if that helps. They more closely resemble the traditional wizard; summoning minions and shooting fire!

I'm actually playing one in WoW right now and I basically think of him as a typical wizard.