View Full Version : Persona Q: Shadow Of The Labyrinth

2014-11-25, 04:51 AM
The dreams started two weeks ago. First it was a weird guy with a butterfly mask. He spoke of danger, world in crisis and your role in what is about to come. You don't really remember well, but you do remember he asked for your assistance.
The next night your dream was... blue. You remember a very strange shade of blue. And then a face with a very big nose and bloodshot eyes. The men introduced himself as Igor, the proprietor of the Velvet Room. He pointed his finger at the table, showing you a peace of paper.
"I [Name] give my word that I will take full responsibility for the consequences of my actions."
You are surprised to see your name and before you have a chance to ask Igor answers your question.
"It is a contract. Before you can use our services you need to sign it. We can not help you otherwise. Take your time, we have a few more days. But remember, time moves on. It will not wait for you, no mater how important your destiny is."
The next night you decide to sign the contract, and take the responsibility for your actions.

As you open your eyes you get a feeling that your mind was... frozen. As if it was shut down and it is now slowly powering up. As you look around you the first thing you notice is that the walls are strange. The shapes and colors look somehow unnatural. And then you notice that you are not alone. There are other people around you, and they all look equally confused.
"Greetings young ones and welcome to the labyrinth. I thank you for answering my call, I assume that the decision was not an easy one." You recognize the voice and then the mask as something familiar, but you can't remember where do you know him from.
"No doubt that you are still confused. Do not worry, it is just the initial shock, you will recover soon. To answer the question you about to ask, you are here to explore the labyrinth and nullify it as a threat. For that you have been granted the power known as Persona. There are many ways to explain what it is, but the simple version is that is manifestation of your unconsciousness. It is a part of you, and it will protect you prom all the dangers of this place. Unfortunately, time is not a resource that we can spare, so I will have to leave you. However, before I do I can answer each one of you a single question. That is how much time I can spare."

2014-11-25, 11:28 AM
Chiyoko briefly and dizzily looks around as her brain reboots, shaking her head, trying to dispel the fog. When she notices the other people, she swallows, nervous that she has been drugged and kidnapped or something and, following this line of reasoning, asks, "Wh-Who are you?"

gom jabbarwocky
2014-11-25, 10:29 PM
"You mentioned a threat?" Shichirou glaces furtively about, trying to get his barrings. "Uh, precisely what kind of threat are we talking about?" His voice wavers as he speaks, belying his unease. Surely, based on these surreal surroundings, this is some sort of dream.

2014-11-25, 10:40 PM
"how do we use our...persona's? kuro spoke quitely, hands figiting together nervously, eyes glancing towards each of the other figures every few seconds.

2014-11-26, 12:10 AM
Maya gets her bearings, still half drowsy and tired. Uggghh...I definitely spent too long playing Amnesia last night..., she thinks, Still, these last few nightmares are too real....I'll have to stop eating junk food before I sleep...

Standing up, she decides to play along, treating it like a game. So I suppose if we nullify this "threat" we can return to the normal world?

2014-11-26, 01:18 PM
"Wh-Who are you?"

"You have already forgotten about me? That was to be expected, we have only met in your dreams, and this place can make your memory fuzzy. I am Philemon, I reside in the realm between real and imaginary, dream and reality. I am here to offer guidance, as you face the dangers of the labyrinth."

"Uh, precisely what kind of threat are we talking about?"

"The labyrinth itself is a threat to your reality. It was created when dreams and nightmares clashed. It is wild and unpredictable. Unstable. Normally it is not a problem, because it's power is contained. However, every few decades of your time the power becomes too great, threatening to destroy the barrier between this world and your own. You need to protect the barrier, before this world starts spilling into your reality.

"how do we use our...persona's?

"Simply call for it, and it will come. The name is already at the tip of your tongue, just follow your instinct. Since you were granted a persona directly, you will have no difficulties. Just focus and your persona will appear."

So I suppose if we nullify this "threat" we can return to the normal world?

"You can return home at any time, I will not try to stop you. You have signed the contract and taken responsibility for your action. Inactivity is also a choice, your choice. All you have to do to go home is ask. Remember, once you make a choice you must deal with the consequences."

2014-11-26, 02:47 PM
Chiyoko shrugs and says, "Okay. Well...Fine. I suppose I can do what you want."

2014-11-27, 01:15 AM
Simon had imagined the dreams had something to do with his recent problems at home, so had thought little of them. But this was all very real. He took his time in thinking of a single question, listening closely to what the others had asked and to the responses. With all that in mind, he put forth what he thought was a useful question. "When shall we see you again?"

2014-11-27, 08:04 AM
"When shall we see you again?"

"As soon as you reach the end of this corridor. But before you can meet me there you have to take the first step in your journey. There is a group of Shadow blocking your way. Terrible, mindless creatures. Born from the chaos of the labyrinth, the only thing they know is destruction. Your persona will help you deal with them, but you will need to work together as a team. Your success depends on it."
Without giving you any time to respond, the man disappears.


You are soon drawn to the strange noises coming from your destination. As you get closer a group of shadowy figures comes into view. At first they don't notice you, and you have a chance to observe them. There isn't really much to see, and soon they start turn towards you and start advancing. There is one thing you are certain of, they are definitely not friendly.

2014-11-27, 02:16 PM
Kuro took a involuntary step back his face moments ago full of nervous energy had now gone chalk white with fear his eyes snapping from the other kids to the monsters ooze like creatures that where slowly making their way towards them. He was scared, that much was clear and if the sudden silence was any indication so where the other kids....he dint know them, they dint know him but here they were together, they were all trapped within a maze of nightmares by that masked figure who claimed they were given a choice...he couldn’t..He wasn’t stro....

He let out a sharp cry of alarm as his single step backwards suddenly turned into a full on decent as he ended up tripping, they were going to die, time seamed to slow for him, watching silently as his body fell and the shadows approached, He felt weird a sense of panic and alarm building inside his head, a sense of terrifying pressure that was threatening to consume him....they were going to die, his eyes flicked to the others.....None of them had moved to help him....none of them had even noticed, he was going to die, they would leave him and save himself....he felt his heart sank at that, even as the others had finally noticed his decent....but it was too late...they was going to DiE, and nothing they could do could stop it, he was useless to stop it, they were right, they where all right he was...he was.......NO!

The pressure burst.

The sound shattering glass suddenly filled the room and a sudden blast of pressure propelled him back onto his feet as a dark shadow covered him, looking up he saw a great round orb hovering in the are above him, and then it twisted, great wings unfurling as a draconic head snapped out and glanced toward each of them before it turned and settled on the oozes in front on him.....and then the great beast spoke...

“I am thou... “The great wyrm spoke its voice tinged with something that somehow felt like both affection and hatred at once “Thou art I... From the sea of thy soul, I come! I am shadow of the desert, the storm of chaos that will ensnare you in my grasp, behold mortals, I am Seth!

And it was in that same moment that its wings snapped out, blades of wind ripping through the air in front of them towards the black oozes.

2014-11-27, 02:44 PM
Simon nodded, noting the large creature that had appeared. He gestured towards the ground, raising his arm. It seemed an appropriate gesture for the name which came to his mind. "Hades."

The deity rose up from the ground, following the movements of the boy's hand, shimmering with blue flame. It cackled cruelly, and Simon felt a staff appear in his other hand.

2014-11-27, 05:48 PM
Chiyoko steps back a few steps, afraid and confused by the monsters leaping out of the people around here. But then a wave of confidence washes over her, and a voice rings in her head, Summon me, so we may fight!.

Chiyoko nods, and whispers, "Per...So...Na..." and crushes a ghostly blue tarot card that appeared in her hand. And, in a burst of ghostly blue energy, a naked woman, skin purple with white stripes, horns growing from her head, springs forth. She clutches two long, straight, single-edged blacks, and floats, reclining in the air while three bladed metal rings slowly float around her. She smiles and says, "I am thou...And thou art I...From the sea of thy soul I come...I am Cybele, Mother of Rome and Athens...And I shall protect you, as well, child."

gom jabbarwocky
2014-11-27, 10:51 PM
Baffled, Shichirou takes in the chthonic beings antagonizing him and his companions. Am I sure this is a dream? I don't feel like I'm sleeping, but it seems so… dreamlike. But if I know this is a dream, then I'm far from powerless….

He recalled what the strange masked man had said about theses 'manifestations of the unconscious'. "Per-son-a?" He turns the word over in his mouth and in his mind. He could feel the cool light in his hand, like a will o' the wisp. All he had to do to harness this power was to grasp it.

The flash of light didn't shine to illuminate Shichirou's surroundings, but his inner space. The twisting ascplepius of Hermes, the all-seeing eye of Thoth - I am thou, thou art me… As in the Heavens, so on Earth... I am Hermes Trismegistus, and I shall shine the light of knowledge into the darkness!

2014-11-28, 12:52 AM
Looking around at her, she registers that her...compatriots(?) brought out creatures, as the man said they would. Intruiging...Let me see what I can bring out myself. . Eyeing everyone taking steps backwards, she attempts to take helm, and takes a tentative step forwards.

Thinking back to to the previous nights dreams, and the contract, she scours her memories for anything that may offer a clue as to what her own....creature, her own....Persona? Wait...where have I heard of that before.. She thinks hard, going deeper and deeper into her memories. Her mind wanders back weeks, then months, ago, then, as if she was watching television, a "memory" crystallizes. In view, she see...herself, though...someting seems wrong..? What is this? I.....is that me?. Suddenly, the image changes, and warps, turning into a strange, doglike, beast. I elongats and bends, seemingly fluttering in a non-existant wind. Before long, The form stabilizes, and reaches out, towards Maya.

Shocked at such a vivid vision, Maya snaps back, blinking a few times, and faltering in her step. Suddenly, a booming noise sounds in her head, a voice foreign to her. Greetings, good madam. It appears I am here to provide you with assistance. Hm.....your appearance, quite unsightly, but we will have to leave that for now. Say forth my name, and let us take care of these......vermin. And with that, a word leaps and escapes from Maya's mouth M-makami? . She stutters out, and with it comes out a thin, wolf-like creature, with a silvery, white coat, and traditional-looking designs and patterns, inked onto its skin. It eyes the approaching Shadows, and readies to stop the incoming charge.

2014-11-28, 11:41 PM
Seeing an opportunity before the shadows came, Simon prepared himself. Raising his staff, he called towards his... persona. "Hades. Prepare for battle with... Makakaja." The word made little sense to him, but it came so readily to his lips. He felt reassured that this word meant something good when a soft blue light washed over him.

(Makakaja self)

2014-12-01, 07:12 PM
Watching the....dog? creatures weave and wave through the air towards the creature, Maya adjusts herself, now steeling herself, Damn, how I can I let a simple dream scare me? Alright, lets see what it can do.... She stands slightly more lax, watching closely her wolf, kite, creature. Suddenly, another voice, foreign, but somewhat nostalgic, appears in her mind I assure you, this is no dream. What you see transpiring is very real, so you best make sure to defend yourself well, else....well, let us stray away from that train of thought. However, though my abilities are more than enough to fight these pests, I suggest you begin learning how to fight. I am your Persona, and as such, we are one. Now, use your small, disbelieving mind, and direct me.

You dont seem that strong...AND HEY! Who told you that you can just waltz into my head like that? Maya snaps back at Makami, Well then, lets see what you can do. Just...strike at them or whatever. Maya shouts out loud towards Makami.

Slash Attack (Move to Front Row if not already)

2014-12-02, 10:21 AM
"Garu!" He shouted without warning. ...the word had ment nothing l, yet it as he shouted it seths wings had snapped out and a small whirlwind of power consumed one of the oozes.

(Garu on the chariot arcana)

2014-12-02, 11:45 AM
Chiyoko extends a finger towards the shadows and shouts, "Now, Cybele!" while her Persona flies at the nearest foe, blades extended, hopefully biting deep into into their inky substance.

Twin Shot.

2014-12-02, 01:27 PM
Simon MA+3, 3 turns
Maya only has Evil Touch/Rakunda/Makanda. No Slash Attack. I switched to Evil Touch to save time. Deals 5 damage and inflicts Fear.
Kuro deals 11 damage (Poor Chariot Shadow only has MD 1)
Chiyoko rolls damage twice, since Hermit is weak to Pierce. She deals 12 damage and Hermit is Downed.
Shinchirou rolls attack twice, since Hermit is Downed and weak to Light. Unfortunately, both rolls miss.

2014-12-02, 01:39 PM
Tower Shadow can act normally
Magician Shadow deals 7 damage to Maya
Priestess-Samakaja-Chariot(+4 MD)
Hermit-Tarunda-Chiyoko(-4 PA)

2014-12-02, 05:19 PM
He watched as the shadow was consumed by blades of wind before it was consumed by a field of shimmering light from one of the others...that dint matter he would just have to break through!
This time it wasn't wind that ansered his call but rather a orb of water that latched itself at his foe!
(Aqua on chariot)

2014-12-02, 09:06 PM
Simon witnessed the others rushing blindly at the enemies. Perhaps he should have suggested preparing rather than charging blindly at enemies they knew nothing about. Too late for that, now. He sensed he had nothing at his disposal to change the situation, so he settled for attacking what appeared to be the enemy's healer.

"Hades. Use Mudo. Strike down their healer." Hades cackled, and shadows appeared, rising up from the ground and surrounding the creature.

Use Mudo to attack the Priestess.

2014-12-02, 09:21 PM
Chiyoko shudders as the wave of darkness rolls over her and Cybele, but clenches her fist, saying, "Keep going! Don't let up the attack!" as Cybele continues assaulting the same shadow.

Another Twin Shot at the Hermit. Hopefully I can fight through the Rakunda.

gom jabbarwocky
2014-12-02, 11:05 PM
"Come on! Darn thing, what good is illumination if it won't clear out the darkness?" Shichirou sputters. "Let's make with the light show!" he says, directing Thrice-Great to try again.

Hama, on the Hermit. If at first you don't succeed...

2014-12-03, 06:20 AM
Simon deals 6 damage to Priestess Shadow. Healers always have high MD.
Kuro deals 5 damage to Chariot Shadow. Samakaja+bad roll. Not a good mix.
Chiyoko missed. That -4 really hurt.
Shinchirou deals 7 damage to Hermit Shadow. Very nice, considering that Hermit has nice MD(6, as high as Priestess). Actually, had, since Hermit Shadow is now just a big dissolved blob.
Chariot Shadow deals 10 damage to Kuro.
Tower Shadow deals 5 damage to Chiyoko.

Maya has the initiative.

gom jabbarwocky
2014-12-03, 09:24 AM
When the Hermit bites it, Shichirou punches the air exuberantly. "Ha ha! Eat it, shadows born of ignorance!"

H. T. broods. "I will crush my enemies with the light of heaven. My punishment will be both swift and terrible."

"Uh, sure, sure. Just... try not to get carried away with that."

2014-12-03, 11:36 AM
Seeing all the fighting and mystical creatures fighting in front of her, Maya watch's, somewhat in amazement. However, after a momentary pause, she snaps back, now fiercely aware that what happening before her was real.
Stupid, stupid! I can't Game Over when things are just starting! She thinks, cursing herself. Right, okay, I'll play along for now, but I'm expecting an explanation as soon as this is done. I hope you can do something good. Again, the wispy, gentleman's voice appears in her head. Ah...very well then, may I suggest we disarm these creatures? A child with a weapon, is dangerous, however, a child without one, is nothing but a feeble dog.. With Makami's voice echoing in her mind, Maya notes the slight edge in his voice. I hope that wasn't a threat.. she flaunts back, however without a reply. Fine, let's do what you said. Let us weaken them, starting with that...demented..thing that attacked you. Also, you seem like you want to take a beating, so lets have you cover that tattered dragon.

Makanda on the Magician Shadow (Use one Mentality Pool Point)
Intercept next attack on Seth ( Kuro's Persona ).

2014-12-03, 11:39 AM
Chiyoko grimaces as her attack misses, but grins when she sees the Shadow dissolve into goo. Then she notices that Kuro is badly injured and says, "Alright...Heal him, Cybele!" and a wave of healing light emanates from her Persona.

Dia on Kuro: [roll0]

2014-12-03, 08:38 PM
Kuro reals back from the shadows strike, a bloody gash torn through his side. Struggling to move away from the shadow kuro tried to slowly move towards the back of the group, his body descending into a fit of coughs as he did so.
Through out all this Seth mearly spared the boy that had summoned him a glance...and when he did it was one of ill contempt.

gom jabbarwocky
2014-12-04, 02:39 PM
Glancing at the punishment his newly-minted allies are taking, Shichirou is taken aback slightly. Man, I sure hope this is still just a dream. Let's see if I we can take the edge off some of these monsters.

H.T. responds without requiring Shichirou to even speak.

Soul Break on the Tower

2014-12-06, 05:31 AM
Maya uses Makanda on Magician Shadow (-5 MA)

Magician Shadow deals 8 damage to Maya, unless she uses two Evasion Points.
Priestess Shadow heals Chariot Shadow for 8 points.
Chiyoko heals Kuro for 7HP
Shichirou deals 3 damage to Tower Shadow and inflicts Exhaustion.

Enemy HP
Magician Shadow-16
Chariot Shadow-19
Priestess Shadow-16
Tower Shadow-25

Kuro and Simon have the initiative.

2014-12-10, 04:22 PM
Simon surveyed the battlefield, wistfully glancing at the healer. The shadows had hurt, but not as much as they might have. He turned his attention to the healer's target. If it had taken enough damage to inspire healing, then it was worth a shot. "Everyone. Focus your efforts on that one. Their healer has given it attention; we must be getting through to it." As he pointed, spirals of shadow leapt from his fingertips and blasted the shadow.

Mudo to attack the Chariot.

gom jabbarwocky
2014-12-11, 04:32 PM
Taking note of his colleague's observation, Shichirou nods to Simon. "Good call!" he says before hitting it with some of that sweet sorcerous mojo.
Tarunda on Chariot

2014-12-11, 07:39 PM
Kuro gives a weary sigh as he agrees with the boys plan....not that he hadent been doing that already anyway..

"Garu!" He yells focusing his attention on the chariot again, though he does spare a moment to give a smile towards Chiyoko as she heals him

move to back row then cast garu on chariot

2014-12-13, 05:06 AM
Simon deals 10 damage to Chariot Shadow.
Kuro deals 12 damage to Chariot Shadow.
Chariot Shadow dissolves, and is now just a big pile of harmless goo. Three more goo piles and you are done.
Tower Shadow grazes Maya for pathetic 5 points of damage.
Maya uses Rakunda on Magician Shadow (-5PD) Magician Shadow is now at -4PD. If that doesn't call for a physical attack I don't know what does
Magician Shadow tries to attack Chiyoko, but fails horribly. That Makanda sure pays off.
Priestess Shadow uses Samakaja on Magician Shadow(+4MD). As if you would use magical attack on an enemy with such a pathetic PD.

2014-12-13, 11:03 AM
Chiyoko glares angrily at the magician shadow that attacked her and invokes Cybele's wrath again, bringing her arm down with a chopping motion as Cybele brings her blades down point first on her attacker.

Twin Shot on the Magician Shadow.

2014-12-14, 01:08 AM
Simon watched as the creature dissolved, his persona cackling with a cold glee. He nodded towards the larger one, and waved his staff, causing shadows to envelop it.

Mudo the Tower Shadow.

gom jabbarwocky
2014-12-14, 03:32 PM
Looks like we've got these weirdos on the ropes!, thinks Shichirou, riding high on the feelings of teamwork and success. With a swipe, H.T. prepares to blow away the Tower Shadow with a blast of wisdom's light!

Hama on the Tower

2014-12-15, 05:16 AM
Chiyoko deals massive 16 damage to Magician Shadow. Another pile of goo.
Simon deals 7 damage to the Tower Shadow.
Shichirou deals only 2 damage to the Tower Shadow.

Priestess Shadow 16HP
Tower Shadow 16HP
Kuro, Tower Shadow and Maya still need to act in round 3.

2014-12-15, 09:08 PM
They were actually winning?! His lips twitched upward at that before his eyes narrowed onto his next target.

a spear of water formed and shot itself towards its target, making a very satisfying sweaching type of sound as it tore into the shadow.

aqua on tower

2014-12-17, 07:05 AM
Kuro tries to attack Tower Shadow, but fails miserably. (rolling a 4 on 3d6:smalleek:)
Tower Shadow deals pathetic 5 damage to Kuro. (Kuro can evade it by spending 3 evasion points. On one hand the damage is pathetic, but on the other there is nobody left that can deal any real damage, so there's no need to save evasion points.)

Maya has the initiative.

2014-12-17, 09:42 AM
Sweet! This ain't as hard as that creepy fella said. This game will be beat in no time! Maya thought, as she watched all those black, misshapen creatures fall apart. Hey, wolfy, let's deal with that thing hiding in the back!

From Makami, no reply was heard, but rather, a slight look of disdain.

Evil Touch on the Priestess Shadow

2014-12-21, 05:23 AM
Maya deal 3 damage to Priestess Shadow and inflicts Fear (if she spends one Mentality point)
Priestess Shadow heals Tower Shadow for 9 HP.

Priestess 13HP
Tower 25HP