View Full Version : 3rd Ed NPC Ability Scores

2014-11-25, 08:40 AM
Whenever I roll up an NPC for 3.5, I use the elite array of ability scores (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8). But I've found that surprisingly limiting, so I want to start using point buy instead for it (25 points) what are the advantages/disadvantages to it?

2014-11-25, 08:47 AM
Basically, the advantage is that you can better customize your NPCs, and the disadvantage is that it will require a little more time and effort.

2014-11-25, 08:51 AM
The idea behind point buy is that it allows one to choose the score distribution to reflect the character, while limiting the range of distributions to maintain parity between characters. That second point is pretty irrelevant for NPCs - I'd recommend just assigning ability scores as you feel is appropriate to the NPC, without worrying about points, arrays, or similar.

2014-11-25, 11:17 AM
Basically, the advantage is that you can better customize your NPCs, and the disadvantage is that it will require a little more time and effort.

The idea behind point buy is that it allows one to choose the score distribution to reflect the character, while limiting the range of distributions to maintain parity between characters. That second point is pretty irrelevant for NPCs - I'd recommend just assigning ability scores as you feel is appropriate to the NPC, without worrying about points, arrays, or similar.

The reason I tend to use the elite array is because it provides a "feel" of balance to the characters - I'm glad to here that other people freehand it (frankly, I used to do that) but decided to do this. Originally I had the PCs roll for it, too. But now, I just have them use point buy (36, for those that care), and this seems like it would work for the NPCs, too. At that point buy, do you think that I could or should boost the NPCs' points? Or does this seem balanced?