View Full Version : Pathfinder [PF] can i be an exalted of an Empyreal Lord

2014-11-25, 10:29 AM
so in one of my online games i'm playing in, i have a Cleric of Arshea. this god grants boons, but it looks like they are called "Celestial Obedience Boons" there is also a new feat to get these boons, called "Celestial Obedience" and a PrC just for Empyreal Lords called mystery cultist.

can i gain these boons if i take the Exalted PrC class? or would i just gain everything but the boons from the class?

what i was thinking was going cleric 5/ exalted 2/ mystery cultist10/ exalted-5

2014-11-25, 10:35 AM
Empyreal Lords are listed as "Other Gods" in ISWG so I'd say you're okay. In addition, Empyreal Lords are legal deity choices for PFS.

2014-11-25, 10:50 AM
Empyreal Lords are listed as "Other Gods" in ISWG so I'd say you're okay. In addition, Empyreal Lords are legal deity choices for PFS.

thanks a lot psyren. you help out a lot, and i never get to say thanks, since its mostly in the RAW thread and i don't want to clog it up lol.

2014-11-25, 11:52 AM
You could, but note that Lamashtu has separate boons as a deity and demon lord. I'm sure any other god who is also part of a group of quasi deities would as well.

2014-11-25, 12:03 PM
That wouldn't apply to Arshea, who is only an Empyreal Lord and has no other status.

AFAIK, Lamashtu and Asmodeus are the only entities that are "deity" + "something else," (demon lord and archdevil respectively) but I could be wrong.

2014-11-25, 02:44 PM
By strict RAW, no, because the obedience feat for emypreal lords is Celestial Obedience, but the Exalted PRC requires the Deific Obedience feat.

Unless it's a PFS campaign, it's a perfectly reasonable houserule for Celestial Obedience to qualify, but it is sadly not RAW.

2014-11-25, 02:48 PM
no what i was asking, i was asking if the class granted me the boons, if i go into exalted i would take the Deific Obedience feat to get into the class, and the class says nothing about if cant grant you boons from a Empyreal Lord.