View Full Version : Filtro's Dungeon Crawl 2

2014-11-25, 01:51 PM
The four of you are from the town of Haven, recently attacked by kobolds. Each of you defended the town succesfully and you decided to follow the four surviving fleeing kobolds into their lair. It looks like an abandoned mansion, once you get there. As soon as you enter, you see one kobold near a table, looking like he's preparing a spell, another picking the lock on a door, and the other two staring at two armor suits near another door. Each 10 seconds or so, both armors say, at the sime time, "Speak the password.". The kobolds notice you as soon as you enter.

Roll initiative!


GAME MAP (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1bElXXf43NNyjRiu1BTghfZzZcBAfIoaK8ofvvhV_b44/edit)

2014-11-25, 10:09 PM
[roll0] and some extra characters for you, forum!

"Speak the password."

Reginald drew his shortsword, expecting to have the element of surprise, but he jumped as the armors spoke, knocking his hilt against the door and immediately drawing the attention of every kobold in the room. He mentally chastised himself for being so easily caught off guard.

"Unbelievable—uhh, sorry guys," the Bounty Hunter says as he assumes a battle stance.

Anubis Dread
2014-11-26, 01:01 AM
Oh wow, they were already fighting? This place really didn't kid around! Assuming it was alive and had a sense of humor anyway. The armor sure was, though it seemed a little boring. The kobolds though, they looked interesting! Too bad they were probably going to try and kill them all. Such was life she supposed!

"Oooo I bet it's password! It HAS to be password, it's way too- oh right. I guess we should take care of our little lizard friends first," Rose realized, drawing out her wand and pointing it at the enemy.

Initiative = [roll0]

2014-11-26, 02:51 AM
Gwendol storms in, his beard bristling as he spots the vicious kobolds. Slay thar spellcaster, Ah'm going fer that lockpicker! he growls.
With glaive in hand he moves toward the kobold by the door with murderous intent, clearly ignoring the armored guardians for now.

Initiative: [roll0]

2014-11-26, 01:04 PM
"Let's kill these vermins first before we try to guess the password," Daekimara says as she readies her short swords.


2014-11-26, 05:06 PM
Kobold 4 keeps on picking the lock on the door and it seems that he got it, as you hear a click. He then turns and looks at you, looking surprised.


1 - Kobold 4
2 - Reginald, Rose and Gwendol
3 - Kobolds 2 and 3
4 - Daekimara
5 - Kobold 1

GAME MAP (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1bElXXf43NNyjRiu1BTghfZzZcBAfIoaK8ofvvhV_b44/edit)

Anubis Dread
2014-11-26, 05:15 PM
Slay the spellcaster first, right? She felt a bit insulted. He could be casting anything, there was no reason to target him just because he could cast spells.

Pouting a bit, Rose none the less waved her wand and shot a bolt of fire at the enemy in question.

Firebolt: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
On Crit Add: [roll2]

2014-11-26, 05:40 PM
Rose burns Kobold 1's face off. He seems to be in a really bad shape as he struggles to maintain concentration on his ritual.

2014-11-26, 06:26 PM
Reginald immediately recognized the spellcaster as the biggest threat, but knew he wouldn't be able to get to him before the other Kobolds blocked his way. So, he decided to take them out first.

"Lets take these two down, Gwendol!" Reginald cries as he sprints up to the Koblod on his right and takes a swing at it.

Attack roll: [roll0]

Damage roll: [roll1]

2014-11-27, 02:41 AM
Moving a lot quicker than his muscular frame and heavy armor would suggest, Gwendol is already upon the kobold by the door. The polearm traces a graceful arc as the dwarf attempts to slice the small lizardkind in two. Ah'm gettin' to it lad. Jus' wanna stop this fellow from givin' us thar slip! he says to Reginald.

OOC: Move three squares straight down, strike at kobold by the door (nr 4) while threatening kobold nr 3 (thus flanking). AB +5: [roll0], damage [roll1]

2014-11-27, 07:34 AM
Reginald engages the kobolds in melee combat, but misses his first swing.

Before the kobold can even put his thieves' tools away, Gwendol rushes in and stabs it in its heart, killing it instantly.

Kobolds 2 and 3 retaliate at Reginald, taking advantage of Pack Tactics



1 - Kobold 4 - dead
2 - Reginald, Rose and Gwendol
3 - Kobolds 2 and 3
4 - Daekimara
5 - Kobold 1

GAME MAP (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1bElXXf43NNyjRiu1BTghfZzZcBAfIoaK8ofvvhV_b44/edit)

2014-11-27, 07:35 AM
Kobold 3's Crit

2014-11-27, 01:59 PM
Daekimara moves next to Reginald (to his left on the map) facing both kobolds. She slashes out with both shortswords at the one in the middle.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2014-11-27, 04:22 PM
Daekimara slays Kobold 3.

Kobold 1, seeing his allies getting their asses kicked, attempts to run away (dash), keeping his eyes on the fight, until he realizes Rose is blocking the door and stops, drawing his dagger as he goes about.


1 - Reginald, Rose and Gwendol
2 - Kobold 2
3 - Daekimara
4 - Kobold 1

GAME MAP (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1bElXXf43NNyjRiu1BTghfZzZcBAfIoaK8ofvvhV_b44/edit)

Anubis Dread
2014-11-27, 05:52 PM
They were doing pretty good by the looks of it! But it seemed one of the kobolds wanted to escape... well that was fair enough.

Stepping around the kobold, Rose gestured for him to go on out. No reason to kill them if they were running away after all. That wasn't nice! Oh, but there was still one other one left who wasn't running... shrugging, she shot another bolt of fire at the kobold in question.

Targeting kobold not running away.

Fire Bolt: [roll0]
Disadvantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2014-11-28, 01:31 AM
Yer can' let em leave Rose, he'll stab yer in thar back if given a chance! Gwendol growls, moving to a spot right between the kobolds and striking out at the fleeing one.

OOC: Move to the square between Rose and Daekimara. Attack kobold #1 [roll0], damage [roll1]

2014-11-28, 02:11 AM
"Gah!" Reginald cringes as the two kobolds team up on him, but manages to stand his ground and deflect the worst of the blows away from his torso. Unfortunately, this means he has to deal with nasty cuts on his arms.

On his left, he sees Daekimara slashing her swords against the kobold that had come to it's comrade's aid. He felt it sad that the town of Haven declared these humanoids to be killed without trial, should adventurers come across them, but then again, that was pretty much how the law worked with every adventurer in these parts of the world. I need to get past my qualms about killing others, as long as those others are evil and out to kill me, he thought to himself. I mean, I'm an adventurer now, for Lathander's sake—

Reginald's reflection was cut short by the sight of the kobold's weapon advancing quickly to his face. With quick reflexes, he managed to block the attack in midair with his own sword. They stood there for a brief moment, the two of them struggling to push the other back.

"Speak the password."

... On the other hand, adventurers also love loot, the bounty hunter contemplated, and this mansion is likely full of it. If this creature knows the password, then it's the perfect excuse to save his life.

Pushing his weight against the kobold to prevent him from moving, Reginald opened his mouth to speak and try to reason with the enemy, then thought better of it and instead shoved against his opponent, breaking their connection and opening up an opportunity to deal a knockout hit with the hilt of his sword against the kobold's stull. He took it, just as a fireball whizzed past his head and straight at the kobold.

Attack Roll: [roll0]

NONLETHAL Damage Roll: [roll1]

(I don't know the rules for nonlethal damage in 5e, but I've seen other players use regular attacks against their opponents when dealing it. But feel free to correct my rolls if need be.)

2014-11-28, 04:12 AM
Oh Gods, Daekimara thinks while dashing past the others to catch the last kobold. Why am I adventuring with these guys again? Giving kobolds a fair trial, eh?

OoC: She can move up to 35 ft to catch up with the kobold.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2014-12-03, 02:53 AM
Rose takes a step aside to let the fleeing kobold run out. She shoots the other kobold and misses.

Gwendol takes caution and doesn't let first kobold take another step and stabs him dead.

Reginald knocks the last kobold out.

The fight is over. Each of you gains 25xp.
The door leading to the east has been picked open by the kobold. The door to the south is blocked by the two armor suits, who still ask for a password to let anyone through.

2014-12-03, 02:29 PM
"We should go on to the East for now," Daekimara remarks as she wipes clean her blades on a dead kobold's rugs. "First let's check out what they brought here, though. They might have some useful equipment."

Does she find anything useful looting the kobolds?

Anubis Dread
2014-12-03, 02:41 PM
"Password," Rose states confidentally in front of the south door, gazing up at the armor. Hm, she should probably keep trying in case that didn't work. "Enter. Open. Cumquat. Jazz. Sky. Armor. Knock. Please. Rudabaga. Shiny."

Scratching her hair in thought, the wizard sighs. "Maybe we should skip this one after all... kind of sad not to be able to guess the password though..."

2014-12-03, 07:54 PM
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh..." Daekimara mutters, while scanning though a kobold's pockets. "We might find a clue to the password in some other room," she says to Rose. "What if we don't have unlimited guesses and the suits of armor will come alive?"

2014-12-03, 09:18 PM
"Unlikely," Reginald responds. "I doubt whatever magic cast upon the suits is intelligent enough to tell password guesses from casual conversation... although I suppose it could be a timed spell." He strolls over to the table on the western side of the room and inspects the contents atop it. "Are we really just jumping into investigating this mansion, though? We already beat the outlaws, and it's obvious that this wasn't even their real hideout, based on what we saw when we walked in." He motions to the dead Koblod thief in front of the unlocked door.

A low moan echos through the room, and Reginald suddenly remembers that there is still one living Kobold in the room. "OH!" He dashes back to the unconscious creature. "This man... uhh, Kobold, might know a bit more about this place." The fighter takes out some manacles from his pack and binds the Kobold as it tries and fails to raise itself from it's own slumber. "So, I guess... figuring out their evil agenda is one good reason to stay here."

2014-12-04, 03:13 PM
"As you say, Reginald..." Daekimara grins. "Those dumb golems might just mistake our normal conversation for password guesses... But yes, I'd like to investigate the mansion," she adds after a short pause. "I want to know what these vermins were looking for. They didn't come here by accident."

Anubis Dread
2014-12-04, 03:19 PM
"Nope! But we didn't either. Isn't it safe to say they're just here for the same reason we are?" Rose noted, frowning at the armor. "Bobbins. Mansion. Enter now. Go go door open! Secret word. Sasquach. Ponies. ...okay, let's check out the mansion," she shrugged.

2014-12-04, 05:39 PM
Reginald nods in agreement. "Very well, but first let me see if I can get some information out of this Kobold."

He quickly takes a roll of rope from his pack and wraps the Kobold a few times around the nearest suit of armor. Then he holds out his waterskin and waits until the armors anounce "Speak the password," at which point he splashes the prisoner in the face.

"Alright then, let's start with why you're here. What is this mansion worth to you?"


2014-12-05, 10:47 AM
"Does anyone need healing by the way?" Daekimara asks while still rummaging through the possessions of the late kobold team.

2014-12-07, 03:41 AM
"Nah, except Reg'. Looks like he took a nasty cut" the dwarf remarks.
He then stalks off to the unlocked (eastern) door and opens it, taking a peak at what lies beyond.
"Wonder what they were lookin' fer? Escape maybe?"

2014-12-08, 11:09 AM
Daekimara approaches Reginald softly whispering the words of healing while touching his shoulder.

Reginald heals [roll0] HP.