View Full Version : Roleplaying The Tale of Rose Fallstar

2014-11-25, 11:03 PM
Im designing a character and this is what i have for her backstory so far:
Let me tell you the tale of a girl named Rose Fallstar. To understand her tale we must go back to before her birth, about 9 months to be precise. Nadya Fallstar was a serving girl hired to work a noble's party. While working the party she met Frederich and the two took to each other as only soul mates can. Several weeks after the party Nadya discovered her pregnancy and she wrote Frederich who came immediately. As he arrived Nadya discovered that he wasnt some lower noble like she thought, he was the Crown Prince, and his family wasnt exactly happy. They forbid the two from marrying, at least until the child was born and was seen to be healthy.

Several months passed and the on the night of the birth Frederich and several of his relatives arrived to witness. Nadya gave birth to a healthy, bawling, female.......... tiefling. Frederich and his relatives were shocked and Nadya was to tired to notice the tiny pair of horns or her daughter's odd eye color. Frederich was concerned but he decided that this was his daughter and he would treat her as such, his relatives weren't as supporting. And so was he replaced as Crown Prince and sent to a small estate in the north, where he went with Nadya and his daughter Rose.

Several years went by and Rose grew into a strong and intelligent young girl, and her relation's dislike for her increased, until one day, when the King's second wife set up an "accident". This accident caused Frederich's home to burn to the ground with Frederich and Nadya inside, Rose managed to escape with the help of her handmaiden Christine. As the two attempted to make good their escape they were attacked by several thugs and Christine died attempting to protect Rose. As the thugs went to kill Rose something happened. She heard a Voice, the Voice asked to help her, it asked to reside in her to protect her, but it needed her permission. She said yes.

Awhile later Rose woke up surrounded by the corpses of her attackers. She returned to her family's home and took what she could and left for the nearest city, where, 12 years later, she still lives and works as a Tavern girl. But its very different at night, at night she is The Black Rose an assassin that kills certain nobles. Nobles who have ties to the new king, the son of the former King's second wife. Nobles who are found killed in a dozen different ways, but always, all the roses in the house (if there are any) are turned black.

So as you can see there are several holes in my fluff, mostly names, which isnt a big deal, but i feel it needs more, and as im not particularly good at this kind of political machinations i turn to the playground for ideas.

Now as a note i was planning on making the current King an Unholy Scion, other than that ive really got nothing crunch wise.

Edit: Also i dont have an alignment picked out for her, im thinking either NN, NE, CN, or maybe even CE.

Edit Edit: Also please forgive the quality of the backstory, its not my best work and i got the idea from Fool's Assassin (Rose is based off of Fitz Chivalry if that helps)

2014-11-25, 11:14 PM
Im designing a character and this is what i have for her backstory so far:
Let me tell you the tale of a girl named Rose Fallstar. To understand her tale we must go back to before her birth, about 9 months to be precise. Nadya Fallstar was a serving girl hired to work a noble's party. While working the party she met Frederich and the two took to each other as only soul mates can. Several weeks after the party Nadya discovered her pregnancy and she wrote Frederich who came immediately. As he arrived Nadya discovered that he wasnt some lower noble like she thought, he was the Crown Prince, and his family wasnt exactly happy. They forbid the two from marrying, at least until the child was born and was seen to be healthy.

Several months passed and the on the night of the birth Frederich and several of his relatives arrived to witness. Nadya gave birth to a healthy, bawling, female.......... tiefling. Frederich and his relatives were shocked and Nadya was to tired to notice the tiny pair of horns or her daughter's odd eye color. Frederich was concerned but he decided that this was his daughter and he would treat her as such, his relatives weren't as supporting. And so was he replaced as Crown Prince and sent to a small estate in the north, where he went with Nadya and his daughter Rose.

Several years went by and Rose grew into a strong and intelligent young girl, and her relation's dislike for her increased, until one day, when the King's second wife set up an "accident". This accident caused Frederich's home to burn to the ground with Frederich and Nadya inside, Rose managed to escape with the help of her handmaiden Christine. As the two attempted to make good their escape they were attacked by several thugs and Christine died attempting to protect Rose. As the thugs went to kill Rose something happened. She heard a Voice, the Voice asked to help her, it asked to reside in her to protect her, but it needed her permission. She said yes.

Awhile later Rose woke up surrounded by the corpses of her attackers. She returned to her family's home and took what she could and left for the nearest city, where, 12 years later, she still lives and works as a Tavern girl. But its very different at night, at night she is The Black Rose an assassin that kills certain nobles. Nobles who have ties to the new king, the son of the former King's second wife. Nobles who are found killed in a dozen different ways, but always, all the roses in the house (if there are any) are turned black.

So as you can see there are several holes in my fluff, mostly names, which isnt a big deal, but i feel it needs more, and as im not particularly good at this kind of political machinations i turn to the playground for ideas.

Now as a note i was planning on making the current King an Unholy Scion, other than that ive really got nothing crunch wise.

Edit: Also i dont have an alignment picked out for her, im thinking either NN, NE, CN, or maybe even CE.

Unholy Scions are for tainted creatures, not so much fiends. A better pick would have just been half fiend, with some of his abilities replaced with the ability to change shape, similar to a succubus or the like. That would explain why he isn't visibly fiendish, and you could say that the fiend gene skipped a generation perhaps?

2014-11-25, 11:23 PM
Unholy Scions are for tainted creatures, not so much fiends. A better pick would have just been half fiend, with some of his abilities replaced with the ability to change shape, similar to a succubus or the like. That would explain why he isn't visibly fiendish, and you could say that the fiend gene skipped a generation perhaps?

The half fiend is an interesting choice, and im going to look into it, but upon looking into Unholy Scion it does say that they are formed from evil outsiders as well as taint..... i think i might just mix the two, that would make him a terror to try and fight.