View Full Version : Pathfinder Min/Max Master - Making as strong a Level 7 Barbarian as possible

2014-11-26, 02:12 PM
So recently our Pathfinder group rerolled characters in a Rise of the Runelords campaign. I am more expierenced at P&P games so generally have the most powerful character, and this time I went with a non combat character, all bluff and diplomacy and charm spells.

It has been fun, but I've noticed a problem...my DM thinks it's funny to target my character by "accident". For example, our Ranger rolled a natural one on a bow show. I was directly behind him and about 40 feet back. The DM told the ranger to roll for full damage, and then the arrow missed the target, bounced off the cavern wall, and hit me...for full damage...on my 40hp. Or when we were facing the boss dude he decided to target me directly, meaning that he would have to run his boss guy past the Fighter, the warrior cleric, the Monk, the Ranger, the Rogue, and the Bard, taking an AoO from each one. The group had to convince him that this would be stupid to do just because my character tried to parlay with him. Later we had beaten the guy and I walked up to talk to him, trying to get information, and the boss instantly jumped up and took a swing. Luckily I had been prepared and levitated 20ft straight up and out of harms way while the boss was still getting up.

Anyway, at this point I know he is going to keep doing this and I want a surprise for him if my character dies. I want a Barbarian or Barbarian and whatever dual class is the best. I want to do tons of damage and cheese as much as I can.

Tools available:

All available Pathfinder ONLY books, splats, Third Party material.
This means NO 3.5, NO unofficial homebrew.

Level: 7

Preferred Class: Barbarian, dual class okay, flexible on changing to non barbarian. Recently played an alchemist barbarian with enlarge potions, mutagen, and rage to turn into the Hulk, could use something like that, I guess.

Race: Any

Wealth: 25000g

Stats Roll: 18 17 18 12 10 8

I am opening this up to the specialists here to go crazy.

2014-11-26, 02:49 PM
Talk to your dm. An arms race won't help.

2014-11-26, 02:51 PM
Bad things happening when someone rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll is not in the rules, and is a sign that your DM is just being a jerk to you. This is an OOC problem, and not something you're going to solve with a new character build.

2014-11-26, 02:54 PM
I know that, ellindsey, but there are two things.

1. I don't mind him targeting me
2. We always play with an "Oh crap, whoops!" on natural 1's in combat.
3. He doesn't know how to handle optimized characters since he is new so I'm not in danger.

2014-11-26, 04:34 PM
The fact that he's new to this means that his response to cheese is gonna be overkill, most likely, unless you play a pretty loose game. Tread carefully, friend, and discuss your problem ooc.

In any case, as an answer to you question, you can only get your Str so high as a barbarian, and doing so isn't particularly cheesy. Whether you're just going for high Str, or you're going for a melee monster, my advice is the same: Alchemist 7.

Why alchemist? Firstly, you get mutagens, which enhance your physical form. You won't get the Con bonus like you would raging, but Str gets higher quicker than even the barbarian (in order to make up for medium BAB). Furthermore, when you level up, you can go into Master Chymist: basically, you're Dr. Jekyll, and Master Chymist lets you become Mr. Hyde. Gestalt it with full barbarian, and you're playing the freaking Incredible Hulk.

Still, make sure to talk to your DM about the targeting thing. It's one thing if bad luck goes against you more often than not, no matter who the unlucky party is, but a BBEG using stupid tactics to screw with your character is another story entirely.

2014-11-26, 06:00 PM
The fact that he's new to this means that his response to cheese is gonna be overkill, most likely, unless you play a pretty loose game. Tread carefully, friend, and discuss your problem ooc.

In any case, as an answer to you question, you can only get your Str so high as a barbarian, and doing so isn't particularly cheesy. Whether you're just going for high Str, or you're going for a melee monster, my advice is the same: Alchemist 7.

Why alchemist? Firstly, you get mutagens, which enhance your physical form. You won't get the Con bonus like you would raging, but Str gets higher quicker than even the barbarian (in order to make up for medium BAB). Furthermore, when you level up, you can go into Master Chymist: basically, you're Dr. Jekyll, and Master Chymist lets you become Mr. Hyde. Gestalt it with full barbarian, and you're playing the freaking Incredible Hulk.

Still, make sure to talk to your DM about the targeting thing. It's one thing if bad luck goes against you more often than not, no matter who the unlucky party is, but a BBEG using stupid tactics to screw with your character is another story entirely.

I was actually originally playing a Barbarian 1 / Alchemist 4, but outpowered the group, so I went to an Oradin for a bit, but we all switched characters and I like my new talky guy, but I can see him being dead very soon.

As for the targeting things. I'm not too upset about it. We are pretty good friends and I think it makes up for all the wins I score in every other game we play, but if it becomes a problem then I'll talk to him. I did once before on my Oradin when I had to do a will save against a magical compulsion, dominated it by twice what I needed and he went "oops, I mean reflex save" once he saw that was my lowest roll. I told him no, that wasn't correct and the will roll stands. After discussion he agreed.

2014-11-26, 11:39 PM
What third party materials are available at your table?

For official Paizo stuff, I'd suggest looking at some of the ACG classes. The bloodrager plays like a barbarian with some sorcerer casting and bloodline abilities, the War priest is a pretty tough cookie as well, with swift action self heals and buffs, lastly the Skald might interest you since its a tougher bard that can give free rage and rage powers to your allies.

2014-11-26, 11:51 PM
I suggest taking Invulnerable Rager , and picking up Improved Stalwart. Ain't nothin like having DR=Character level, and then aim up for Come and Get Me.

Then take Earth Totem, Greater. GM wants to pick on you? He can break his NPCs weapons on your face.

2014-11-27, 09:48 AM

Read through these.

Also, get Superstition - the bonus may not seem like much, but as you go up in levels, it gets better and better, especially if you take the Human FCB.

2014-11-27, 11:33 AM
A level 7 character with an heavy emphasis on barbarian ?

Oracle 3/Barbarian 4
Lame curse for the oracle
For the race you want a changeling or a gnome for their FCB : 1/2 level for your effective curse level. Human/Aasimar/Hafl-Elf with racial heritage may work too.
Changeling have 2 claw attack with 1d4 damage. Hulking Changeling gains a +1 racial bonus on melee damage. And the Mother's Gift (Hag Claws) give you a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with your claws.

Stat should be : Str 18, Dex 17, Con 16 (18-2), Int 10, Wis 10 (8+2), Cha 14 (12+2)

This means that you are able to rage cycle at level 5 since your curse make you immune to the fatigued condition (curse level = 5 : 3 oracle + 1 from 2 FCB + 1 from 2 barbarian level)
Cool rage power :
Spirit totem, to add one more attack. Maybe even on a charge (sort of a mini pounce)
Lesser elemental rage, to add 1d6 points of energy damage (acid, cold, electricity, or fire) to melee attacks for 1 round. So each round since you can rage cycle.

This may not be overpowered, but this is fun and you have a lot of versatility out of combat.
With the right mystery you can also switch Charisma and Dexterity : Lunar (Prophetic Armor revelation), Lore (Sidestep Secret)
And the Primal Companion revelation from the Lunar mystery also give you an animal companion. Which can stay at your level with the right feat until level 7 ...

2014-11-27, 04:23 PM
...when I had to do a will save against a magical compulsion...and he went "oops, I mean reflex save"

If he's willing to stoop to such obvious bullsh...bullshenanigans as "mind-controlling is a Reflex save", then it doesn't matter what character you build, because the rules are meaningless.

Oracle 3/Barbarian 4
Lame curse for the oracle
For the race you want a changeling or a gnome for their FCB : 1/2 level for your effective curse level. Human/Aasimar/Hafl-Elf with racial heritage may work too.
This means that you are able to rage cycle at level 5 since your curse make you immune to the fatigued condition (curse level = 5 : 3 oracle + 1 from 2 FCB + 1 from 2 barbarian level)
You don't need a "+Curse FCB" Race.
Oracle 3 = 3
Barbarian 4 = 2
You already have the 5 levels needed for Lame>Fatigue Immune. You are likely better off taking a race with Barbarian bonuses.

With the right mystery you can also switch Charisma and Dexterity : Lunar (Prophetic Armor revelation), Lore (Sidestep Secret)
And the Primal Companion revelation from the Lunar mystery also give you an animal companion. Which can stay at your level with the right feat until level 7

The DEX dumping is actually pretty solid. Just remember to throw on the Noble Scion feat for CHA to Initiative as well.