View Full Version : Need some help with balance.

2014-11-26, 03:36 PM
I'm designing a homebrew class that is basically an improved eldritch knight. I need help balancing it's spell slots and spell list. Here's a link to the homebrew thread:

2014-11-27, 01:35 PM
Bumping this thread cause I still need help.

2014-11-27, 07:38 PM
Alright, Spell List is added. Need someone to look it over for me.

Also: Feel free to suggest other wards. I ran out of ideas pretty quickly.

2014-11-28, 11:13 AM
Bump. Need an expert to look at my spell list.

2014-11-28, 12:03 PM
Alright, on first thought, you may want more concentration requirements for damage-boosting abilities. Also, straight-number buffs (like +2s,) are not an element of D&D 5e. Try replacing them, when possible, with a proficiency bonus or advantage.

Finally, your spell list looks alright, but it's pretty hard to judge without in-game testing. The "wards" are rather badly saturated with +2s.