View Full Version : Optimization Trying to build an Incantatrix.

2014-11-26, 10:53 PM
So basically I have a 20 level build currently I was going to use at least in terms of levels

wizard 5/ incantatrix 3/ Initiate of the sevenfold veil 7/ archmage 5

But lately I've been finding that the archmage levels are going to be less and less useful and am leaning to taking out archmage and even some levels in sevenfold to cap out incantatrix for the -1 level for all metamagic feats.

so it would look more like wizard 5/ incantatrix 10/Initiate of the sevenfold veil 5

My question pertains to which is more important, the last two levels in IotSV or finishing out Incantatrix?

I like the idea of being effectively unkillable but I also like -1 level for ALL metamagic. Which is worth more?

2014-11-26, 11:23 PM
My question pertains to which is more important, the last two levels in IotSV or finishing out Incantatrix?
I like the idea of being effectively unkillable but I also like -1 level for ALL metamagic. Which is worth more?
Iot7FV is "rear loaded", meaning you get the best features at the end of the PrC. Incantatrix is "front loaded", meaning you get the best features at the start of the PrC (in the first 3 levels). If you start Iot7FV, you definitely want to finish it! However, Incantatrix doesn't need to be finished. In summary, being unkillable is a much better class feature than -1 metamagic. Free metamagic (beyond what Incantatrix 3 already offers) can be obtained in various other ways, such as one level of Spelldancer (if you can use a 3.0 source that doesn't have a 3.5 update). In other words, consider a build like: Wizard 5, Incantatrix 7, Spelldancer 1, Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil 7.

2014-11-26, 11:44 PM
Not sure if i can use 3.0 sources by it's worth a shot. I tend to use a ton of metamagic that's why meta magic reducers are so valuable to me.

What would be a decent prc than worth taking 4 levels in without reducing caster levels?

because if i can get a total of -2 to all metamagic that would be so great!

for example

wiz 5/incantatrix 10/ spell dancer1/x 4

2014-11-27, 12:17 AM
The first four levels of Fatespinner are pretty good low-investment filler if that's what you're looking for.

But really, strongly consider maxing out Iot7V. That class is amazing. And if you're running both Incantatrix 3 and Spelldancer, you have all the metamagic cheese you could ever possibly need.

2014-11-27, 10:14 AM
Archmage is good for Body Outside Body Wish/Miracle SLA shenanigans.

2014-11-27, 11:27 AM
if you can toss in 1 level Tainted Scholar/ 1 level Metaphysical Spellshaper/1 level Mindbender Plus mindsight feat/ 2 level Archmage for reach and spell like ability. Find a way to bind naberius and lol at how you destroy everything.

2014-11-27, 03:57 PM
What about wiz 5/incantatrix 3/IotSV 7/Spell Dancer 1/Fate Spinner 4

-1 to all meta magic, maxed out IotSV, metamagic effect, and some fate spinner shenanigans

@above not really a fan of binder shenanigans and my DM will call me on a lot of that so I tend more towards straight casting classes.

2014-11-27, 03:59 PM
What about wiz 5/incantatrix 3/IotSV 7/Spell Dancer 1/Fate Spinner 4

-1 to all meta magic, maxed out IotSV, metamagic effect, and some fate spinner shenanigens

What tier is the rest of your party?

2014-11-27, 04:11 PM
I'd say drop the initiate seven veil part altogether. Go for metaphysical spell shaper if your going for meta magic reduction. Add as much of incantrix as you require, then touch up the last couple of levels with arch mage.
One of my most powerful wizard was wizard 5/metaphysical spellshaper 3/incantrix 10/archage 2.

2014-11-27, 09:46 PM
What kind of Incantatrix do you want to be? There are melee incantatrixes, blasty incantatrixes, and just regular casters with loads of persistent defensive/utility buffs, and of course you can do more than one of these things if you put your mind to it. But that main decision is going to alter what classes are good for you.

If you're cool with nabbing leadership and running a circle, Incantatrix and Halruuan Elder (or really any class that grants circle magic) go together like peanut butter and jelly. Oh, does the mean ol' enemy caster want to dispel your ridiculous buff stack? Too bad, your caster level is 40 + whatever other boosters you can put on top, making your dispel DC = Disjunction or go home. Not to mention finding uncapped CL spells like the normally-unimpressive Force Missile and going to town. Speaking of which...

Maybe he just casts a regular spell instead. Skin of the Steel Dragon (CoV) gives you SR based on your caster level. Too bad it's such a short dura-OH WAIT INCANTATRIX.

Maybe you'll face a mailman who will orb you to death. Oops, you're immune to pesky things like ranged attacks with spells like Friendly Fire up. Get decent DR and/or incorporeal form and even Hail of Stone spamming won't be enough to end you.

I'll also second the Mindbender dip for Mindsight. At this op level your main job is to avoid getting jumped, since the fight is going to be over in one or two rounds, and you want to make sure your side gets to act first.

2014-11-28, 01:36 AM
I'd say drop the initiate seven veil part altogether. Go for metaphysical spell shaper if your going for meta magic reduction. Add as much of incantrix as you require, then touch up the last couple of levels with arch mage.
One of my most powerful wizard was wizard 5/metaphysical spellshaper 3/incantrix 10/archage 2.
Important to note that Metaphysical Spell Shaper is 3rd party material (i.e., unofficial homebrew) from a not-often-allowed source (Book of Erotic Fantasy), and also widely considered to be way overpowered. We generally don't assume that players will have access to such things...