View Full Version : errata you prefer to ignore

2014-11-27, 12:47 AM
is there any errata that you ignore as a DM? Any that you absolutely stand by at all times?

2014-11-27, 12:55 AM
I prefer to ignore the ToB errata.

...you know, the one that turns into the Complete Mage errata for no reason halfway through >.<

Tanuki Tales
2014-11-27, 12:58 AM
I tend to ignore all errata that isn't an edition update (i.e. 3.0 to 3.5). They're my games to run and if me and mine have any issue with something, we'll decide how to fix it.

2014-11-27, 01:01 AM
I'm down with a lot of errata, but I will never accept the change to Weretouched Master.

2014-11-27, 01:08 AM
I consider psionics nerf in XPH errata and ignore most of it.

2014-11-27, 01:13 AM
The natural bond errata from complete adventurer. There was a reasonably cool way to advance the companions from beastmaster, and they just had to nerf it.

2014-11-27, 01:16 AM
I'm down with a lot of errata, but I will never accept the change to Weretouched Master.
More seriously, absolutely +1 to this. What a stupid change.

As for ones that I absolutely do like to use:
The Nerveskitter spell does literally nothing without the Spell Compendium errata.
Not exactly an erratum, but the change in Rules Compendium to make spell completion items inherit the action type of the spell they cast is one of my favorite changes in the game; makes skill-based non-casters way more viable than they otherwise would be. Without it, UMD users have basically no action economy manipulation.
The change to Alacritous Cogitation is a pretty necessary bit of anti-cheese.
I'm sure I've forgotten something.

2014-11-27, 01:36 AM
Oh yea, the errata to DMM is a big one for me as well. Requiring it to be used only on divine spells, and requiring it to apply to a metamagic feat that you already have are kinda important.

2014-11-27, 02:17 AM
Any errata that comes out of Paizo's FAQs that are obviously errata that they don't want to call errata.
I ignore most 3.5 errata unless it is a really obvious fix.
Actually, I count class-redesigns as errata (ToB, factotum, etc), and I use those. I just don't use the errata in the errata files.

2014-11-27, 02:20 AM
I ignore any and all alignment "suggestions" printed by WotC. Better left in the hands of the DM/Players.

I stand by XPH over 3.0's Psionics.

I use other errata on a case by case basis when I remember it exists.

2014-11-27, 03:32 AM
Dragons of Krynn...

And Kingdom of Kalamar's Irresistible Spell errata :C

2014-11-27, 03:43 AM
I'm down with a lot of errata, but I will never accept the change to Weretouched Master.

never will I ever use the errata'ed weretouched master.

for me, there's one that comes to mind before all others:

Volley nerf. Because mundanes need another jab in the eye with a sharp stick. How dare you even think of applying precision damage more than once a round? (clutches pearls) what would your caster overlords think?

2014-11-27, 03:47 AM
Complete Psionic. The whole book. :smalltongue:

2014-11-27, 03:53 AM
Complete Psionic. The whole book. :smalltongue:

I dunno about the whole book (energy missile was a bit silly with it's DC that scaled 1:1 with augmentation, instead of 2:1 like every other spell or power ever), but I specifically dont use the astral construct change that limits it to one construct up at a time, that's just unacceptable.

2014-11-27, 04:09 AM
1. More of a clarification: Incorporeal non-undead "winking out" in an AMF
2. Footsteps of the Divine duration
3. Astral Construct limit

2014-11-27, 05:04 AM
Citadel Elite errata, so dumb. "Let's take a class and strip out every meaningful feature because being better than Fighter makes it too strong"

2014-11-27, 05:05 AM
Not exactly an erratum, but the change in Rules Compendium to make spell completion items inherit the action type of the spell they cast is one of my favorite changes in the game; makes skill-based non-casters way more viable than they otherwise would be. Without it, UMD users have basically no action economy manipulation. Hey, what's about the spells with extremely long casting time?
Eight hours of spell completion... :smallconfused:

2014-11-27, 05:25 AM
Hey, what's about the spells with extremely long casting time?
Eight hours of spell completion... :smallconfused:
To me, that's a feature of the change, not a bug. When everything was a standard action, not being able to use wands of Celerity/Wraithstrike/Wings of Cover felt lame and unfair, and being able to cast standard-action Apocalypse from the Sky felt cheesy.

After the change, spell completion/trigger items work just like casting the spells in question. Fine by me.

2014-11-27, 05:27 AM
Oh yea, the errata to DMM is a big one for me as well. Requiring it to be used only on divine spells, and requiring it to apply to a metamagic feat that you already have are kinda important.

Divine spells only I'm OK with, but god dammit DMM should replace regular meta-magic not be in addition to it. Every DMM costs you two feats instead of one. If you don't habitually abuse nightsticks its simply not worth that many feats.

Tend to ignore most errata in my group, just because we can't be assed checking for it most of the time. Though I particularly hate the warlock errata.

2014-11-27, 09:45 AM
Invisible Blade's Uncanny Feint being only once per round. It's nice to disallow infinite attempts, but making it once per attack is much better

2014-11-27, 10:55 AM
Mounted. Skirmish.

Because apparently being on a mount and doing full Skirmish damage is OP. Even though it is HISTORICALLY ACCURATE! Also because it would make mundanes awesome and gods forbid if we have that.

I mean they still have to be within 30 ft, so unless you have an exceptionally fast mount even with Ride by Attack your still probably within charge distance.

2014-11-27, 10:57 AM
Weretouched Master's errata is so horrible.

And scouts being errated so that skirmish doesn't work when mounted. Why? Just why?

2014-11-27, 11:01 AM
And scouts being errated so that skirmish doesn't work when mounted. Why? Just why?

Because we'd have more than one scout build and our caster overlords would feel threatened that anything could hit that hard and move that fast :smalltongue:

2014-11-27, 11:04 AM
I ignore the errata to the artisan feats from ECS. If I want to make an army of iron golems for free, dammit I will.

2014-11-27, 11:04 AM
Because we'd have more than one scout build and our caster overlords would feel threatened that anything else could hit that hard and move that fast :smalltongue:

Fixed that up for you.

2014-11-27, 11:09 AM
Fixed that up for you.

Thank you.

Also i ignore the ToB errata, as that seemed rather pointless.

Edit: Actually i put any Errata under "might use" and the bulk of it i dont because, in the words of Red Green: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." and in the case of DnD: "Even if it IS broke, you may not wanna fix it."

2014-11-27, 11:44 AM
Leap Attack errata. The original text was clear enough, and conformed to the "multiplication rule" if you were already familiar with it. The errata is just bizarrely unnecessary, and leaves the "triple the extra damage" sentence intact, which creates two different multiplication schemes to memorize.

Never been a fan of the errata for Knock-down (which disappeared in the SRD/Divine version).

Seconding Mounted Skirmish and Uncanny Feint.

The Volley/Precision thing from the RC is confusing. I prefer the simplicity of "every attack roll gets precision damage if it qualifies, if multiple attacks get a single attack roll then you get precision once".

Still a little bit annoyed with Melee Weapon Mastery (PHBII)... if I want to devote a whole crap-tonne of feats to get an extra +2 damage on a morningstar, why not?

Almost all of these can be filed under "Melee Can't Have Nice Things"... and why is it a good idea to nerf melee? Never understood this kind of thinking.

2014-11-27, 11:52 AM
No, I use it all. I'll admit the Citadel Elite "fix" is annoying, though; I might in the future ignore that one as a house rule.

One update that's not an erratum I disregard as a house rule is the change to glassteel (Champions of Valor, page 65); I keep the version in Races of Faerūn on page 158. The newer version has nearly identical properties to mithral (matching exactly in weight, ASF, MDB, and ACP), so there's hardly any reason for its existence. The older, more expensive version combines the qualities of adamantine and mithral for a unique effect, which makes it quite useful if you happen to encounter an Antimagic Field.

2014-11-27, 11:54 AM
Almost all of these can be filed under "Melee Can't Have Nice Things"... and why is it a good idea to nerf melee? Never understood this kind of thinking.The problem I see is that it nerfs the wrong type of melee.

2014-11-27, 11:59 AM
I don't own a copy of rules compendium, nor any of the dragon mags (I just never got the chance to pick them up when I saw them), so no errata out of there and for the most part I ignore the online only errata. The reason for the latter is if their is a memory dispute, then I'd prefer to not have to hop on to a pc and dredge up the article/link the person may or may not be talking about during play. [for many groups this might not be a problem but we have some people that will argue points to death if not shown otherwise, I'm one of them :smallredface:]

I ignore parts of the Complete Psionics book, mostly the apparently needless nerfs to already existing powers.

otherwise when I'm DMing I try to be maximally consistent, so if theirs a rules issue we'll ask the RAW and if that proves unsatisfactory (either due to vagueness of missingness) I'll make a ruleing and stick to it, errata be ******. In the next cycle if we remember we will look it up and decide to either take or ignore the errata at the start and stick to that.

2014-11-27, 12:17 PM
I basically never check errata anyway, so I probably end up ignoring most of it by accident. The only time I look it up is when something seems obviously dysfunctional and I'm like "WTF? There must be errata for this."

2014-11-27, 12:27 PM
Volley nerf. Because mundanes need another jab in the eye with a sharp stick. How dare you even think of applying precision damage more than once a round? (clutches pearls) what would your caster overlords think?

If anything, this was a nerf to Scorching Ray. :smalltongue:

Thrice Dead Cat
2014-11-27, 12:36 PM
I'm down with a lot of errata, but I will never accept the change to Weretouched Master.

I consider psionics nerf in XPH errata and ignore most of it.

These are the big ones I ignore. I'm pretty partial to the unofficial ToB errata, if only because WotC really screwed the pooch on that one.

2014-11-27, 12:40 PM
If anything, this was a nerf to Scorching Ray. :smalltongue:

Lol i always forget that Scorching Ray counts as a "Volley" guess ive been screwing that up for awhile :smalltongue:

Well i guess its time to do the same thing i did when i saw the Mounted Skirmish Ruling:

2014-11-27, 12:51 PM
Divine spells only I'm OK with, but god dammit DMM should replace regular meta-magic not be in addition to it. Every DMM costs you two feats instead of one. If you don't habitually abuse nightsticks its simply not worth that many feats.

Tend to ignore most errata in my group, just because we can't be assed checking for it most of the time. Though I particularly hate the warlock errata.

See, I always had the opposite opinion. I've never been in a position where I could afford a single nightstick, more or less multiple, but it's still good enough to be worth 3 feats for persist. Especially given how many ways there are to ease that burden. Especially when it would let you skip any prereqs there might be.

That said, what's so bad about the warlock errata? Only part of it I can remember is the EB change, and that just made it actually possible to use it with the metaSLA feats. Without that, it was just kinda...weirdly done.

The Viscount
2014-11-27, 02:14 PM
I'm pretty against the RC rule about no stacking of miss chances.

2014-11-27, 02:19 PM
I don't ignore the ToB errata so much as I maintain that one day some poor benighted WotC writer is going to remember that they have the real ToB errata on their hard drive, and release it to the world.

2014-11-27, 02:27 PM
Not actually an errata, but our group chose to ignore the "no-stacking keen with improved critical" rule that 3.5e brought. The weapon and its abilities are one thing and the chars ability to use it is another.

2014-11-27, 02:28 PM
Wait, 3.5 has errata?

2014-11-27, 02:28 PM
I hate pretty much every change in the Rules Compendium, it's one of the only books I 100% ban.

Complete Psionic. The whole book. :smalltongue:

...Complete Psionic is another member of that exclusive club.

Invisible Blade's Uncanny Feint being only once per round. It's nice to disallow infinite attempts, but making it once per attack is much better

Honestly...after 5 levels in a subpar PrC focused on melee-only kidney-stabbing with inferior weapons and requiring pretty terrible feats whilst utilizing the absolute worst core means of gaining sneak attack in the whole game... I don't really mind just saying, "yeah, feinting just works for you 100% of the time now." You know...like flanking does w/o needing to spend all those feats and levels.

In any case, that is definitely one of the absolute worst erratas ever.

2014-11-27, 03:09 PM
I ignore CPsi Astral Construct and the MiC Torc. Thankfully, DSP did too.

2014-11-27, 06:57 PM
Is there some list of errata somewhere? I never perform to find them.

2014-11-27, 07:30 PM
Is there some list of errata somewhere? I never perform to find them.


2014-11-27, 07:48 PM
I'm pretty against the RC rule about no stacking of miss chances.
Every change in that book I regard as a possible house rule; RC's claim of precedence is entirely self-granted and also in conflict with other WotC sources. In this particular case, though, the same book provides an out (on the same page even): DEGREES OF CONCEALMENT, wherein the DM can adjust the miss chance. Personally, I always adjust the miss chance to be exactly what it would be without that first change conflating all miss chances to be concealment.

2014-11-27, 08:21 PM

Thank you very much. My google-fu needs improvements.