View Full Version : Optimization Barbarian In need of help

2014-11-27, 05:02 AM
Due to my barbarian getting a certain item, (Made up by the DM) and failing some will saves I have had to take my 6th level as a sorcerer, which at first sucks as my next level as barbarian would have given me my second attack. I have not played a spell caster before and after having a quick look over the potential spell list, I cannot think of a way this will benefit me at all. is there any good ways in which I could further progress my character along this path or is it going to simply be a matter of ignoring the spells, and carrying on as a barbarian

My stats:

STR - 18
DEX - 13
CON - 17
INT - 10
WIS - 12
CHA - 10

2014-11-27, 05:19 AM
Since you only have a CHA of 10, you would be unable to even cast 1st lvl spells
If you really have to stick to it, I would consider putting my 8th level stat gain into CHA or getting some magic enhancement.

Also you could now be eligible for Dragon Disciple prestige class, which could be flavorful.

2014-11-27, 05:53 AM
Sorcerers have exactly one things period: spells. Spells require a casting stat of 10+spell level to cast them. As your Cha is 10, the only spells you are capable of casting are 0th lvl spells.

This isn't as limiting as it seems: while you only get a couple spells known, 0th lvl spells can be cast many times per day , and there's some really useful ones. If nothing else, take Prestidigitation; there's a reason it's referred to as Least Wish.

Furthermore, just because you have no Cha now, doesn't mean you can't gain some later. Also, just because you can't cast 1st lvl spells yet doesn't mean you don't know any; if you put a point into Cha at ECL 8, you can start giving yourself a small buff a couple times a day before raging.

The only other thing worth mentioning is that the familiar uses your HD for just about everything: BAB, base saves, HP, and so on. It technically only gets half of your HP, but you're a barbarian, so that should be sufficient.

All that being said, what your DM just pulled would not have flown at any table I've ever played at; barring extraordinary circumstances, the DMs involvement in character building shouldn't extend to forcing you to take levels in a class you have no right to be in. If you have a serious problem with being a sorcerer, talk with your DM about it; who knows, maybe he lets you in on a plot point connected to your newfound magic that's too tempting to pass up, or lets you adjust your character to be a decent sorcerer. Regardless, if the DM just didn't realize how bad your build was for taking sorcerer levels, that can be fixed. If the DM has it out for you, my only advice is that no gaming is better than bad gaming.

EDIT: Also, if nothing else, I'm sure your character will appreciate the bonus to Will saves, due to his recent mishap.

Feint's End
2014-11-27, 06:07 AM
I agree. Talk to your dm about the issues you are having.
Something like this wouldn't fly at my tables neither.

No gaming is better than bad gaming.

Killer Angel
2014-11-27, 07:19 AM
Alternatively, given that you're forced to take a level of sorcerer by a magic (cursed?) item, talk to your DM to have at least a +1 Cha bonus by the same item, so at least you can cast first lev. spells...

Now, the plus side: you'll be able to use arcane scrolls and wands, so you could keep some utility spells, to use in the right moment.