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Fuum Bango
2007-03-25, 11:45 AM
So I've have an idea, I have a habit of doing that. Over the past hour I’ve been making a world, I just gotta know what you guys think.
Long ago a sinister God or Devil or Fey or High Sorcerer formed a world of extremes, rage filled sea, huge smoothed hills that lead to cliffs overlooking fields of ice, shattered, twisting mountains and a glimmering, glass desert where it built a blue tower that reaches far past a giant iron moon. But it was barren. For all its power it could not create life, this saddened it, infuriated it, so it plucked beings of all kinds from other worlds then placed them within its realm. Hundreds of years have passed since the Great Theft.

You play the descendants. Everyone is of mixed race, they are so far removed from the Stolen Ones that they may not even know who or what their ancestors where, other may revere a particular ancestor and act out their traditions and actions. Kingdoms however are still young, though many may have knowledge of various technologies; the world is in a Dark Age state. People don't currently have the resources or man-power to build past the most basic technology. Also, the world has no real Gods. It is a setting of horror and hope.

Without racial walls, the people created gangs of like-minded folk for protection, which over time merged and shifted, finally concluding as Courts. Each Court owns a barony, as well as safe houses around the world.

The Shining Brigade, White Court - Ruled by King Glamour & the Shield Maidens
Peace is the goal of the Guards, though they despise battle, they will fight and die to bring the world closer to unity. Justice must be accomplished, honor upheld and innocence protected. They are known for respecting law but corruption within it is dealt with violently. At their worst they believe the world should come under rule of the White Court, for the others can’t look after themselves. That said they are often kind hearted and want equality, this brings many stranger people into the fold, who peruse the ideals of the Court more than any other.

The Laughing Visionaries, Cerulean Court - Ruled by the Deep Council and influenced by Electric Jones
The Smilers know only two things for sure, life is a game and it has no greater meaning. Surprisingly they are one of the most active and progressive Courts, they are famed for their creations, leagues apart from anything the others are capable of. Cerulean Court members are often sensationists, who wander the land for rare experiences to take their mind off the lack of significance. They all yearn for immortality, and the older members are fearful of almost everything; thinking it could aid in ending their life.

The Wolves of Elsewhere, Black Court - Ruled by the Ebon Gentlemen
Ever watchful, the Spooks have a plan. If there was a way in, there is a way out. They consider this world the work of a mad demon and that beyond this falsehood are many great paradises. They act as informants, telling the other Courts want they deem necessary for them, ever vigilant of important information. They have their hands in many places, gentle directing people where they must. At their worst they feel trapped and would rather tear the world apart than let the deceptions go on.

The Theater of Life, Emerald Court - Lead, but not ruled, by Bruva Samo
The Givers are said to be an off shoot of Smilers, but you wouldn’t know from talking to one. Life is short, they say, so make the best of it and help others to feel joy. Material gain is unnecessary and it is a better to give it to those in need. They think the world is beautiful, but change is the only way to stop entropy. They are famed explorers and often act as guides to travelers. The Emerald Court also appears to be fascinated by death, seeing it as a great adventure. At the very worst, they are pacifists that aid all life, good or evil.

The Warriors of Wordless Oaths, Scarlet Court - Ever changing, currently Warlord Rotterhut
Ogres are after one thing, nonstop combat. Though harsh even when not acting as mercenaries the camaraderie and structured life of the Scarlet Court has given it more than enough members to be recognized. Fools believe them to be mindless warriors, but they have been known to trick the other Courts into paying them to fight a band of Orderless only to later find out they where Ogres in disguise. They are master tacticians and are always on step ahead of anyone they fight. They think glory and strength are the most precious things in the land. And some think its propaganda, which all but the highest ranking mambers known of. That the Court is ruled by a secret master, and that the Ogres exist to one day fight back a immeasurable power.

The Masters of the Fantastic, Indigo Court - No ruler
Braggers search for knowledge of the world, so they can bend the laws that govern it. The feel that to be humble is to be weak, that joy lies in power and power alone. At their very worst they believe that their thoughts are better and that if they become the God the world needs, they can change the world for the well-fair of all. They can sometimes be found as merchants, though their prices are high the Indigo Court has connections to all major trading posts, so they sell only the best. After centuries of assassinations on Rulers to seize power the Court vowed that no one can ever rule it. This is fairly often contested by powerful individuals within the Court.

The Path of the Singular, Saffron Court - Ruled by Amber Goldvein
All things are one to the Zealots, they believe the world has formed from the thoughts of all life. Thus as each member improves themselves the world is improved. But also others must advance to better the world, many of the Saffron Court travel the world aiding other in improving and some go so far as to kill those they feel are unworthy to take their thoughts from the world. Belief is the strongest force in the universe to them.

What you want a speech?, a Punk might say, I busy kicking rocks. The Orderless are beings with no Court and no power. A goal may be to enter a Court or to destroy them or just to live a quiet life.

Also later on I'd like people to write some quotes of made up characters for this setting. Meh.

Edit: Wow, thats longer than I thought.

Fuum Bango
2007-03-25, 12:49 PM
The Breathing Gods,
No Gods exist, but some are doing a good job acting like them. Here is a few.

The Doom Titan
A giant mass of fat in sallow thin, bruising skin. Every few years his form claims new ground, flesh rolling over terrain, absorbing it into his colossal body. Over that is grotesquely huge, bloated head that is covered in mouths. He lacks eyes, jaws are in their place. He never talks, but his clergy hear his call, even from miles away. His followers live on him, his high priests about his ears and the lesser paving the way for his mighty form to conquer all.
"Even a man who owns nothing can still offer his life!." - High Priestess Tulsallum

Queen of All Nights Dream
There was once a time when she didn’t appear within the minds of sleeping folk. But that time has long been forgotten. She is mysterious and dignified clad only in a long silver robe that shows her nude, pale body beneath. The few that meet her do so rarely and ar often young children. Never seen outside of dreams, it is unknown how powerful she really is. Her rare temples spread thin across the land, the temples are usually wide and low, of simple, study build, mostly unassuming and peaceful. Inside them are large resting areas for weary travellers. The few clergy are silent in most religious debates, almost all of them have seen the Queen first hand and feel they can't be wrong about her. The Queen doesn't interact often, so over the years they have improvised in her wants, taking care of the mentally ill and opening art galleries in the more civilised cities to improve imagination of the people.

The Grim Judge
The very thought of him strikes fear into the most harden criminal. Like a broad mountain of metal the Judge glides though the earth, venerated by warriors for destroyed armies single handedly and worshipped by the meek for his kind heart. He is constantly on the move, but that hasn’t stopped him from speaking with many folk throughout the ages. In fact he’s talkative enough for people to know three facts about him; He was once the servant to a real God, he likes farmers and other toiling workers and once had a lover who was slain.

Knocker Spidery
Little is known of him other than he once was mortal of a Court that has since been destroyed. He can control spiders, or at least they are often controlled by him, he may have a control over scorpions as well and lives within a nameless mountain, intruders are placed in magical cages for all eternity. Only a one Bruva Samo has ever escaped, oddly Knocker's minions have never been sent after the ruler of the Emerald Court. He has a aura of nobility and knows the etiquette of each Court and can speak every language, from the high tounges to a local Orderless dialect. He loves to play games, but the stakes are always high with the Knocker. He has followers across the land all of which owe Knocker something, usually their soul, some suggest they have made deals involving political power within the Courts with the fiendish man. His followers come from all walks of life, often criminals of some flavour, whether murderers wanting power or petty thieves willing to give their all for the coin. He revils in mortals doing wrong, he often helps them to do so.
"I'm said to be a fork-tounged bastard. But believe me when I say that the world is there for the taking, I merely want to help people take their piece." - Knocker Spidery

Red Howler
Said to have been born from the Red Court Civil War, Red Howler destroyed both sides of war. Nearly ending the Court forever. Some Ogres fear she is sleeping and could wake at any time, ready to devour the Scarlet Court once more. Others worship her as the spirit of battle herself.

Of all the Breathing Gods, he has the most followers. Shohann is the southern-most star and master of navigation, sailing and trading. He appears to his high priests when he can and always attends his festivals. He can be seen in the distance on calm days travelling the seas in his ship WindFell. Though generally good natured, it is rumoured his ship is made from the skull of a rival God.

Very Important People
Whether cunning adventures, powerful leaders or smooth tounged celebrities, your going to have to suck up to them or pay a suitable assassin.

Electric Jones
He appears as a quiet, thin man with wavy hair and unshaven face. He holds a high rank within The Laughing Visionaries, but he doesn't really uphold their beliefs. He gained his name because he has a strange effect on the electrical experiments the Cerulean Court practice, he has been known to explode the proto-batteries the alchemists of the Court own by his mere presence. Usually seen wearing a long cloak that is dirty, tattered from trailing the ground and dusty wide brimmed hat. He seems to drop of the map with ease; spies have claimed to track him for weeks, only to lose him in the blink of an eye. Other than that he appears normal, he drinks whiskey and has been known to turn up late to Court meets hung-over. He enjoys romance theater and earned the animosity of several Deep Council members by watching one of the many Emerald Court funded plays "To Live for Love Alone". He is an inventor, he travels the land in search of lost knowledge to rebuild, which he is often unsuccessful in doing...

But Jones is different from most people. Jones says he birthed himself. That he is of no family. That he willed himself to be. That when he dies, he'll do it again. He doesn't tell people how, but many have helped him reach his goals in the hope of learning.

Fuum Bango
2007-03-25, 01:25 PM
I'm not sure how to handle races. I think I'll go with what I'm calling the "Archetypes". Names for them will change soon as I can!

Jester - high dexterity, low constitution, masters of improvising and escape
Brute - high strength, low dexterity, very large and fearless
Thinker - high intelligence, low constitution, resists simple charms
Seer - high wisdom, low strength, greater senses
Fey - high charisma, low wisdom, extra skill points
Soldier- high constitution, low charisma, weapon wielding & craft bonuses

Then players can add "Heritages" to them for more interesting beings.

Heavenly - of holy blood, like angels
Hellish - of unholy blood, like demons
Maddened - of chaotic blood like "chaotic things"
Stolid - of lawful blood, like "lawful things"

In the person's childhood, they were the strongest, the most cunning and blessed with a clear, commanding voice. Most know the tales of their bloodline, and the burden of the Heroic is past to them as they reach adulthood. What they do with it, is up to them. They seem to possess a sense of people’s motives and strengths.

Perhaps it was selective breeding between wizards, or the whim of a True God long before the Great Thieft, but their blood burns with a potent magic. Those of Magical breeding are cunning and independent. They value free will, but the blood often whispers to them to find more magic, more magic. They can feel magic in the air, and are more resistant to its affects than most. At birth they show their Magical nature with tattoo-like markings around their lips and on their palms, but these fade as they age. They may also have more notable, long-lasting features like pointed ears or long fingers.

Slender, with very sharp features and straight, soft hair that lifts with the smallest of breezes. Their skin is often a simple tan, making them the hardest Kin to notice by untrained eyes; however their eyes, while often common shades, gently change as the day goes by, it could be bright green at dawn then dim hazel by dusk. They all feel a need to travel, by this can range from them becoming scouts to sea fareing explorers. They are often care free, they are calm and gentle, but when they are angered they rarely stop attacking the aggessor. They have control of air, bending it into a force most potent.


Wood-Kin (Earth, Plant)

Mountain-Kin (Earth, Stone)

Ore-Kin (Earth, Metal)
Metallic green or blue matted hair like wire, bronze skin with speckles of gold and dim grey eyes are all common traits of the Ore-Kin. But all of them are tough as hell. They are usually reserved waiting for the rigt moment to do anything, others are just lazy. Their voices seem to echo; leaving some with some common folk ringing ears. Ore-Kin are the easiest to spot of all Kin. They can twist metal to their will, and masters of the blood can leave conventional armies without means of attack or defence.


Deep black skin with bright, glowing blue eyes, rolling curls of dark hair, flattened nose, a rounded, large jaw-line and unnatural hight are all common traits of the Storm-Kin, though it can vary as much as any Kin. Voices loud as thunder and anger quick as lightening, the Storm-Kin naturally hold themselves with pride and care. Though they can be frightening, most are often neutral, bearly able to hold grudges. They hold sway over storms, throwing bolts and creating billowing clouds as they master the blood.


Shunned both for their strange habits and stranger looks, the Wild-Kin can call upon their blood to change their body after much meditation. Over time most are consumed by there blood, becoming monsters of taloned hands and poison barbed teeth. Four paths can be taken by Beast-Kin, though a rushed or angered calling can give the Beast-Kin abilities from another path or from a dark, ancient place of monsters. The first path is Aquatic, of swimming, finned blood, such as mermaids. The second is Aerial, of soaring, winged blood, like hawkmen. The third is Reptilian, of dry, scaled blood, like lizard folk. The fourth is Mammalian, of hoof and clawing blood, like minotaurs.
However, it is possible for Wild-Kin to control their blood, those who do appear as normal folk with a small trait like thin, sharp teeth or large, alert ears. The Wild-Kins blood is at constant odds with the descendant.

Politically Powerful Bloodlines, through close ties or isolation several family groups have been founded. They are not naturally (or super-naturally) powerful, though they may have rare traits. Their power comes from having each other. (Updated soonish)

The demanding clan Ravana are always at the center of Indigo Court's more shocking activites. Toned with warm, golden skin and long white hair and sultry, burning eyes the Ravana use their looks as much as their high intelligence to get what they want. Trained in the arcane from a early age, all are expected to be greater than any other and are taught that outsiders are lesser folk. They compete with each other in the magical arts, each given a number that shows their rank. This leads to the clan having a less than friendly outlook on others and in turn few care for them. They all wear formal robes of grey with black pointed shoes. Women of the clan cut their hair very short while the men never shave it, but hide it underneath tall, coned hats. Their is around twenty family members, but they are dwindling.
Though a picture of elegance, rumours have spread that constant inbreeding within the clan have birthed malformed bone-thin children, more like beasts than people that roam the country side around the Ravana mansions. They are described as having tight, deformed lips that show huge yellowing teeth and long spindely arms, but still have the tell-tale white hair.
Leath, Fifth of Ravana
When the highest of the Indigo Court has a morally low idea, such as "Wouldn't it be neat to have a guard dog, right? that spits acid..." Leath is the one called to make it happen, he'll do almost any depraved arcane rite for the Court and he'll keep it secret at any cost. Not so much respected as tolerated by his peers, Leath holds a high rank in the Court. He is also quickly becoming a low number within the Ravana after his mother and father died of a rare illness and his elder brother went missing. But how long can Leath out pace his dark magic and the curious members of his family that want to know what his parents died of and where his brother went...

Short, stocky with leathery skin and thick, curly body hair. They often dye their hair blonde and other bright, rich colours but it is naturally deep orange or rarely slate grey. They often wear tunics of bright silks and knee high boots. By no means attractive or of a diplomatic nature, Clan Goldvein's nack of finding treasure and putting their views across simpily has insured their worth to the Saffron Court, whom favour them now more than ever. They all have a obsession, for some its as simple as collecting art for others it could be abstract concepts like fate. Famous for standing their ground both in the face of more quick tounged Court rivals and the onslaught of a large army of Orderless that attacked their underground home come fortress of Gotterhause fifty years ago, killing many. Though a social family, they all practise a art of hiding that has past down through the generations. They are said to have around fourty family members currently, but some claim their are more that never leave their fortress-like obode.
Famous relatives:
Amber Goldvein
The Ruler of The Path of the Singular, she is the matriarch of the Goldveins. Stern, precise & always calm. She is clean shaven, leaving only a mane of sunny yellow about her scalp. She collects insects, admiring their simple, ordered existance. No one will tell her, but many fear it is her obsession...and that Amber may be taking it a bit to far. She is never without her Skeleton Key, a artifact that has been in the clan many hundreds of year. It is said to open any lock it touches, but few know its power.
Nord Goldvein
Known as the Wyrmfoe, he is a living legend, a slayer of beasts. He is said to be like a burly mass of matted hair, with only his toothy grin shining through it all. He fights by ambush, patience and strength. He wears heavy, scarred armour and weilds a huge magical hammer known by many names, such as King of Frost and Winter Bringer. He trains many young Goldveins in the rougish arts.




Many languages have sprung up over the centuries, mixed from many cultures and some are complete replacements of old ones. Not much information on the yet...

High Miraca, the primary language of the White Court, complex and unhurried in its ways. Conversations in High Miraca can last for hours where other languages would have finished it in minutes. It has many variations of similer words and is used outside the Court mot often by poets. No self respecting merchant speaks High Miraca.

Miraca, a Orderless language derived from it's high form mixed with heavy doses of slang. It still grasps at complexity, but it is much quicker said. People who know High Miraca learn Miraca quickly.

Twist Tounge, invented by the Cerulean Court, few speak it, even with the Court itself. It is so contrived and the words so gutteral that only the most determand liguist care to learn it. Its great if you think people are watching your or reading your journals though, which many of the older Smilers believe.

Cas, a Orderless language that has infected most of the world with its presence. If you speak Cas you can talk to someone within a mile of yourself. Its simple, to the point and inoffensive. Used by merchants, sailors, clerks and even diplomats though they may use it only if they share no language with whomever they speak to.

Bloody Fingers, suprisingly the Scarlet Court invented a language, not just any old speach either. Bloody Fingers is a form of sign language used on the battlefield, to past information without warning the foes. It is always changing, ever so slowly, so other Clans can't learn it. Only members of the Ogres can learn it.

Edit: Long thread is loooooooooong.[/spoiler

2007-03-25, 04:23 PM
I'm just going to post this here

I had a look it really reminds me of the old legends of fey, each with a court. It also reminds me of dark age europe, where every petty king has his own goals and disires. I like it, it brings out a very moral clashing feel.

Only complain, more details are needed. I am going over each part one at time
first paragraph, i like i idea, but this is the most detail needed part. Is this like Ravenloft, a trapped demi plane that acts as a prision? It is to vauge for me to say. I would surggest that you make it into a horror champain, becuase it struck me of having potiential of being scary. It could also act as a realm for the fey

second paragraph, all i want to know is the races, and what are the stolen ones? Is each court a different race. I like the idea of hte Dark Ages, sense they are so barbaric.

The white court
If this is a horror champain, their are three ways you can go with this.
1. Make them the one shining becon of hope in such a made world. acts as home base for the PCs, basic good guys, and the real normal place. If they have a kindom (i would surgest each court have a barnory like the real dark ages) then make theirs the most good one.
2. Make them like the White Cloaks from Wheel of Time, completly zealos in their cause and willing to do anything to achieve their ends. Their cause is good, but their methods have turned them corrupt and insensitive. They bring "Ends justifies the means" to the exterm. They don't want to leave this world, they want to make it into a paradise, but based on their ideals of good and evil. If you read Dragonlance, you could base them off of the KingPriest
3. Make them a bit like the Christian Church. make them worship one God, much like the christian. Change their ideal for obvous reasons, but make the church in intent very good. The vast majoritiy of their people are good people and belive in their cause. But as you go up in the church's ranks, corruption begines. If you read the Demon Wars seris, good basis
Or you could do all of the above, or have all three exist seperatly. I like them though. If you are not doing horror, you should make them the good guys.
The Cerulean Court
If this is horror, very potiental of being scary. There are four ways you could make them scary
1. Make them like the fey of old legends, very inhuman and very devoted to a good time. They don't care about other's feelings though and will often play cruel pranks for their own amusment. Have a good deal of them be sadist who hurt for the just for the feel of it, and are willing to do anything to increase their own experience, even at the cost of other's pain
2. Have them be desperate to achieve inmortality, at any cost. This is a tad bit overdone as a plot hook, but Bear in mind, that this is an entire group (race) trying to achieve a non undead inmortality. You could have them have a major research lab where inmortal races such as fey are used as test subjects. They also want to enjoy themselves as much as possible, and so they advance techonalogy as much as possible to achieve their goals
3. hederositic and cowardly. They do nothing but work for their own enjoy ment. As a race they are the most powerful in wealth and tech, but they are willing to increase their own feelings at the cost of others pain. You could base them off of the worst traits of the US, and take out all the good stuff the US does.
4. Not so much evil, but paranoid. They must experience everything and work constently to do that. But they will never allow themselves to be endagered and often avoid other's troubles. Selfish and alien they are strongly CN.
I really like the Black Court Three ways to play them. Most interesting court
1. If the world is like Ravenloft, aka their is no way out easily, then make them one of the good guy forces. They can act as the bosses of the PCs and give them many quests and missions to try to find a way out
2. A bit like one, but make them less good and more willing to achieve freedom at any cost. Will use the PCs as minions but will leave them if they view it as nessary. Will hurt others and work with evil if they can escape. Acts a bit like a restence movement gone wrong
3. They deny the existence of this world's reality and view it like a dream. they want to escape and wake up. Because they think it as a dream, those who are not of their race/group are not real and so their feelings don't matter They will do anything too achieve an escape, and view those who don't ether as fools or as non existent beings.
The Emerald Court would be very good in a horror settings as the best good guy because they seem hard to corrupt. four ideas
1. They are good guys in this world, the surrporters of the PCs and the basic helpers. They ask nothing in return but the PCs should try to help them none the less. Genrally good guys
2. Same as one, but pacifistic to the core. They will help both good and bad powers and never will refuse to help a creature in need. While this may be good, it could irk the PCs that they are healing their enemies as well as their friends. Used an a neutral third party. Naive in manner, then promote peace even when it is not logical to do so.
3. They don't care about anything but healing itself. They don't truly care about the feelings of their patients, just the effects of healing. Cold and inpassinate, they go about their buinsess with no care for their patients.
Example: I a patient has an infected leg, they will server it to pervent spreading of the infecting even when hte patient says he/she would rather die.
They also might not promote mercy killing, wanting to see what their their medicine will do in the last stages of death.
Never buries or burnes victom, but always use them for further experments.
4. Much like 3 except evil. I based them off Nazi scientist to an extent except they are doing their experements for what they think is the betterment of the humans in general. Facinated in death, they will often use cruel tests to find out how much a person can take before they die. Often Necromancers
My favorite is the Scarlet Court. It just strikes me as funny. Two ways to play.
1. A milteristic proto Japanese sociaty but even more miltary bent. Maybe German rather than Japanese.
2. Mercanries who fight just to test out tatics. Will often war against each other simple to find out who's tatics are better then have a drink later that day. No care for life
I think you pretty much covered them.
The indigo Court is pretty much done. I imagine they are the wizards of your world. I ca't say more withou more details about the world itself.
The saffron Court lives up to their name
I think their are ways to use them. I'd base them after the Buddist religion to an extent, but take away the eightfold path
1. they just want enlightment. They the world as irrlevant to enlightment. Just want to be left alone
2. True zealots, they destroy anyone who defys their ideals of whati s true enlightment.
3. View materail arts as a true spirit of enlightment. Can be an aligment.
I'll get back to you on the quotes
OK now the false gods. You might want to makes these guys demon princes
The Doom titan, is scary. How do his priests live on him? Is his main temple on top of his body. Sacerfice should be the throw into a well in the basment, where they are devoured into his grasping maw
Queen of All Nights Dream, i need more details
The Grim Judge can be played three ways
1. A generally good guy who acts like Batman in punishing the wicked.
2. A LN guy who follows as fair but cold justice system, like the US one.
3. Judge Death, view anyone who disagree with his view as worthy of death.

Knocker Spidery could be a lord of madness, he can enter minds and cause madness. Maybe Goblin god.

The Red Howler should just be a rampaging force that appears in the middle of major battles to destroy both sides

Shohann is think is covered but i need more details of the relgion itself

As for races, well sorry i don't like hte names. how about make each court a differnt race?
I do like the heritages though. I'll get abck on you on that

Anyways, it has potiental but needs to be carved out more. Thanks for asking me. When did you make this? Let me know what you think

2007-03-25, 05:32 PM
This seems like an excellent idea for a world. With no gods, you may have to mess with the spellcasting system a little, for divine spellcasters (unless you just remove them entirely). The Doom Titan sounds really creepy, and the Grim Judge sounds like an excellent addition to the world.

I think I am slightly confused by the idea of races. There are no races, only Heritages? And for the Scarlet Court, ogres is just the name of the members of the court, and the same with others?

Overall, I think this could be an amazing setting for a campaign. I suggest making a map. I can see this as maybe 2 central continents, very near each other, possibly connected in a few places, so there would be a good amount of sea travel, and a large world to cover.

I don't really get what EvilElitest there is talking about, it doesn't strike me as a horror campaign at all, in fact less so than a normal dnd world. It is a simple and barely colonized world, which is good, it means there is always room for additions to the world that no one knew of yet. I think this could come out as an excellent place.

To EvilElitest, I believe that there are no seperate races, as I mentioned above, just heritages that are the remnants of the races originally brought to the world. The point is, when the world was created, this unknown being brought creatures from all over, who became the Stolen. And over the short time that they have been here, their descendents have all sort of ended up indistinguishable from one another, and are left with no specific races, but some heritages of their original groups. I think I have that right.

2007-03-25, 05:38 PM
This seems like an excellent idea for a world. With no gods, you may have to mess with the spellcasting system a little, for divine spellcasters (unless you just remove them entirely). The Doom Titan sounds really creepy, and the Grim Judge sounds like an excellent addition to the world.

I think I am slightly confused by the idea of races. There are no races, only Heritages? And for the Scarlet Court, ogres is just the name of the members of the court, and the same with others?

Overall, I think this could be an amazing setting for a campaign. I suggest making a map. I can see this as maybe 2 central continents, very near each other, possibly connected in a few places, so there would be a good amount of sea travel, and a large world to cover.

I don't really get what EvilElitest there is talking about, it doesn't strike me as a horror campaign at all, in fact less so than a normal dnd world. It is a simple and barely colonized world, which is good, it means there is always room for additions to the world that no one knew of yet. I think this could come out as an excellent place.

To EvilElitest, I believe that there are no seperate races, as I mentioned above, just heritages that are the remnants of the races originally brought to the world. The point is, when the world was created, this unknown being brought creatures from all over, who became the Stolen. And over the short time that they have been here, their descendents have all sort of ended up indistinguishable from one another, and are left with no specific races, but some heritages of their original groups. I think I have that right.

I think it could make a very good horror settings as i mentioned above. i don't know the details.
As for race, i will just wait until i get more details, but i think that i need more details

2007-03-25, 07:57 PM
I agree with Icewalker. It really doesn't seem to be a horror setting, and that is exactly what Fuum said.

It is a setting of horror and hope.
It isn't meant to be truly horror. It may have some horror elements, but full horror isn't what he wants it to be.
Your post is a little out of place and perhaps a bit presumptious, methinks.

@ Icewalker-
I think the heritage idea is saying that all the races are so intermixed that they are really mostly the same, but some show more traits from one bloodline that they have than the other.
Clerics could still work due to the fact that they don't needs gods, just beliefs and a spiritual system. In fact, they could worship one of the "gods," that "god" just wouldn't benefit.
And yeah, I do believe "ogres" is just a name, like all the others.

2007-03-25, 08:09 PM
May I just start by saying that this is one of the most interesting pitches for a setting I've heard in a long time. You really blew me away!

You've set up a great outline for a dark fantasy world, one that I would love to play in or, frankly, just read more about.

The other guys already pointed out some of the missing bits, most prominently the races. I for one really like the idea of setting up a "make-your-own-race" system. So many players get caught up in using only the common races from the PHB, but in a setting that is already pretty unique, why should the inhabitants not be equally unique? Obviously, you'd need make a more definite method for players to piece together their races, and if you want suggestions, I'll try, but I'm sure you can whip up something.

One of the most interesting parts of this world is the Courts. Each is so different from the others, and they feel like they might realistically balance each other. I've always been interested in how politics factor into a fantasy setting, and you've developed some stuff that's really fantastic. The one thing you're really missing is how geography factors into the development and power structure of each Court. Probably the best part of the "Mad God creates everything" is that the layout of the world can be incredibly contrived and very formulaic, and if anyone questions why the continent is a giant octagon, you can just say, "Hey, a Mad God created everything!"

I thought your lack of actual Gods is a great idea, especially considering the setup of the whole world. And, oh my god, are your semi-deities awesome! Icewalker called it, Doom Titan is soooo creepy! Only thing you need is how these beings interact with the Courts and the people of the world. I think you could do some wonderful things.

You've got a wonderful start, and I for one am very excited to see what more comes of this. Keep it up!


2007-03-25, 09:36 PM
Wow. When you PMed me, I thought it was just spam- but this is a really cool notion. I love the idea of being able to pick who/what you are, with tendencies but not being trapped by them, and the whole thieving of population is a neat idea.

I'm not sure I understand the descriptions of the courts sometimes, but the idea of them fits- this is a world that is slowly working its way out of total anarchy, with plenty of room for dark elements and hints of horror in the farthest edges- use sparingly.

2007-03-25, 10:44 PM
I agree with Icewalker. It really doesn't seem to be a horror setting, and that is exactly what Fuum said.

It isn't meant to be truly horror. It may have some horror elements, but full horror isn't what he wants it to be.
Your post is a little out of place and perhaps a bit presumptious, methinks.

@ Icewalker-
I think the heritage idea is saying that all the races are so intermixed that they are really mostly the same, but some show more traits from one bloodline that they have than the other.
Clerics could still work due to the fact that they don't needs gods, just beliefs and a spiritual system. In fact, they could worship one of the "gods," that "god" just wouldn't benefit.
And yeah, I do believe "ogres" is just a name, like all the others.

I think if the world is a horror settings, then the importance of hop is even more vital. The thing that makes hope a good thing is that you resorty to it even in the darkest of situations.

2007-03-25, 11:27 PM
This could make good opportunities for adventuring groups with highly different general goals, and some nice class-court combonations, I can just see a Jester from the Cerulean Court having a lot of fun. Odd combonations could come out as extremely interesting characters, such as a thinker of the scarlet court, who could come out as a battle tactician, or a soldier of the Emerald Court.

2007-03-26, 01:44 PM
I'd be wondering what racial traits would be had if there are no different races, but on the whole I like it. The dom tital reminds me of the flesh ooze, and makes me want to do a campaign centering around disintigrating it and revitalizing the land it rolled over.

Over all it has great potential for plenty of different types of games, and the making of enemies the players want to kill.

2007-03-26, 01:54 PM
I have to concur with everyone who has spoken already, that I really like this setting... you've thought out the relationships of the factions, and it all feels very real/unreal (fantastic but believable, dreamlike). It reminds me a lot of "Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri" in that all the factions are held together by creed, not by race - and your system for choosing race and heritage reminds me of the changes between SMAC and Civ - but I may just be showing my TBS bias.

Overall, great job - I can't wait to read more, and find out what other details you come up with!

Fuum Bango
2007-03-26, 02:33 PM
Its so big it needs a personal reply, the rest of ya'll are next.

1. All the courts have light and dark sides, so all you points are possible. I have read them and some of them have helped alot.
2. I'm glad you liked the Black Court, I've always wanted to make a group of good Black guys. :smallwink:
3. I liked your ideas for the Emerald Court, I added a pacifistic flaw to them.
4. I also glad the overall Dark Ages feel has been enjoyed by you.
5. Since you thought the Red's were funny, I've expanded their concept alittle.
6. The Breathing Gods are a personal favourite, I will add to them.
7. Horror is personal in this setting, characters come across it in hidden caves and in other people. The unknown is scary, and everything is unknown to the people. Many places, illnesses and animals in the world are still nameless. But its also about exploration, invention and rising above that fear, into a bright future.

Fuum Bango
2007-03-26, 02:44 PM
To Icewalker,
1. I'm not sure how magic works yet at all. I know many have small powers and few have powerful, uncontrollable magic.
2. Doom Titan is a fan favourite already! Yay me.
3. No races! only Archetypes that say what a character has been born like (big and strong, meek and fast ect.) and Heritages, a kind of template that can be added to characters to show what their ancesters where like (a elf decended person might have magical powers, pointy ears and be attractive), a player can choose up to two Heritages.
4. Maps will be made, but never a world map, there is always more to find.

May I just start by saying that this is one of the most interesting pitches for a setting I've heard in a long time. You really blew me away!

You've set up a great outline for a dark fantasy world, one that I would love to play in or, frankly, just read more about.

One of the most interesting parts of this world is the Courts. Each is so different from the others, and they feel like they might realistically balance each other. Mission successful Fuum!

Weirdlet, thanks.


1. Thanks for the kind words (this goes for everyone in the thread too).
2. The geography, I have some ideas for the more fantastical areas, such as the Great Glass Desert. But I'm working on most of it.:smallredface:
3. I'm really glad the Breathing Gods have made a impact. Doom Titan is my own personal childhood nightmare, I've grown up with him. Infact most of the Breathing Gods are from dreams, which is why they have that strange nonsense-that-makes-sense feeling to them.
4. How do they interact with the Courts? I'll think on it.

2007-03-26, 04:23 PM
Right, only request, can you make the heritages states soon? I'm interested

And i have the first quote, for the Scarlet Court

Emerald Court "Why do you always insist to fight. Why can't you work for peace?"
Scarlet Court "Peace? Why should i work for something i've never know. Our ways have worked for ages on ends and brought our court honor and power. Why should we change? We are best suited to war, dreaming about fantasies like peace is better left to weaker folks."

2007-03-26, 08:20 PM
I think some of the breathing gods should have some pretty direct connections to the courts. Red Howler clearly has serious connections to the Red Court, and I can see connections between the Grim Judge and the white court. That could make for some interesting adventure starters.

Mm, Storm-kin...sounds interesting.

2007-03-26, 08:59 PM
I had a nice long post written, and it was deleted. RARGH!

One quick thing. While I like the setting a lot, 100 years isn't enough to breed out of individual races. When an elf lives 700+ years, there would be many who remember when they were stolen as subjective teeneagers, and they wouldn't even be middle age. With Elans and such it gets ridiculous. If you think about it, in Dark Ages-y times, 100 years wasn't that long. In fantasy settings, 100 years is usually rather short. Castle are built in 100 years, powerful families formed. The amount of events, with civil wars and land takeover and settling into courts and people becoming GODS, I'd say would take about 10,000 years, to round safely.

And the feel of the world changes depending on who made it. A world made by Fey would be wild, overgrown, and possibly have magical barriers preventing a certain level of Tech. One made by a fiend would be scary and dark.

2 of my infinite cents. My next post, the Gods!!!!

2007-03-26, 09:16 PM
I was rereading over your first post on the Courts, and I remembered a question that has been nagging at me since I first posted: who is Electric Jones?!

The name is fascinating, and considering how you've wowed me with your other characters thus far, I'm sure this one would not disappoint.

2007-03-27, 12:16 AM
Well, as to the age and diffusion issue, maybe there are no tolkien-esque 700 year living elves. Maybe there are elflike magic races, but they never actually lived any longer than humans would in this general time period (40ish, albeit probably a good bit higher with magic healing). That'd probably work. And it has to be a short time like 100 years because otherwise much of the world would be explored.

2007-03-27, 01:40 AM
Perhaps it's also possible that the orignal thieving being who yoinked everyone into this world, also took some action that sped up the interbreeding thing? But yes- there should be a longer lapse of time between sudden arrival and interbred descendants. Beings in an unstable situation would probably seek out what is familiar to them first, including mates who look like them/are their own kind, barring romance or ravishment taking root where it will.

Fuum Bango
2007-03-27, 12:58 PM
I've edited it to a uncounted "hundreds of years"? Hows that. ;)

McFayne, the thing is Jones is...hard to put in words...
He appears as a quiet, thin man with wavy hair and unshaven face. He gained his name because he has a strange effect on the electrical experiments the Cerulean Court practise, he has been known to explode the proto-batteries the alchemist of the Cout own by his mere presence. Usually seen wearing a long cloak and strange, old wide brimmed hat. He can seem to drop of the map with ease, spies have claimed to track him for weeks, only to lose him in the blink of a eye. Other than that he appears normal, he drinks whiskey and has been known to turn up late to Court meets hung-over. He is a inventor, he travels the land in search of lost knowledge to rebuild, which he is often unsuccessful in doing...

But Jones is different from most people. Jones says he birthed himself. That he is of no family. That he willed himself to be. That when he dies, he'll do it again. He doesn't tell people how, but many have helped him reach his goals in the hope of learning.

2007-03-27, 03:51 PM
I like it. The mysterious types can always lead to a story or two...or four...or ten. ;)

Also, considering what Weirdlet said, I was curious as to whether the people who were taken during the Great Theft were abducted with possessions and buildings or just as they were. This could help a lot with figuring out how long it took to get to the current time frame you're writing in. (Example: No tools or buildings means they needed to rebuild civilization from ground up, taking easily 10,000 years.) Could be something to consider.

2007-03-28, 10:01 AM
I'm sure they kept their knowledge, or they'd all be dead. Memories, I dunno, that's up to Fuum, and with the irritating issue of the large amounts of connection between memory and knowledge. Oh well.

Electric Jones sounds like an interesting guy, and a great character. Shows up hungover at court meetings. I like it.

Fuum Bango
2007-03-29, 02:51 PM
I'm sure they kept their knowledge, or they'd all be dead. Memories, I dunno, that's up to Fuum, and with the irritating issue of the large amounts of connection between memory and knowledge. Oh well.

Electric Jones sounds like an interesting guy, and a great character. Shows up hungover at court meetings. I like it.

They kept their knowledge, but I'll add that a side effect of being in a different world meant that many magic-users became useless, magic had to be learned from scratch. The first people came from different worlds, so their language was different from each other, so new languages have grown over the centuries.
Memories where also kept by the Stolen, but over the years knowledge of other worlds has mostly been lost.
Some may have taught their children about their worlds, but if they told their children they lived in tall skyscrappers in a modern city and had a nice car their great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren might say they lived in iron mountains and rode horses faster than any they could ever hope to see.
The current generation (the players) won't know anything about other the worlds.

Rarely objects from other worlds can be found, but not in a pleasant state. A simple ring may be trapped under ice, a once grand tower could be flung deep within a lagoon, some high ranking member of a Court could have a sword owned by a Stolen and powerful airships might be caught under strong rain forest vines.
(The Stolen where the very first people of the world. Incase thats not clear :smallredface: )

2007-03-29, 05:02 PM
That's a sweet idea, relics of old worlds scattered across this worlds face. (Statue of Liberty stuck in the beach sorta thing, Planet of the Apes style. :))
But seriously, it gives a good reason for the adventures finding magic items (if they've been good) that doesn't require the item to have been made in only the last few decades.
Something else, going with the idea a pieces of the old worlds: perhaps one of the Courts could control something left over from one of the Stolen's home world, like a building as a base, or a minor artifact of some kind.

2007-03-30, 02:31 AM
Oooh, how bout a book of religion. That could shape a very interesting court, probably the white court. Some kind of old bible from some old culture that the white court was formed around. Just an idea.

Fuum Bango
2007-03-30, 01:27 PM
Oooh, how bout a book of religion. That could shape a very interesting court, probably the white court. Some kind of old bible from some old culture that the white court was formed around. Just an idea.

If only enough people spoke the same language, that could work really well! I don't want the Courts to be relionous in nature though, I don't want them to be narrowed in views if I can help it. But I like it, a religion is definately going to be formed around a book now, possibly it was translated by it's finder into a modern language. Maybe the religion wants to be a Court.

2007-03-30, 09:44 PM
If only enough people spoke the same language, that could work really well! I don't want the Courts to be relionous in nature though, I don't want them to be narrowed in views if I can help it. But I like it, a religion is definately going to be formed around a book now, possibly it was translated by it's finder into a modern language. Maybe the religion wants to be a Court.

It could be really, really amusing for the players (and still have serious consequences) if the book that was translated wasn't meant to be a religious text - something that people interpreted as religious, that most of the players would be familiar with... especially if it were something like LOTR - can't you just see ACTUAL dwarves, elves, and hobbits (halflings) treating Tolkein like a religion? Or something else, perhaps the Sword of Truth series, by Goodkind... "Wizards Rules" translate quite well, and having a society based around objectivism would be quite interesting...