View Full Version : Pathfinder Optimize for accuracy?

Kurald Galain
2014-11-28, 05:48 AM
I'm curious how one would optimize a melee character for accuracy, so that your main attack basically never misses?

I'm looking at a level range of 4 to 8, and Paizo material only. What I've got so far is a barbarian with 18 strength (+4 for rage) and no power attack (or focused fury) plus the best magic weapon I can find and there's a ioun stone that adds +1 to hit as well. At level 6, that's +15 to hit with a +2 weapon.

An alternative approach would be a magus spamming True Strike (and at that point I can probably afford Power Attack for the damage boost); at level 6 that's about +27 to hit, although of course he'll run out of spells after awhile. And a magus kind of needs Shocking Grasp to do decent damage, and that doesn't combine well with Truestrike.

Both could spend a feat on Weapon Focus for another +1. If I'm overlooking anything here, please let me know :)

2014-11-28, 06:22 AM
If you multiclass into Mutation Warrior Fighter, even a 1 level dip, you get a mutagen for a +4 alchemical bonus to strength for 10 minutes/fighter level (an hour to brew another dose). Alchemist works too but it doesn't have full BAB of course.

A Destined Bloodrager gets a little attack bonus 3/day and can both rage and cast True Strike, though without the action economy advantage of a magus. Still occasionally useful and definitely better than a barbarian; If you want rage powers like Reckless Abandon take the primalist archetype.

Abd al-Azrad
2014-11-28, 06:50 AM
The Investigator class uses 3/4 BAB, but it can get Mutagen (+4 Str or Dex), Inspiration adding +1d6 to several attack rolls, Extract buffs, and Studied Combat which adds 1/2 class level to AB and damage for a few rounds. I believe that's certainly enough to outpace the Barbarian's AB for a few minutes per day.

Recall that the Magus, if you're not using True Strike, can get a +3 to hit from its Shocking Grasp versus anyone wearing metal.

A Bloodrager might end up being a good compromise, as a full BAB class which also gets both Rage and Arcane buffs.

2014-11-28, 08:32 AM
I was also going to mention the Investigator, especially if fully optimized. This is despite the 3/4 BAB starting point. This class is just full of ways to boost your attack rolls:

1. Mutagen - Can be picked up at level 3, +4 to either Str or Dex (Alchemical Bonus)

2. Extracts - True Strike at level 1 (+20 to hit) and +4 to either Str or Dex (stacking with Mutagen) at level 4 (Enhancement Bonus)

3. Inspiration - Spend 2 points of inspiration for +1d6 to attack rolls. Reduce the cost to one point of Inspiration at level 9. Make the cost free (with a single weapon type) at level 19. Half Elf favored class bonus is +1/4 of your level to Inspiration rolls. You can bump the die up to 1d8 at level 7. Finally, at level 20 you roll 2 die. Inspiration is a free action taken prior to a d20 roll. At level 20 a Half Elf averages +14 to attack rolls from Inspiration alone (untyped bonus).

4. Studied Combat - Starting at level 4 you gain 1/2 your level as an Insight Bonus to attack and damage rolls against studied targets. This s

So as a hypothetical, assuming you have a 20 in your primary offensive attribute by level 20, you can average the following attack bonus:

+48 = 15 BAB + 5 (Attribute) + 2 (Mutagen) + 2 (Extract) + 10 (Studied Combat) + 14 (Average Inspiration Roll)

Feats and magical items will further boost this. An average +55 should be pretty easy to achieve by level 20.

2014-11-28, 05:45 PM
I'm looking at a level range of 4 to 8, and Paizo material only. What I've got so far is a barbarian with 18 strength (+4 for rage) and no power attack (or focused fury) plus the best magic weapon I can find and there's a ioun stone that adds +1 to hit as well. At level 6, that's +15 to hit with a +2 weapon.

Surprise Accuracy (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian/rage-powers/paizo---rage-powers/surprise-accuracy-ex) gives a Morale bonus to an attack once per rage (1 +1per 4 Barb levels). Dipping Lame Oracle for a level or two will let you Rage Cycle so you can use it every turn (still eats your Swift though).

Reckless Abandon (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian/rage-powers/paizo---rage-powers/reckless-abandon-ex) has similar accuracy gains as Surprise Accuracy, affects ALL attacks for the round, but you take an equal hit to your AC.

So with the above you're up to +19 as a level 6 Barbarian.

Courageous (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/magic-weapon-special-abilities/courageous) weapons have potential, as it would boost both your Rage bonuses and Surprise Accuracy, but probably not worth it for level 8 and under.

If you want to get a little ridiculous and don't mind not Full Attacking for a round or two...
Assume base STR of 18, and a +2 Weapon
Barbarian 4: 4 Bab, Surprise Accuracy 2, Reckless Abandon 2, Rage 2 = +10
Slayer 1: 1 Bab, Studied Target as a Move action 1 = +2
Ranger 1: 1 Bab, EITHER Freebooter (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/ranger/archetypes/paizo---ranger-archetypes/freebooter) (Move action) 1 OR Favored Enemy 2 = +2 (assuming Freebooter)
Alchemist 1= 0 Bab, 2 Mutagen = +2 (could go Ragechemist for +3 instead but that's generally NOT a good idea)
And since we're running out of ideas...Cavalier 1: 1 Bab, 1 Challenge (variety of Orders) = +2
Weapon Focus for +1

+24 to-hit most of the time
+25 to-hit if using Favored Enemy OR Challenge

2014-11-28, 09:13 PM
Buy a horse/gain animal companion as a mount: +1 to hit from being mounted, if your mount is as large as your target.