View Full Version : New players, time to learn.

2014-11-28, 10:50 AM
So ill try to keep this short (failed). I convinced all my coworkers to play pathfinder, we played a campaign. I hosted. Only 1 of 5 has tabletop rpg experience. Well the campaign ended so the experienced guy is gonna dm the game this time (rotating for fairness). Were playing a custom dungeon of many doors. Big room, hundreds of doors, different environments behind each. We have a fighter/bard, a sword and board paladin, a dex cleric, and a gunslinger in heavy armor. Very meat shield heavy. So im thinking of eigher a ninja/rogue or a alchemist. Either way im going with a sleepless tiefling.

2014-11-28, 10:52 AM
Also im going to teach them the benefits of roleplaying. Because the last campaign was all combat and little roleplay. They also havent seen any of these classes in use and I want to show them the benifit of being versitile.

2014-11-28, 10:53 AM
Ya they need a skill monkey (well as much as any PF group needs one) so id say Rogue, its classic, straightforward, and you shouldnt over shadow the beatsticks.

Also, a gunslinger in heavy armor?

2014-11-28, 04:33 PM
Ya they need a skill monkey (well as much as any PF group needs one) so id say Rogue, its classic, straightforward, and you shouldnt over shadow the beatsticks.

Also, a gunslinger in heavy armor?

Could be the gun tank archetype. Ya never know.

2014-11-28, 06:28 PM
Could be the gun tank archetype. Ya never know.

Didnt even know that was a thing, i may want to play that.

2014-11-28, 09:26 PM
Yeah hes going gun tank. His concept came from actual tanks. Saw the gunslinger archetype and fell in love. Yeah im also leaning towards a skill monkey. Either way combat is generally never my main focus. I leave that to the wads of meat. I like being able to do everything else.