View Full Version : Player Help Assistance in rewriting 3.5 feats in 5e ?

2014-11-28, 01:50 PM
Ok, hey gang, got another odd request for some ideas/assistance.

Back in 3.5, I had come across some third party feats, that at this point, I'd like to "convert" to 5e so I could use them with a character I'm working on.

Now the challenge there, is that feats in 3.5 and 5e are at a very different power level wise (If I understand things correctly).

So without posting the original feats word-for-word (to avoid any copyright complaints :) ) I'd rather just go with the general gist of them anyway, and see how you might build them as a feat in 5e ??

The original feats were limited to Gnomes, and although I do plan on playing a gnome, it's not necessarily a requirement for these.

Overlooked: Basically you were "beneath notice" of those around you, giving you bonus to hide/move silent, and disguise (for low profile disguises only, ie servent, stable hand, maybe even a low ranking guard). It also allowed bonuses to listen in or eavesdrop. Also prevented active use of Intimidate (could use it if somebody tried to intimiate you, but you can't intimate anyway else)

"I'm not eating that": Prevented living creatures with a bite attack from .. well, biting you. :) "*Yuck*". Those with Swallow whole had to make a Will save or they couldn't bring themselves to swallow you.

Slimy: Gave bonuses to grappling, however, they had wording to prevent the benefits if you initiated (not sure if that's a problem in 5e, or not .. but I have seen some "silly" grappling builds .. :)

So that's it in short, basically, yeah, a dirty, slimy, disgusting gnome :) With those "thoughts" above, how would you (re)build those feats in 5e ? And which one's might be "combined" into a single feat, possibly with more "flavourful" disads along the same lines ??

Would appreciate suggestions, as I'm hoping to be able to come up with some balanced feats for 5e.

Only one I've had a chance to try so far is:

Overlooked: Prerequisite: Cha 11 or less.
Benefit: You are beneath notice of most people, gaining advantage on Stealth checks and Disguise checks, as long as the disguise is of a low profile individual (ie servant, or stable hand). If you are attempting to listen in on a conversation, you gain advantage on Perception checks as you are generally able to approach much easier than others would.
Special: You cannot make an Intimidate check to intimidate anyone else. You can still make an opposed check to avoid being intimidated.

2014-11-30, 07:52 AM
Your attempt on overlooked is nice but seems a bit weaker than the average feats in 5th. I would personally give it one more small bonus but nothing comes to mind atm. Also i think you should consider adding an "in-crowded-area" parameter cause it doesn't make sense to me that someone could benefit from it otherwise. I'd like to help more but currently i'm afb and later on my own dnd session will begin...

2014-11-30, 09:18 AM
5e feats are both fewer in number and trade off stat boosts, so they're more powerful than the average 3.5 feat. (The stronger 3.5 feats like Shock Trooper, Aberration Wild Shape, and Supernatural Transformation are all better, but that's probably not the point of comparison.)

With that in mind, you can get a bit creative with those gnome feats.

I would lose the low-CHA prerequisite on overlooked; high-CHA characters can avoid projecting their force of personality when desired. Unless it's a holdover, I guess.

"I'm not eating that" and "slimy" are both niche. Considering they kind of go together (ew, slimy gnome) I'd consider combining them into one feat as follows:
Advantage on all acrobatics checks and DEX saves to resist/escape grapple/restraining effects.
Monsters who attempt to swallow the gnome whole have to make a WIS save DC 8+Prof+CON to actually follow through with the attempt.

2014-12-01, 02:03 PM
Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I wasn't sure about my attempt at Overlooked - I thought it was a bit strong. :)

I like the idea of the condition on stealth (ie in populated area, or something .. Perhaps even something just stating "with at least 10 other individuals active and visible" or something. )
Otherwise, the advantage on stealth seemed too strong. :)

I was trying to think about combining Slimy and "not going to eat that" as well .. that seemed the logical thing to do, but haven't come up with anything good yet. :)

Was talking with my DM, we might actually approach this via more flavour and less crunch. Just play it out and trust him to adjust monster behaviour accordingly when the situation deems it :)

I'll jot these notes down for later, in case we do want/need some numbers for later.


2014-12-01, 02:35 PM
What about something like (totally spitballing, no promise on balance here):

When you fail to make a stealth check against a non-hostile opponent whose social rank is higher than your disguise's, you may make a deception check against your opponent's insight. In the event of a success, your opponent continues to act as if you are not there.