View Full Version : Alternative planar binding rewards?

2014-11-29, 06:57 AM
Browsing through wondrous items, I learned the existence of the tome of leadership and influence. With cloak of charisma +6 and circlet of persuasion, a normal sorcerer can have a +15 to his or her charisma check! With such a high charisma, he/she can persuade every single planar bound creature with 80-90% chance of success without casting a single spell on them!

Despite this though, every single person i've met said that gaining a planar bound creature's service for free results in vengeance attempts despite no cheesy spell cast.

FYI: I'm a super cheapskate who will never, ever spend even 1 gp on a planar bound creature :P

So what are some alternative payments? The ones I can think of is:

1. Promise to act according to alignment
You're evil or you're neutral and you planar bind a planetar. The planetar agrees to fight for you but in exchange you have to be good during his service, as in if a child lost her mommy, you spend all day finding her mommy for her! If you're good I'm sure the planetar would help you for free, but I'm sure a good person would also pay for its services henceforth this will never happen. That and I like using planar binding frivolously.

2. Promise of future payment
Lets kill a dragon! We split the loot evenly. Problem here is that this is more expensive that just paying 1000gp per hd outright most of the time D:

3. Do a service for the called creature
Pit Fiend: I got a cultist who sacrificed 100 villagers for me and in exchange wants me to baby sit his little brother for the weekend. You baby sit in my stead and we have a deal.

That's all I got. Anyone got more?

2014-11-29, 07:10 AM
1 is probably a no-go. Maybe it flies with calling on a devil as long as you're either not lawful or not evil. Souls don't damn themselves (often enough).

2 could definitely work, though you're gonna have to be careful to avoid overpaying that way.

3 is a definite yes, although your example likely wouldn't be accepted. That sort of thing is more of a tit-for-tat kind of thing. The outsider will ask for a service at least equal to whatever service you're asking from it. Celestials might offer you a "discount" if its something they'd do anyway, fiends will try to gouge you.

Seriously though, don't be cheap. It's a -lot- cleaner and easier to just pay out as if it was planar ally instead of binding. If you go this way, expect to have celestials directing you to give -most- of the money to various charities and good causes while most fiends will demand precious objects and/or the occasional sacrifice.

2014-11-29, 07:22 AM
Sigh... so i guess I have to use my "tricks" and piss off DMs and thwart vengeances >.<

Why is 1 a no go? I thought it was the most plausible one of them all. Planetar sees an evil guy requesting his help, so he agrees to help if and only if there's more good in the world after his service. So he wouldn't help you get a super killing weapon that allows him to wipe out entire nations, but he might help you in your quest to save the village for money as long as you're an awesome philanthropist along the way. Likewise a demon would help a good person as long as he wreaks total havoc and destruction. If the wizard fails to perform then the planetar/demon can just kill you outright for not obeying the deal to the letter.

2014-11-29, 07:31 AM
Sigh... so i guess I have to use my "tricks" and piss off DMs and thwart vengeances >.<

Why is 1 a no go? I thought it was the most plausible one of them all. Planetar sees an evil guy requesting his help, so he agrees to help if and only if there's more good in the world after his service. So he wouldn't help you get a super killing weapon that allows him to wipe out entire nations, but he might help you in your quest to save the village for money as long as you're an awesome philanthropist along the way. Likewise a demon would help a good person as long as he wreaks total havoc and destruction. If the wizard fails to perform then the planetar/demon can just kill you outright for not obeying the deal to the letter.

Good creatures find working with evil distasteful in the extreme. You'd have to make a promise more compelling than "I promise I'll be good while you're here and watching me." Evil creatures find being constrained by the morality of good characters burdensome to the same, or perhaps an even greater degree, than good creatures find evil intolerable and they're way too familiar with deception and betrayal to believe you for a moment when you tell them, "I'll act evil, really I will." Both are significantly more likely to believe a neutral character making the same offer and -might- take him up on it with the added caveat that the outsider be allowed to act as it will in the pursuit of whatever goal you're bargaining for. Celestials and fiends are both, with rare exception, more than smart enough to know they can't "just kill" the spellcaster who summoned them because mortal spellcasters are -dangerous-, even to them.