View Full Version : Optimization Help Optimizing a Pyrokineticist Build

2014-11-29, 08:31 PM
The build currently is an Elan TWF Ranger(Champion of the Wild)6/Pyro4/Beastmaster2/Pyro4/Beastmaster4 with a 32 point buy.
Str 14
Dex 17
Con 12
Int 12
Wis 11
Cha 10
Wis and Cha can be freely switched. Additional Ability points go into Dex.
Feats taken are:
1: Psionic Weapon
3: Point Blank Shot
4(bonus): Weapon Finesse
6: Precise Shot
9: Skill Focus: Handle Animal
12: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
As well as the standard Ranger bonus feats.

I'd like to pick up Hidden Ability for Dimension Hop at level one, depending on the DM. This would shift feats up and lose Precise Shot until level 15. At Level 18 I plan on picking up a Dire Bat or other mount as the second companion so Mounted Combat will be necessary then.
Psionic Meditation would be extremely useful as well, as would Greater Psionic Weapon for negating Fire resist.

I'm willing to swap out 2 Beastmaster levels with another class with full BAB, possibly Fighter or Ardent 1 if someone can make a convincing argument. Ability scores can be moved around.

Any ideas on how to make this build better?

2014-11-29, 09:56 PM
Pyrokineticist gets a little weird because the Fire Lash ability appears to reference the mechanics of the whip in 3.0, when it was a Ranged weapon with a fixed range, rather than a Reach weapon. Be sure you and your DM are on the same page regarding how, or if, this apparent holdover should be addressed.

Iron Chef (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?160266-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-VIII/page8) used Pyrokineticist a while ago, so the link includes several build suggestions of various stripe and power level. Apologies for the table code being out of date.

mabriss lethe
2014-11-29, 10:33 PM
I think there's a whole lot of simplifying you could do here.

The question, when it comes to the Pyro PrC, is "What exactly do you want it for?" If it's just for the lash, dip a level and be done with it. If it's for the ranged touch attacks, then stack as many levels as you can. If it's for the Greater weapon afire boost that's a whole lot of levels spent just to get an average of 14 extra points of damage per hit and the action economy tax for all those move actions to activate for twf. It's still viable, but just take it into consideration.

As for Beastmaster, you might be able to free up some levels for another class by simply taking the Wild Cohort (https://web.archive.org/web/20130531105623/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a) Feat to get yourself a decent Animal Companion analog. It'll also be based on your total character level -3, so multiclassing won't hurt as much in the long run.

If you're going to go 8 levels in Pyro, go ahead and go for 9 to get what is basically an at-will save or die, though with your current Cha, it's a dc 14 save, so probably not worth it.

Also, if Mind's Eye material is allowed, see if you can't swap out for one of the "x"kinetic energy variants. My preference would be for either the sonokineticist or acetokineticist (in that order.) ... It seems that the ME article is currently gone from the WotC site but here's an archived version via the Wayback machine. (https://web.archive.org/web/20130421061745/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040625e)

You desperately need to make room for Power Attack somewhere in your build. it turns you fire lash into one nasty piece of work. Since the lash functions off of ranged touch, you can simply dump your entire BAB into power attack for rather nice consistent damage and still have a very good chance to hit on all of your iterative attacks. If Tome of Battle is allowed, see if you can work in Assassin's Stance and work in Craven. These two will give you a huge boost to damage.

Also, you're wanting to TWF, so it's important to note that there's nothing stopping you from forming and wielding a fire lash in each hand for double the fun.

As for nabbing Hidden Talent, you could make room for a level of divine mind or soulknife: Both have ACFs that replace their class granted wild talent with Hidden talent, and will be easier on your build than trying to squeeze in another feat. If you rely on your lash as a primary weapon, it doesn't matter all that much if you lose a point of BAB here or there, as long as you keep it above 16 for that 4th attack.

2014-12-01, 04:49 PM
This isnt really any simpler, but ranger 6/pyro4/ beastmaster 1/fighter1/argent1/pyro4/beastmaster3 gets me a bonus feat, dimension hop, more movement speed, and more based on the second mantle chosen (which tbh would be natural world for character reasons although it is entirely redundant).
Make int 10 and wis 13 to qualify for psionic meditation, take it instead of point blank shot, take point blank shot instead of precise shot, and take precise shot as the fighter bonus feat. Greater psionic weapon at 15, mounted combat (probably) at 18.
The second companion comes in at 20, but i still have 17 bab and the first companion is still better than a standard ranger.
The idea is to use a lash as main hand and a short sword as off hand for AoOs because this char would be spending a lot of time in melee. Two lashes or a rapier and short sword would be varients depending on situation. Quick draw would also be useful considering the number of move action equivalents in play, as would manifesting equipment to never need to actually move as a move action.

2014-12-01, 09:09 PM
I am going to second sonokineticist. You trade out a tiny slice of average damage (1 point per die) for the rarest elemental resistance and wall busting utility. And here is a direct link (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040625e) since the Wayback Machine is down.

2014-12-02, 11:24 AM
Alternative energy types will be determined later with dm approval.