View Full Version : Pathfinder Pathfinder Curse of the Crimson Throne question.

2014-11-30, 02:10 AM
Hey guys,

My group is looking to start the PF version of CotCT and I was hoping you guys might be able to give me a bit of info on it.

None of us have ever played an AP before, it's always been home brew stuff. How do they handle character creation? Does the book come with suggestions? Is it point buy for determining stats? Is there a list of suggested books to be used? Banned books? Or is all of it up to the GM? Is there pre-determined gear we are given for starting out? Or do we just buy like normal out of the CRB?

I feel kinda silly asking these types of questions, but I'm getting more and more excited about this campaign, and wanna go ahead and start making my Wizard for it, but my GM won't be buying the PDF's for another couple weeks, I don't want to pirate them, and googling it risks spoilers that I'm trying to avoid.

Also, any tips for a wizard on this AP would be appreciated ;).



2014-11-30, 03:35 PM
I actually just started CotCT, so I'll answer what I can. I'm pretty sure character creation is left up to DM discretion, we just went with a 20 point buy. If they do recommend anything, it would probably be that, since it's what they use for PFS. What books are allowed is definitely up to the group, I know that much. Gear is as normal, although our DM let us take the average for our class, or we could roll it, or just take 150. Of course, I was playing a Paladin, average 175, and I rolled and got 150...:smallsigh:

Anyway, I hope that helps! Let me know if there's anything else I can tell you. I'm just one session in, so I don't know a lot, but at least you know I won't accidentally spoil anything.

2014-11-30, 11:28 PM
I've been playing through it.

I think the standard way to play it is the PFS rules, which is 20 point buy (pathfinder version) and has an extensive ban list, or just using the 20 point buy and then the whole PF material. I would personally suggest the 25 point buy.

You start at level 1, so use the starting gold for your class. Buy stuff from the CRB, I guess.

Hm... as for personal tips for a wizard, I think having a strong fort save would be a good choice. Make sure not to have a crummy Con, but that's pretty standard. Most fights are standard tank and spank, so AC is helpful to a degree. I strongly suggest some SoL or SoD style tactics. My Heavens oracle was able to get through the first 6 levels on nothing but color spray. Also, teleport will be your friend.

2014-12-02, 07:00 PM
There is a free player guide (pdf) on Paizo.com

Everything else is standard 3.5 campaign rules.

It is a fun one.