View Full Version : Hunting Trip

2014-11-30, 12:46 PM
Scouting the woods, you find large bird tracks, and see signs that the creature has been eating smaller creatures. Wanting to test your mettle against another predator, you and your companions make your way into the jungle in pursuit of the creature.
You come across a large bird with a sharp ridged bill, snatching snakes from the branches overhead and cutting them clean in two. It seems to be standing in a small clearing; you'll be able to engage it easily, and without concern for cover or retreat.

The creature spies you, and prepares to fight.

roll initiative.


2014-11-30, 02:57 PM
Morg init: [roll0]

Al'tho init: [roll1]

Int'la init: [roll2]

For the record you can roll init. It's not one of the important rolls for me an having a post where it's the only thing you do seems silly.
Not sure how you want to work with animal companions. Should they be treated as individuals or just act in the same turn as Morgana?

2014-12-01, 01:00 AM
Same turn works well.
powerful charge doubles the base gore damage, so Al'tho's damage on a charge would be 4d6+10 (+12 if using power attack). Also, again, the gore is SECONDARY and the hooves are PRIMARY. This is a special exception for the Kirin.

Attack [roll0] for [roll1] damage. If the attack hits, it attempts a trip at [roll2].

The great bird seizes the opportunity to charge at Int'la, attempting to bite her legs and trip her. It fails, horribly, and leaves itself completely open to attacks from the Kirin and their master.

2014-12-01, 02:38 AM
"Finally" Morgana says as she draws power from the nature and forms a flame in her hand. She extends her arm to touch the over-sized chicken. She then slides gracefully(I hope) down the side of Athlo so that her companions are between her and the bird.

Int'la answer the attack in full scale while at the same time distracting the bird.

Al'tho is furious that someone would endanger his mate and attacks without doubt.

I assume that "open to attack" is just a way of adding flavor to the combat and not actually AOO.

Morgana uses produce flame before using a move action to get down from the back of Al'tho
Against touch AC[roll0] for [roll1] fire damage.

Int'la attack with a full-round
Left hoove [roll2] for [roll3] B damage.
Right hoove [roll4] for [roll5] B damage.
Gore [roll6] for [roll7] P damage.
Using Bodyguard to aid Al'tho's defences [roll8] DC 10 for +2 AC.

A'tho similarly attack with a full action.
Left hoove [roll9] for [roll10] B damage.
Right hoove [roll11] for [roll12] B damage.
Gore [roll13] for [roll14] P damage.
Changed improved natural weapon(gore to hooves) because of the change to primary and secondary.

2014-12-01, 02:52 AM
Morgana hits - 8 dmg
Int'la's hoof hits - 5 dmg and confirms a crit ([roll0], [roll1]) for an additional 4 dmg
Int'la's gore hits - 2 dmg
Al'tho's hoof hits - 8 dmg
Al'tho's gore hits - 12 dmg
Total= 39 damage.

Complete. 300 experience for Morgana.
(base 2000 (lvl 2) for a total of 2300)

The bird is mercilessly battered and beaten to a bloody pulp beneath the powerful hooves and antlers of the kirin. It is barely alive, but dying.

2014-12-01, 03:07 AM
That was.. a shorter encounter than I imagined. I suppose Morgana can handle multiple encounter a day then :smallbiggrin:

Morgana extinguish the flame and walks around her companions to kneel down besides the bird. She wants to know the gender of the bird.

2014-12-01, 02:54 PM
The bird is an adult male, and there is no indication of its partner or mate nearby.

2014-12-01, 03:18 PM
Cursed. I hoped for eggs :smallfrown:

Also whould we use this thread for personal messages? There has been many this far and I have already cleared my inbox once.:smallsmile:

2014-12-03, 06:30 PM
Yes, we can use this.

He's assuming that there is a stone. What does detect magic reveal?
No stone, just a magical aura over the crevice, a mix of abjuration and conjuration. Caster level 10, 5th level spell. There seems to be no source or stone from which they come.

I hope you had a pleasant holiday. I did. My father's family owns a christmas tree farm that opened two weeks ago, so dinner was interrupted by people buying trees, but it was still a good time.

We were discussing how to handle XP. Your argument was that if we kept up this pace Morgana would out-level everyone too fast and I can see that. However I pointed out that Morgana isn't doing anything for the colony as is, so there have to be a decent trade-off. I suggested meeting an encounter like this roughly every other day.
Perhaps. I think a better way to do it might grant you a bonus to the weekly experience gain based on your survival result, but never less than the value of one of these encounters. So the bird was worth 300 XP. You'll get at least 300 more XP than the average colonist for this week, but the actual result might based off the following math:
DC 10 survival to make a the average experience gain (100% of what the colonists are getting for their labors. They're practicing their craft as desperately as you are). For every point above 10, you get 2% more experience for that week. The minimum bonus XP is based on the CR of the strongest creature you hunt and kill that week.

DC 10 = 100%
+2% for every 1 above 10, to a maximum of 150% at 35.
–5% for every 1 below 10, to a minimum of 50% at 0.
You get a challenging encounter if your check is > 10. The minimum XP you can receive in that week is 100% + the XP of that encounter.

Mel is a man. His title is master.
I know, I just keep forgetting.

I haven't seen the result of the diplomacy check but I suppose you'll write that IC.
Link me? I've missed a lot.

2014-12-04, 09:18 AM
No stone, just a magical aura over the crevice, a mix of abjuration and conjuration. Caster level 10, 5th level spell. There seems to be no source or stone from which they come.
Curious. Same aura as the stone but weaker?

Perhaps. I think a better way to do it might grant you a bonus to the weekly experience gain based on your survival result, but never less than the value of one of these encounters. So the bird was worth 300 XP. You'll get at least 300 more XP than the average colonist for this week, but the actual result might based off the following math:
DC 10 survival to make a the average experience gain (100% of what the colonists are getting for their labors. They're practicing their craft as desperately as you are). For every point above 10, you get 2% more experience for that week. The minimum bonus XP is based on the CR of the strongest creature you hunt and kill that week.
Not sure why it bolded stuff.
Hmm I think this is too low. Basicly it's a question of reward. The other colonists get a reward for their time spent, which is some crafting materials, food or permanent residence. Morgana on the other hand spends all her time searching for challenges. I did bring the bird back so you can argue that I did get something but we can assume that her prey is so destroyed that we can't use it for anything to keep it strict.
I might be wrong though since I don't know the numbers. How much XP do you expect to give on a weekly basis? I assume it's very little and that's why I hesistate on this low rate.
Also I don't see the point in the max and in the minimum.

2014-12-05, 01:56 AM
Curious. Same aura as the stone but weaker?
Similar. the same spell effect, but a different source or origin.

Not sure why it bolded stuff.
Hmm I think this is too low. Basicly it's a question of reward. The other colonists get a reward for their time spent, which is some crafting materials, food or permanent residence. Morgana on the other hand spends all her time searching for challenges. I did bring the bird back so you can argue that I did get something but we can assume that her prey is so destroyed that we can't use it for anything to keep it strict.
I might be wrong though since I don't know the numbers. How much XP do you expect to give on a weekly basis? I assume it's very little and that's why I hesistate on this low rate.
Also I don't see the point in the max and in the minimum.[/QUOTE]
the fact of the matter remains that I will not give you experience as fast as you might technically qualify for it by hunting predators. As we saw, you could easily take down two or three per day, and at that rate you'd hit your next level in less than a week. That is too fast. We'll try the listed math for a while, and if it seems like it's not enough of a buff, we'll give you a little more XP.
At this point, I plan to give a few hundred XP to the colonists for the first week; they're making some important decisions and plans.

2014-12-05, 02:24 AM
Also, this statement

To "Minister" Lelan Roy 10 minutes ago my calculations was correct. Now however it seems that the overgods have reshaped the universe and you are correct. As of now it would take 10 minutes for a medium wagon made from 2500 worth of materials. We could decrease the travel time to 8 minutes by using about 1000 gp's worth of additional materials.
seems snarky and in bad taste. It could be a translation error, since tone and inflection don't exist in text, but I'd like to address the issue.
The map was laid out like a battle grid, and would presumably use the same rules. If you were to move from the space where the "fork" is to the space where the "cave" is, it'd be 5 squares of movement (diagonals count 1.5). On the map, each square is 1 mile, so 5 squares is 5 miles. I don't appreciate your confusion about the map being portrayed as sarcastic comments from your characters.
Fix your math and call it good. Don't say that I'm changing things on you. I'll let you know if I have to retcon anything.

2014-12-05, 04:56 AM
The statement was ment as a joke since you altered how constructs worked. I can edit it if you want.

wagon has 30 base speed.
2 points used on speed 50ft
run 200ft in 6 seconds.
2000ft in 1 minute.
26400/2000=13.2 minutes
Can use 1000 more gold for 2 more points, giving a speed of 70. 2400 ft/minute if running for 11 min.

Question though. Wouldn't this road be 3.5 miles?

2014-12-05, 02:41 PM
I believe I have clarified my stance on animated wagon speeds. It cannot run at maximum speed indefinitely.

You use the total distance, not the shortest distance between the two squares. This is the same movement math as described in the CRB under tactical movement.

2014-12-08, 07:33 AM
I believe I have clarified my stance on animated wagon speeds. It cannot run at maximum speed indefinitely.

You did but it can just have breaks while we load an unload it.

I did some calculations on the experience-hunting thing.
If we assume that aside from this week the xp that the colonists gets are neglectible(because they are mostly doing manual labor and no major decisions) Morgana will get 300xp a week(because that would be the encounter XP). So in 10 weeks she'll reach lvl 3. If we continue at the same pace it's take her slightly less than a year(10x5 weeks) to reach level 7 and be able to reincarnate people. I'm actually totally fine with that.

2014-12-09, 08:28 AM
Was looking into spells on the d20pfsrd and it suggests that players can create spells which is of course subject to DM approval.
If allowed I'd like to research last breath as the dnd version.
Also would you allow


School: Transmutation, Druid 3
Component: V, S, 50 gp materials

Range: Touch
Target: Touched creature or object
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort negates(Harmless), Spell Resistance: No

Wringles diminish, the back straightens and the target looks more energitic than usual.

The target of the spell goes an age category down. It loses any advantages and disadvantages(such as adjustment to scores) gained from his previous age category. This spell does not affect anything else(such as experience) nor does it dispell any effect that was put on the target(such as poison, curses or spells)

RAI: Multiple uses of this spell can in theory grant eternal youth. If we would keep the fluff going then they should probably keep the bonusses to mental scores since only the body is affected but that would cause balance issues.

2014-12-09, 10:09 PM
No. I might allow such a spell that made you an age younger for 1 day, though. As it stands, the entire colony would be immortal (cast on a few per day, no end to the duration; in a month, everyone would have received the benefits).
I might allow something similar that would offset only the penalties of old age (which would make a little more sense). Creatures affected could be treated as young adults (removing all penalties for venerable, old, and middle age categories) for a few hours (1/2 CL), or as one step younger (negating the penalties of only 1 category) for 1 day.

Write up what you'd have LB do, how it's written and everything, just like a spell block. I'll let you know soon.

I may change the math on the hunting for XP. the colonists won't be getting much XP at all, a few hundred at best, most likely, so instead of it being 100% + XP of the creature fought it will be XP of the creature fought alone, without the base XP. Effectively, instead of you getting about 400 xp the first week, you'll get 300.

2014-12-10, 02:33 AM
Last Breath is from Spell Compendium

Level: Druid 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Dead creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

Rushing to the body of your fallen ally, you call out magic words that will bring back life and breath to your friend.

Last breath restores life to a recently deceased creature, creating a new body for the returning spirit to inhabit. However, the spell must be cast within 1 round of the victim’s death. This spell functions like reincarnate (PH 270), except that the reincarnated creature receives no level loss, no Constitution loss, and no loss of spells. The creature has –1 hit points (but is stable). Material Component: Rare oils and unguents worth a total of at least 500 gp, spread over the remains.

For pricing the srd suggests it should cost 7000gp and at least a weeks worth of research.

I may change the math on the hunting for XP. the colonists won't be getting much XP at all, a few hundred at best, most likely, so instead of it being 100% + XP of the creature fought it will be XP of the creature fought alone, without the base XP. Effectively, instead of you getting about 400 xp the first week, you'll get 300.
As long as she keeps getting xp of a challenging encounter I'm ok with this. What was the CR of the bird btw?

2014-12-14, 05:22 AM
CR 2, 600 xp. Since one of your creatures is notably stronger than you'd otherwise be allowed, I'm treating it like a separate person, so Morgana gets half that, or about 300 xp. Which is still probably 200% more than the rank-and-file colonists are getting.
I may, at some point, come up with an experience differential based on task or profession. Farming, mundane crafting, and most art would be pretty low-end (80%), while hunting, mining, and research would be high end (120%).

I'm also doing character sheets for several of the NPC's, so I can have more specifics for any that you guys want to take on a particularly adventurous expedition or activity. Currently, Sir Warren Rhaige, Minister Lelan Roy, and Z'hel Fraust are written up. Grom Greytooth, the Grimjaw sisters, Shaug Trollneck, Kasari "the Blackhawk", Saint Wiles and Jasper Grinn are next on the list.

Tell me again why you want this LB spell? It doesn't do anything to counter old age that Reincarnate (a spell of the same level) does. I don't like the idea of changing the creature's type in combat, so I'm leaning toward reincarnate. I would have LB take a while after casting before it actually worked. Basically, upon casting you'd snare the spirit, and over the course of an hour restore the body to life.

Breath of Life does in combat what this would do, for the most part, and reincarnate covers the non-combat applications. why not use those spells?

2014-12-14, 03:03 PM
Hmm, sounds fair. Although if I do have a choice I'd rather have a weaker version and get full XP.

Can you tell me which of the NPC's(that you have made a sheet for this far) are magic-users? I am compiling a lists of evaluations of every person in the colony's worth and thus their prioritizing for being reincarnated when I get to that point. One of the points are whether they are a magi or a goi. Obviously the previous archmage is a mage but I'm not sure about the rest.

There are three reasons to why I was LB
1. It doesn't give a negative level or con damage, so I can use it on lvl1 characters continually without worrying about eventually killing them.
2. It costs half the gold
3. It gives me a reason for construction a fancy ritual that involves jamming a dagger into the heart of the subject while yelling some religious words instead of just using reincarnationg the subject whenever convinient. Because it has to be used within 1 round of the person's death instead 1 week.

I appears to me that changing body mid combat would be a horrible idea given that you first have to kill the subject and and having it come back at -1 HP. But if you feel the hour delay is needed I'm fine with that.

2014-12-15, 02:08 AM
Here's a question. Does a reincarnated person come back with a young adult body?
I might allow you to make a spell that has to be cast within 1 minute of the creature's death (or perhaps as a ritual that includes their forced death and rebirth) with the lowered costs and no penalties. Perhaps they are simply brought back to life with another month or few weeks, but the use of additional
I don't want you being able to use such a spell in combat. That's one of the main things; reincarnate can really **** with a character sheet, and shouldn't be used mid-combat.

Casters: Lelan and Letha Roy, Caladrel Thu'us, Tribin/Saint Wiles (alchemist), Thelian Greenwillow, Ios Miara, Camiel Thornsire, Meirdrael Ashwin'el, Tessara and Ethas Bronwick, Brahman Omenstone, Piper Petes (bard), Asari Sakura, Majeq Ilyathis, Quentin and Tristan Kain, and Z'hel Fraust. A few others are borderline, or possess the potential to cast spells, though their abilities are insufficient to do so. Sir Warren Rhaige falls into this category, with the lurking potential for magical power.

2014-12-15, 03:39 PM
Here's a question. Does a reincarnated person come back with a young adult body?
Was that a rethorical question? If not then yes a young adult body at -1 hp.

I can't see a single advantage of using it mid combat, aside from not dying. That might just be me not thinking far enough outside the box.