View Full Version : new character, new plan... a high level character I could use some help with.

2014-12-01, 05:42 AM
one unfortunate dice-roll later, my warmage has kicked the bucket and I've decided that I didn't like playing him after all.. (he'd dropped several levels behind because of an unfortunate albeit satisfying encounter with a succubus, which made catching up and not being a hindrance to everybody impossible)

anyway, dice were rolled as follows 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 8

the new character joins the party at level 18... so a fair bit of optimisation is tollerated in that retraining or finetuning becomes highly impractical at these levels. I am particularly bad at building characters without assistance...
that said, I do not like to multi and/or prestige class into more than one, two classes at the very most, and there are some restrictions as to what is allowed, specifically:
NO setting specific-sources/classes or similar.
NO psionics
NO monks
NO third party
MAGAZINES are subject to DM approval but should be perused as little as possible. A single feat or somesuch should be acceptable, but not much beyond that.
NO Tome of Battle. (the DM is unfamiliar with the whole stances and such.. and I am even less than unfamiliar)
RACE should be humanoid in nature... but there are options.
Blatant and full-on minmaxing would be nerfed or, more likely, outright rejected by the DM (and as I said, I don't like it either).... "dip one level in this, one level in that the combo makes you eligible to 2 levels of that third thing" is NOT what I'm going for and an endless list of feats and powers will only throw me into confusion.

It is also worth noticing that in my group of players, things often end up devolving into "every man for himself" situations, where, except for a few initial group buffs, we're pretty much supposed to be self sufficient in a fight.
Put simply, the bard will sing for 6 or 7 points of bonus to attack rolls and such, and has a tendency to flee at the first sign of real trouble, the other character is able to buff himself and deal a lot of heavy damage in melee... and may be tempted into healing you back to health if there really is no other option but will rub it in your face at every opportunity.. (still trying to figure out if that's the player talking or the character, lol) the other two are npcs that tend to deal ranged damage and the occasional heal or buff.

that said, I'm thinking about a few options, which I'd like to throw out there to see what comes up in your minds.
We're mostly fighting against abissal and infernal creatures, on various planes of a shady nature... and our own plane has also been mostly corrupted by devilish creatures.. as is to be expected, they come with several immunities or reductions.
despite us being the good guys whose mission is to ultimately save the world, most of the characters are either neutral or chaotic neutral
I'm liking the Dark template very much, for flavour and a few benefits...
Things that have bitten my previous characters in the butt are: low saving throws, low BAB, low AC, lack of means to reduce damage and of immunities (not all of these things at the same time of course)
For reference, the toughest character in the party has 200+ HP, tends to reduce 10-15 damage, buffs himself to 30-40+ AC, and once buffed has saves in the 20-30 range. He still gets hit fairly often (albeit for damage that he can take)... everybody else has worse stats pretty much at all times, and copes in different manners, either by mostly staying out of range or using spells and powers to avoid damage.
As a general rule, I prefer to create interesting characters over creating unkillable ones... even though this means that I'm that guy whose characters die a lot.
The options that I am currently looking into are:

a karsite warlock (my previous warlock gave me quite a few satisfactions) probably more into ranged attacks,
a changeling sneaky sort/rogue who deals a ton of melee damage (Sneaking might be problematic.. our opponents tend to be big bad monsters rather than large numbers of thugs.. and those tend to come equipped with means of detection galore especially since we tend to walk right into their home-turf more often than not.)
a bard/barbarian who buffs himself and then goes melee, or
a more standard cleric.

I know this is very much all over the place, I'm fishing for ideas and possible feat-chains to enhance those ideas all the way up to level 18

2014-12-01, 06:25 AM
I've got a few relatively simply ideas. They're not so much "one class, two at most" so much as "making the best of taking a whole prestige class". Generally speaking, nobody takes whole prestige classes, preferring to mix and match to their heart's content. But if you're fine with sticking to something and building around it thematically, while still being fairly capable...

1) Wizard 4/Beguiler 1/Ultimate Magus 10/Archmage 3

This build focuses around Ultimate Magus; basically, it works like Mystic Theurge, but it progresses a prepared and a spontaneous arcane caster, rather than simply one arcane and one divine. There's a few extra goodies thrown in (including some decent metamagic tricks), but those are just extra. Beguiler, a class that focuses around enchantment and illusion, gives you some pretty useful options for messing with people's minds. You could go all the way with that and make an enchanter or illusionist wizard, or you could have the beguiler focus on Save-or-Lose enchantments and illusions while the wizard focuses on more utilitarian magic, like divination, conjuration, and transmutation.

As this build is Int based, I recommend taking the Grey Elf subrace from the Monster Manual. If you feel that you want a higher Int than that, age your elf up to venerable; just make sure your Str and Con aren't so low that they go to 0 if you choose to go with the advanced age categories.

2) A Paladin build. It can be a straight Paladin 18, or it could use some PrC from Complete Warrior designed around fighting demons and devils. Hell, if you're willing, I'm sure there's a couple decent PrCs in the Book of Exalted Deeds. You've got decent rolls across the board, and seeing as you've said "no monks"...I know! Seeing as you've mentioned an interest in the Dark template and in stealth in general, perhaps the Rogue/Paladin PrCs from Complete Adventurer might interest you. Of course, maybe they won't.

Those are some basic ideas, anyway. I've got a couple others, but I can tell that the only way some of them get really good is when you're willing to jump around from class to class, and it doesn't sound like you want to do that. Hope I've been at least a little helpful!

2014-12-01, 06:54 AM
option nr 1 sounds anything but simple to my mind..and is already a lot of jumping around...
the paladin build is more interesting but would be difficult to manage in this campaign..we're having to make a lot of deals with demonic creatures and we must be a whole lot more elastic in our morals than the paladin traditionally allows for.
I already have a tendency to make the wrong calls.. I don't need to have them also imposed on my by restrictions to the character's allignment and such.

so far I'm ruling out the bard-barbarian...
the Warlock is still a valid option, if for nostalgia reasons.
the rogue-ish scrapper sounds more appealing.. I'm also looking into whisper gnome (which might make the Dark creature template redundant..or even more amazing, with the right combo of feats and items).

2014-12-01, 07:42 AM
Maybe something like Cleric/Warlock/Eldritch Disciple (from Complete Mage)?

It would be powerful, versatile, and fun.

2014-12-01, 08:58 AM
By level 18 it really helps to be a full caster. Any full caster. If you don't want to get fancy the cleric who buffs himself is a powerful option without any need to multiclass. The high-op version aims for Persistent Spell and Divine Metamagic feats, but it works without these.

The sneaky guy doing a ton of melee damage is arguably obsolete by this level. Glass cannons like this shatter easily and wanting to be in melee puts them in a position to be shattered. If you're willing to be a sneaky caster instead the beguiler is a decent option which doesn't need to multiclass.

If you want to do the warlock, the Hellfire Warlock PrC seems entirely appropriate. If dipping is out make sure you get a wand of lesser restoration.

2014-12-01, 09:58 AM
Beguiler works quite well even if you're Pure Beguiler 18, as prestiging out of it aren't as cheap as it might appear since they like their skill points and

Important knowlegde for the Beguiler through, is that you should ignore your Surprise Casting, as its a trap without knowing exactly what your in for, and how to make it worthwhile, Which is easier said than done. The simplest way involve Surprising Reposte (Feat from Drow of the Underdark), and Unseen Seer (PrC from Complete Mage) for sneak attack for extra damage, but there would be quite a feat tax for it to be viable you lose some Caster Levels for the majority of your spells

That said, Beguiler do work reasonbly well with Shadowcraft Mage (Races of Stone, need to be Gnome and grab Shadow Evocation and Shadow Conjuration from advanced learning to shine) if you feel like Prestiging through, and a single level of mindbender is both very strong (access to Mindsight) and rather thematic for the class

2014-12-01, 09:59 AM
a few more details on our lineup:
the big guy is a favourite soul who just gained his 19th level, a 18th level bard reptilian who just got turned to stone and teleported on another plane (courtesy of a prismatic spray to the face)... whom we might have to go rescue or who might change his character into a new one, but the first option is the one the player seems to favour, an 18th/19th elven sorceress npc, and an 18th level ranger/rogue/scout type (the class has been homebrewed a little) NPC who wields something akin to a gun that either causes tons of damage or shoots healing darts.
oh, on our current mission, we're being assisted by a barbarian/berserker type fighter.

as it is, the bard, sorceress and favoured soul are all full casters.. the rogue-ish npc is fairly adept at finding traps and our only melee character who ends up doing all of the melee, most of the fighting and a lot of the healing is the Favoured Soul. I want to explore the option of being useful in melee support role (because that character is just not beatable both because of how he's put together and because the player is much more experienced and tends to know what to do in most circumstances to play the odds in his favour... except when he rolls a 1 on will and gets dominated into killing my character..which the player does with all too much glee if you ask me :D).
now, once I accept that I can't match that character without going for some pretty heavyhanded optimisation, which I don't want to do, I am content with something that doesn't have quite all the odds in his favour, but wouldn't want to be completely useless either.

2014-12-01, 10:25 AM
Hellreaver (FCII) of some kind? ... Melee powerhouse, focusing against Demons/Devils

2014-12-01, 11:03 AM
sounds interesting... but I'm not entirely sold.. I'm still looking at a sneakish sort of thing

2014-12-01, 11:11 AM
Wizard 5/War Weaver 5/Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil 7/Archmage 1

Focus on Buffs and Battlefield Control. War weaver let's you keep everyone fully buffed straight from round one. Use your spells and Veils to cut the battlefield into multiple pieces, dividing your opponents so your allies can cut them down. For archmage pick mastery of shaping to further perfect control of the battlefield. If you need some more melee support, just summon it.


I want to explore the option of being useful in melee support role (because that character is just not beatable both because of how he's put together and because the player is much more experienced and tends to know what to do in most circumstances to play the odds in his favour... except when he rolls a 1 on will and gets dominated into killing my character..which the player does with all too much glee if you ask me :D).

Protection From Evil (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/protectionFromEvil.htm) is a 1st level spell that provides immunity to magical control. Use it.

2014-12-01, 02:56 PM
If you really want a sneaky character I recommend a cleric.

A cloistered cleric with the trickery domain can hide with the best of them. Best of all, you'll be better at combat than the favored soul right out the gate. No prestige classes or cheese necessary.

2014-12-03, 02:51 PM
sooo... I'm trying to go for the Whisper Gnome stabbity thief..
I'm following this build (http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-character-optimization/threads/1059231)
which works1) Swashbuckler 1: Weapon Finesse, Combat Expertise
2) Rogue 1, +1d6 sneak
3) Swashbuckler 2, Dodge
4) Swashbuckler 3, Insightful Strike
5) Rogue 2, Evasion
6) Rogue 3, +2d6 sneak, Weapon Focus: Rapier
7) Rogue 4, Uncanny Dodge
8) Blade Bravo 1, Flourish, Goad
9) Blade Bravo 2, Mobile Fighting, Titan Fighting
10) Blade Bravo 3, Mobility
11) Blade Bravo 4, +1d6 (melee) sneak - 3d6 total
12) Blade Bravo 5, Size Advantage, Underfoot Combat
13) Blade Bravo 6, Two-Weapon Fighting
14) Blade Bravo 7, Small but Deadly
15) Blade Bravo 8, +2d6 (melee) sneak - 4d6 total, Confound the Big Folk
16) Blade Bravo 9, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
17) Blade Bravo 10, Lethal Riposte
18) Rogue 5, +5d6 sneak total, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting

what I don't get is why I'm supposed to take insightful strike (doesn't it clash with weapon finesse anyway?)...

6) Swashbuckler 3. Insightful Strike! Yay! Now we don't need to take Swashbuckler anymore. Oh, and a feat--snag Weapon Focus(rapier), you need it for...
what am I missing?