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2014-12-01, 01:17 PM
I've been gaming for decades and the natural order of things is that an adventurer has been 'out there man'... they've seen everything... they've done everything. I have set foot on alien planets, flown alien spacecraft, fought dragons and demons and beholders, been romantic with nymphs and succubi, had wishes granted, had wishes subverted, met batman and the pope, and I've even died and been brought back to life.

And yet after decades I'm surprised at the number of things that I haven't done and haven't seen happen. Not even once. Not talking about really particular peculiar and specific things like 'making pancake syrup out of a gelatinous cube' kinda stuff here. I'm talking about stuff that on the surface of it seems like it sort of absolutely should have happened, and yet it inexplicably has not....

Like making omelettes from dragon eggs. I totally *expect* that to have happened. It would be odd for me if I'd been a gamer this long and not seen that.

It's also partially a bucketlist... By all rights I would have done this... Should have done this by now... And yet I haven't.

My characters/I have never

seen a torch blown out by the wind
rescued a princess
seen an evil character redeemed
seen a players family get killed by the gm
played an evil pc on paper or in spirit
played a dwarf pc (though plenty of dwarven npcs as gm)
played a druid pc
played a half orc
read a child a bedtime story
seen an elephant fly

I've put this thread up in the paizo forums and someone said that they've never had a character die! Not even once!
A player at my table has never been above level 10 and has never had a chance to have a conversation with a dragon... Might have fought them, but never a word exchanged between them.

What are the things that by all rights you ought to... want to... should have and by all rights even would have done by now... but for some reason havent... Not even once!

2014-12-01, 02:48 PM
I had my first experience ever as a player a couple of days ago (Woohoo, first session where I'm in control of my own character! :D). So, my list goes one forever :P The things i managed to do, however, I will post (Almost as a bump, as I find this thread really interesting).

- I managed not to kill a single being, even though I had 8 different encounters, all wanting to kill me.(I'm not counting the one I tricked into breaking a arcane staff, resulting in her own vaporization, and my being shot through a wall by the force of the explosion)
- I managed to die. (And get resurrected into an undead, also, we're playing a kind of homebrew)
- I managed to ruin the quarters in which the soldiers train.
- I almost managed to convince two enemies that I was death incarnate.
- And lastly, I managed to accidently decline an offer of gratitude (Some good equipment, my DM later told me)

So far so good. Loving actually being someone, instead of being the DM :)

2014-12-01, 03:15 PM
It's also partially a bucketlist... By all rights I would have done this... Should have done this by now... And yet I haven't.

My characters/I have never

seen a torch blown out by the wind
rescued a princess
seen an evil character redeemed
seen a players family get killed by the gm
played an evil pc on paper or in spirit
played a dwarf pc (though plenty of dwarven npcs as gm)
played a druid pc
played a half orc
read a child a bedtime story
seen an elephant fly


I know sometimes you can get emotional about games, but...

2014-12-01, 03:32 PM
I've never actually had a character from my backstory show up in the game, either by the GM killing them, them becoming a new/old adversary, or even passing them on the street saying hey, even when we visited my hometown.

2014-12-01, 05:05 PM
I have never...

Heroically swung from a rope.
Killed a dragon.
Looted a ancient temple.
Played as a halfling.
Cast a spell above 3rd level.
Picked a lock (why fiddle around with lockpicks when you can punch through a door.)
Saved the world.
Sold my soul.
Played a barbarian.
Overthrew a tyrannous overlord.
Fallen to my death.
Fought a beholder.
I have also never saved a princess.
Been to space.
Never achieved lichdom.
Never been off the material plane.
I have never fought demons.
Played a half-orc.
Gotten to epic levels.
Never had a character die. (more close calls than I can count but no death.)
Ruled the world.
Never got past level 7.
Rode a dragon.
Sunk a boat.
Engaged in a duel.

The list goes on...

2014-12-01, 07:41 PM
Very nice. I also have not picked a lock, sold my soul, acheived lichdom, sank a boat or ruled the world. Excellent!

I have indeed looted temples, killed dragons, swung from ropes, hopped many planes, rode dragons and purposefully jumped from a dragon at altitude...

2014-12-02, 09:36 AM
Heroically swung from a rope.
Killed a dragon.
Looted a ancient temple.
Played as a halfling.
Cast a spell above 3rd level.
Picked a lock (why fiddle around with lockpicks when you can punch through a door.)
Saved the world.
Sold my soul.
Played a barbarian.
Overthrew a tyrannous overlord.
Fallen to my death.
Fought a beholder.
I have also never saved a princess.
Been to space.
Never achieved lichdom.
Never been off the material plane.
I have never fought demons.
Played a half-orc.
Gotten to epic levels.
Never had a character die. (more close calls than I can count but no death.)
Ruled the world.
Never got past level 7.
Rode a dragon.
Sunk a boat.
Engaged in a duel.

Done absolutely nothing from that list - except "played a halfling" part. I want to play a game with all the "overused" tropes played straight. Very much.

Jay R
2014-12-02, 10:04 AM
The only things people have mentioned that my characters haven’t done are:
• seen a players family get killed by the gm (I have seen a character’s family killed, though)
• achieved lichdom (no interest)
• played a half orc (no interest)
• played a halfling (but I played a very successful hobbit before TSR re-named the race)
• read a child a bedtime story (but my bard has told one)
• seen an elephant fly (grizzly bear, yes; elephant, no)
• Sold my soul (but I diced for it once)
• Played a barbarian (but I played a barbaric fighter before the barbarian class was written)
• Fallen to my death. (down to 3 hp, though)

Valefor Rathan
2014-12-02, 10:18 AM
I have never...

-Played more than 1 session with the same D&D character
-Fought a dragon
-Played a character of the opposite sex as a player

There are more, of course, but these are the most glaring to me at the moment.

2014-12-02, 10:33 AM
I have never...

-Played more than 1 session with the same D&D character
-Fought a dragon
-Played a character of the opposite sex as a player

There are more, of course, but these are the most glaring to me at the moment.

Wow again! I have certainly had one session characters before but never having a 2 session character is pretty impressive.
I've played as the opposite gender before but I know a lot of folks who haven't. Really good mention there!

2014-12-02, 11:08 AM
seen a torch blown out by the wind
rescued a princess
seen an evil character redeemed
seen a players family get killed by the gm
played an evil pc on paper or in spirit
played a dwarf pc
played a druid pc
played a half orc
read a child a bedtime story
Heroically swung from a rope.
Killed a dragon.
Looted a ancient temple.
Played as a halfling.
Cast a spell above 3rd level.
Picked a lock (why fiddle around with lockpicks when you can punch through a door.)
Saved the world.
Sold my soul.
Played a barbarian.
Overthrew a tyrannous overlord.
Fallen to my death.
Fought a beholder.
Been to space.
Never achieved lichdom.
Never been off the material plane.
I have never fought demons.
Never got past level 7.
Rode a dragon.
Sunk a boat.
Engaged in a duel.

Been there, done and/or seen that. Up to many times in some cases.

Never had a character die. (more close calls than I can count but no death.)
Never seen anyone who has never lost a character but there have been games where the PC you started with survived until the end. I don't count really new playes who've not played long enough or the right types of games as 'never had a character die'.

seen an elephant fly
Gotten to epic levels.
Ruled the world

The first will come in at some point just because. The second... well, my PF players are heading towards Immortality in Mystara, so that's divine ascension for everyone, if they manage to pass the trials. Not technically epic rules, but becoming a god should count for something. The last is unlikely, but several PCs have become lords of their own realms, up to emperor status in a basically entirely isolated empire.

Valefor Rathan
2014-12-02, 11:47 AM
Wow again! I have certainly had one session characters before but never having a 2 session character is pretty impressive.
I've played as the opposite gender before but I know a lot of folks who haven't. Really good mention there!

I've played a lot of other games but my D&D experience has generally been "Too many numbers and dice. [Insert non-d20 game] instead?" and off we would go.

As for others...

-Never been married in a game
-Never had children of "my own"
-Never been the leader of a cult

2014-12-02, 12:18 PM
Like making omelettes from dragon eggs. I totally *expect* that to have happened. It would be odd for me if I'd been a gamer this long and not seen that.

I've never done that, but I have been in a game where we went and hunted down the biggest kraken in the ocean in order to turn it into paella.

We were hosting a party for dragons. We needed a lot of food.

2014-12-02, 12:27 PM
Due to my affliction of the Curse of the Willing DM, I rarely actually sit down and play one character, instead acting as the Dungeon Master, Gamemaster, Storyteller, Keeper, Hollyhock God, or Friend Computer.

That said, here's some stuff I haven't done...

Become king (though one did enjoy rulership)
Slay a dragon at the end of a dungeon crawl (though we killed two in a swamp once)
Get married for political reasons (though there was once a little ceremony between a character of mine and his soulmate)
Rescue a princess (rescued plenty of people, but never a princess)
Die in a permanent fashion (had some near ones, though, even including having a character's soul punched off)
Ride a flying carpet or broom (though characters have flown by airship, and spells)
Escape someone/something in a dramatic chase scene (knocking them out doesn't count)
Swing from a rope/chandelier (most of the time they either can fly or jump really well)
Participate in a barroom brawl (though my characters have been in plenty of bars, even a biker bar once)
Play as a halfling or even a particularly short character (I tend toward tall types)
Broken a bone (though did have a character vivisected)
Changed my hairstyle significantly (have had hair color changes though)
Cast a spell above sixth level ("free" metamagic doesn't count)
Sold my soul (did have a Star Wars character fall to the Dark Side though)
Played a PC of the opposite sex or gender (did have one who had no qualms about cross-dressing as a disguise though)
Read or told anyone a bedtime story (most of my characters simply didn't have kids)
Fought mind-flayers or aboleths (fought a couple Beholders, though, as well as some stranger creatures of chaos)
Wielded my family's ancestral sword (every time I wanna play a melee guy, I think of so many more interesting weapons than swords)
Played a paladin, fallen or otherwise (even my more lawful characters are pretty willing to compromise their honor if it's important enough)
Put a bag of holding into a portable hole or vice-versa, or broke a staff of power (though I've broken a few other artifacts)
Gone on an epic quest for the sole purpose of obtaining, destroying, or containing an artifact (though I've done all these things as a matter of course)
Drawn from a Deck of Many Things (though one of my games got its start when the prior DM made all the PCs do exactly that)
Put my head in the devil's mouth in the Tomb of Horrors (or indeed, played the Tomb of Horrors)

There's more stuff but I'm tired and will go to bed soon.

2014-12-02, 12:46 PM
Never drawn from a deck of many things! Heheeheh. That's an impressive one I don't share.
In fact the only reason I can't say I've never played a lawful character is I did once play a paladin who drew the ace of spades in that deck... Killing two not even once's with one stone!
'Never swung from a chandelier' would be very impressive at my table anyway.
I've never played tomb of horrors, though I've created temples filled wall to wall with grimtooths traps before.
I've also never put a bag of holding into a portable hole or broken a staff of power... Nice!
My characters have been married, but never gotten married in game...
Never had kids either as backstory or as an in game event...

Good stuff!

gom jabbarwocky
2014-12-02, 04:22 PM
Never drawn from a deck of many things!

The Deck of Many Things? Not even once, man. The Deck eats games alive. I've seen it happen. Just say no!

"The DoMT. My anti-drug. 'cause when you're messed up on the Deck, no amount of drugs will allow you to forget it."

2014-12-02, 06:13 PM
I have never (that I can think of):

-Invaded Hell
-Invaded Heaven
-Invaded some extraplanar location
-Traveled to an extraplanar location
-Played a character higher than level 8
-Encountered an Artifact Deck of Many things in a college game. Survived ~20 pulled (though I was stacking the deck 'cause I didn't much like the DM)
-Had a character die (barring Pathfinder Society)
-Have a character sacrifice themselves to save the rest of the party
-Played a Sci-Fi setting Forgot the Star Wars campaign
-Played a magitech setting
-Sold my character's soul
-Played a strictly evil character
-Rescued the Princess
-And I've never been to Boston in the fall (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaWU1CmrJNc).

2014-12-02, 07:13 PM
I've been rescued by and from a princess (in the latter case by a dragon, hilariously), but I've never actually saved a princess.

Here's an interesting one that I came in expecting to do a lot and never did. Being resurrected. I've had tons of characters die on me, but I mostly play systems where death is permanent, and if it's not, my character has a reason to stay dead. (Soul destroyed, or the world would be better off without a resurrection, or what have you).

Also, I've never actually made the stereotypical pact with an evil demon/devil/etc. I've enslaved several evil creatures, and once had a business partnership with one outside my knowledge, but never the usual devil pact. I have bound an outsider to my soul before, but it was an angel, not a demon.

I've invaded several other planes of existence, but never actually fought off an invasion from one.

Never used an Arcane Connection in Ars Magica.

That's what I can think of off the top of my head.

2014-12-02, 07:57 PM
Thats definitely not something I'd expect, but it's definitely going on my bucket list.

I have never been rescued by a princess.
I have never been rescued from a princess.

Very nice variation on the trope!

2014-12-03, 06:33 AM
As a player, I/my characters have never:

- Played a character between levels 8 and 13, inclusive
- Cast any spell of 3rd level or higher
- Played a wizard, cleric, or druid
- Rescued a princess
- Fallen to my death (though I did hit -1 hp from a fall once)
- Played a Lawful Evil character
- Been resurrected, and we don't play "dead is dead"
- Fought a devil (demons, however, yes).
- Had a character sacrifice themselves
- Played an elf (though I have played half-elves)
- Been off-planet even in a sci-fi game (though I have been outside the Material Plane)
- Overthrown a tyrannical overlord
- Gotten married, or even been married
- Had a character's family members die (except in backstory)
- Successfully seduced a PC (though there have been unsuccessful attempts, and successful ones on NPCs)
- Possessed or obtained a noble title

2014-12-03, 07:04 AM
My characters/I have never

played an evil pc on paper or in spirit
played a dwarf pc (though plenty of dwarven npcs as gm)
played a druid pc
played a half orc

I've never done any of those things, to which I'd add I've never:

Played an elf PC
Played a gnome or halfling PC
Played a goblinoid or monstrous PC
Played any sort of reptilian, amphibian or avian PC
Played an alien PC in a sci-fi game
Played a robot or synthetic PC in a sci-fi game
Played a Wizard/Sorceror PC

2014-12-03, 10:33 AM
The Deck of Many Things? Not even once, man. The Deck eats games alive. I've seen it happen. Just say no!

"The DoMT. My anti-drug. 'cause when you're messed up on the Deck, no amount of drugs will allow you to forget it."

I've never seen the hate for the Deck. It's awesome.
One of my characters has a DoMT and lets the young people in his family draw from it when they become legally adults.
It leads to a lot of cool stuff. Good stuff is cool, and often used as the basis of stories. Bad stuff gets turned into cool stories. It's pretty much win-win.

2014-12-03, 10:54 AM
Wow, I'm surprised to see people list so many things that I have done...

I suppose I shall have to compose my own.

- Of the Core-races in D&D, I have not played a Gnome or a Half-Orc.
- I haven't become the leader of a cult (it's the hope of my character in the new campaign)
- In D&D, I have yet to play: Barbarian, Psion, Soulknife, Factotum, Warlock, Knight, Beguiler, Dragon Shaman, and Dragonfire Adept.
- Not seen a flying elephant.
- Not played a reptilian, amphibian, or avian PC race, but I have played a sentient tree-race (Neti in Star Wars).
- Not played a robot (but have had PCs with cybernetics).
- Not played a goblinoid.
- Invaded an extraplanar location.
- Have not sold my soul to The Devil (or something similar, but the aforementioned cult-leader-wannabe above might just do that).
- Never played Tomb of Horrors.
- Not played Epic in D&D. Or Mythic for that matter.

2014-12-03, 12:51 PM
I've never actually had a character from my backstory show up in the game, either by the GM killing them, them becoming a new/old adversary, or even passing them on the street saying hey, even when we visited my hometown.

Man, this one is odd to me. My first campaign I GMed had one PCs brother as the big bad's right hand man, had the 3rd stop on the adventure another PCs home city, nearly made a 3rd PC kill his father, and had an entire subplot dedicated to the corruption of the last PCs grove (Druid character). Most of my games start as an outline then I steal elements from the players backstories to fill it out.

Anyway, on the GMing side of things.

I've never had a full party wipe.
I've never completely finished a campaign.
I've never taken away a characters core identity item (spell book, magic sword, ect.) permanently though they have lost them for a time
Seen an all good team
Used elves as anything other than villains or at best useless obstructions. I need to add a good elf, I think it would make my players paranoid
Run a simple save the world plot

2014-12-03, 02:34 PM
I have never:
-Experienced an anti-magic area
-Allowed a bad guy to finish their monologue
-Had Charisma (or variants) as my best trait
-Been poisoned by a dart from the shadows
-Been poisoned from food or drink
-Succeeded on a dice roll to avoid illusion or mind control
-Been mistaken for a god (once it wasn't a mistake)
-Disguised myself as a evil underling

The Deck of Many Things? Not even once, man. The Deck eats games alive. I've seen it happen. Just say no!
After the paladin lost a level from the first draw, my barbarian drew a wish, "WOW! KRULL WISHES ALL CARDS WERE THIS GOOD!"

2014-12-03, 09:58 PM
I have never
- Played a monk without VoP (I have made several without just for the lolz), but never played one without it.
- Grappled A Dragon (have grappled a Wyvern... 500 feet in the air, I survived)
- Rode a dragon for more than 10 rounds
- Killed a hobgoblin (I did kick one off of a dragon though but it survived with 6 HP)
- Played a gunslinger.
- Played a Half-Orc, Gnome, or Halfling.
- Played a wizard, cleric, or druid.
- Killed a dragon (unless a Behir, two greenblood razorfiends [Spawn of Tiamat], and a wyvern count.)
- Reached epic levels.
- Killed a fiend (That's coming up soon in my brother's RHoD campaign)
- Left the material plane (See above)
- Taken a prisoner (things that encounter me or my party generally have a high mortality rate)
- Met a Metallic Dragon
- Seen a blue, green or white dragon
- Had a character die permanently (My monk got killed then reincarnated as an elf. Suprisingly strong.)
- Played an evil character
- Taken a prestige class
- Multiclassed (outside of Gestalt)
That's all I can think of for now.

2014-12-04, 09:56 PM
Very nice. I also have not picked a lock, sold my soul, acheived lichdom, sank a boat or ruled the world. Excellent!

I have indeed looted temples, killed dragons, swung from ropes, hopped many planes, rode dragons and purposefully jumped from a dragon at altitude...

Check, check, no, check, check.

Delta Green is a fun game, I must say. Except for when you blow up a yacht full of innocent people...

I've never played a character of my age or under (mine are almost always 35+ for some reason, the other players call me a grumpy old man), experienced a TPK, been carried off by a flying creature, been in a sewer without encountering a physical god (...huh, that's kinda weird now that I think about it), been killed by a trap, or been resurrected.

A few things I have had the pleasure of doing...

Armed and then led a battalion of lizard people to victory against UFOs. In New Mexico. In a modern setting.
Seen a PC manage to kill himself with backblast by firing an RPG inside a closet.
Been abducted by aliens.
Broke causality.
Met my own Space Russian great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather (see above)
Accepted an assassination contract for one dude, then accidentally killed 750,000.
Been inside a Mimic without realizing it was, in fact, a Mimic.

Between Delta Green, Traveler, and D&D I have a very fun track record.

Lord Torath
2014-12-04, 11:50 PM
The Deck of Many Things? Not even once, man. The Deck eats games alive. I've seen it happen. Just say no!
After the paladin lost a level from the first draw, my barbarian drew a wish, "WOW! KRULL WISHES ALL CARDS WERE THIS GOOD!"That's priceless! I had a terrible time keeping my laughter from disturbing those next to me! :smallbiggrin: Please tell me what the DM's face looked like when you said that!

Jay R
2014-12-05, 11:25 AM
I've been gaming for decades and the natural order of things is that an adventurer has been 'out there man'... they've seen everything... they've done everything.

It's worth noting that we have been talking about players, not characters. I've been combining the activities of lots of my characters - Darkstar, Endora, Nabonidus, Robin Banks, Eiddileg, Fflewder, Morgan, David, Julius, Cornelius, Ragnar Rabbit, Leprechaun, Minimax Jones, Jean-Louis, Riccardo, Hyperion, Pinball, Sprite, Dr. MacAbre, Paragon, Professor Power, Shadowmonk, Gwydion, Adaf, Bleddyn, Galadorn, Eilonwy, Doli, Felix, Ornrandir, Pteppic, Gustav.

No single character has done all the things I've talked about, and no single character has seen everything and done everything.

Virtually always, any fictional character who claims he can no longer be surprised will be paying up in the next half hour, as Captain America did to Nick Fury in the Avengers.

2014-12-05, 11:27 AM
That's priceless! I had a terrible time keeping my laughter from disturbing those next to me! :smallbiggrin: Please tell me what the DM's face looked like when you said that!

Well, we had two DMs. While the laughter from the rest of the party died down, one of them stared at me sternly *little eye twitch*. Then towards at the other (laughing) DM, "We're going to need to talk about this. Privately." We ended up losing the deck, due to the bad cards not being drawn meaning it didn't reshuffle, but splitting the rest of the good cards between us. I ended up a duke, gained a level, enchanted my armor, and I also got three more wishes for creativity. I am not allowed to use that wish again.

The game ended a couple sessions later, after Krull, Duke of Rivershire, died in a freak "never succeeding in 6 worsening saving throws while still having all his hit points" accident with a vine monster boss, while rescuing a princess. The rest of the party (evil, chaotic, or just really selfish) decided that they weren't actually friends, they were all just friends with Krull, and since they didn't quite have enough cash on hand to resurrect him, went their separate ways.

This was the first and only time I had permanently lost a character. I folded his character sheet into a boat and gave him a viking funeral.

Of the games I've played, that campaign crossed off the most of the "never have I"s in this thread for me. Great fun.

2014-12-05, 06:43 PM
Never have I ...

Actually seen multiclass penalties enforced.
Gotten through a session without at least one Monty Python reference.
Played an Evil character (as a PC; plenty as DM).
Heard the DM describe a statue without it coming to life, trying to eat me, or otherwise being troublesome. (Partial exception; one-shotted one before it had the chance to ambush me).
Seen a 10x10 room with an orc guarding a treasure chest.
Taken an item-crafting feat (other than Scribe Scroll).
Successfully used the Stunning Fist feat ... over a 20-level campaign's worth of attempts ... no, I'm not bitter, why do you ask?

2014-12-08, 06:41 PM
I've never let an enemy live after I've seen one.

... No, wait, there was that one time. Never mind.