View Full Version : Optimization Low Level Spells That Are Useful To High Level Casters

2014-12-02, 01:03 AM
I'm statting out a Lv15 Favored Soul bad guy and I realized that I didn't even bother to give him first level spells and the only reason he even has a second level spell listed is so he can use it at higher levels with metamagic feats.

A lot of spells are nice at low levels, but once you level up a few times they become useless. Other spells get used all throughout the whole campaign, like Identify. So I was wondering, what are some low level spells that high level casters find the most useful? Either on their own or modified with metamagic?

Identify and Magic Missile can start out the list. Magic Missile is that spell you hardly ever use, but most wizards still prepare it at least once per day sometimes when the chips are down a magic missile can save the day. MM is also pretty nice with metamagic. If you have an open 5th level spell slot you can't go wrong with a quickened magic missile; and entangling spell with MM means that with a 3rd level spell all 5 missiles unerringly hit 5 targets, deal damage and entangle them for a round without a save.

What do you think?
Should this be written like a list?

Magic Missile

2014-12-02, 02:12 AM
I like Enlarge Person, and (3.5) Summon Monster I. Enlarge Person, assuming that your DM doesn't allow items of continuous Enlarge Person, is always a nice thing for a meleer. On the other side, 3.5 SM1 gets you a spell that can do some decent scouting and trap busting as you get to higher levels for a pretty low cost, and actually gets significantly better at higher caster levels.

This, of course, ignores Detect Magic and Least Wish (Prestidigitation).

2014-12-02, 02:41 AM
There's always the spells that make Rogues cry-Find Traps, Knock, Shatter, Invisibility, Glitterdust, and See Invisibility. Those tend to be useful no matter the level, although you don't want to use Invisibility against some higher-level threats. I'm assuming we're talking 2nd level and lower here.

Protection from [X] is usually pretty useful as a flat 'no' to Charms and Dominates. It's a cheap, minutes/level buff.

I remember recently seeing a whole guide devoted to optimizing Tenser's Floating Disk, complete with instructions on how to make a disk-fort. There's some shenanigans to pull there, even if it's just 'ride on it, because a mighty mage doesn't need to bother himself with mortal concepts like 'gravity' or 'working legs.' '

If we add Pathfinder into the list, Create Pit is truly magnificent. If the opponent can't make a fairly high climb check or fly, they're effectively removed from combat.

That's just an offhand list from core, too.

2014-12-02, 02:47 AM
Well hour/level spells are very useful to get up 24 hours and burn off your otherwise unused low level slots. A lesser rod of extend spell helps. False life is my favorite; it's as much of a no brainer as having a good con. Swift and immediate spells like nerveskitter and feather fall are also a good way to burn otherwise unused first level spells. Situational spells like identify belong on scrolls, not prepared. At 25 gp or so a pop, scroll all the situational level 1 spells. For 2nd level multiple scrolls of spider climb and a wand of invisibility are nice. Other nice level 2 scrolls include levitate and see invsibility, assuming you haven't prepared these. Locate object aka "locate plot point or equipment of plot point" is ok too. As is knock.

So that leaves 1st level spells that are caster level or save DC dependent and might actually see use in combat. Honestly these matter way more for sorcerers who can spontaneously apply metamagic for an extra high level spell option without losing a real high level spell. Heightened glitterdust, empowered magic missile, empowered ray of enfeeblement, etc. Silent/minor/major image is sometimes ok at high level. So is web. Magic mouth is permanent and cheap so it's wonderful to spam and leave messages on objects. Shrink item on a rotating caster level day cycle lets you burn only 1 spell slot to carry around caster level random shrunken objects. Sleet storm is amazing battlefield control at all levels. Invisibility sphere is ok on a wizard for a whole party infiltration. A sorcerer spams the more versatile invisibility instead. Tiny hut is good for stopping a ranged ambush. Don't prepare it normally but gentle repose is handy to have in your spellbook for carrying bodies or meat. Likewise for water breathing, then bust it out once you hear that the next challenge is aquatic.

2014-12-02, 02:54 AM
Grease. I always say it, Grease is an amazing spell. It targets Reflex, and requires Balance, two things that are fairly rare.

As a favoured soul you get the cleric list, Lesser Vigor is the last word in out of combat heals.

As a Spontaneous Caster, versatile Spellcaster lets you use two lower level spell slots to cast one higher level spell. Turn two Cantrips into a Magic Missile.

Magic Missle is also a great medium for Fell Draining. 5 missiles, 5 targets, everybody loses a level, no save.

Burning hands is low level, but some of the earliest AoE you can pick up. You only need to get TPW'd by cockroaches once before you start packing some AoE.

2014-12-02, 06:19 AM
Mount. Not only do the usual comments on traptriggering apply (and the mount is slightly more likely to survive it) it also is a way to get infinite money. Summon Mount, take the saddle, do whatever you want with the mount, let it poof away, sell the saddle.