View Full Version : Seismic Mage?

Elric VIII
2014-12-02, 03:23 PM
Do you ever have the urge to summon the raw, unbridled power of the primal earth? Yeah, well I do.

I'm afb at this time, but I'm wondering if there are any PrCs what can help achieve this goal. I'm talking about creating tremors, hurling boulders, and summoning rock monsters. I'm pretty sure Wizard/Cleric/Druid can do all that perfectly well, but it would be cool if some PrC exists that augments this. The closest thing I remember is that dwarf gish PrC that lets him inscribe runes into stone, but that's not really what I want.

Other than that, I'd love some help coming up with a set of spells and feats that would go with this.


2014-12-02, 03:27 PM
I believe there was a class called Stonelord somewhere that worked along these lines. Copy here:


Not actually a "mage" per se, but very in keeping with your request, I think.

It's apparently from the Dragon magazine, but I could have sworn I've seen it in one of the books somewhere....

Extra Anchovies
2014-12-02, 03:49 PM
Stonelord and/or Deepstone Sentinel is halfway to what you're looking for.

2014-12-02, 03:51 PM
that one was later reprinted in Complete Warrior

otherwise, theres Earth Dreamer from Races of Stone (although thats not exactly what you're looking for, as it doesn't have any offensive powers) or Cavelord (Forgotten Realms: Underdark) which might be interesting

Elric VIII
2014-12-03, 01:20 PM
Earth Dreamer actually looks pretty good. Gets me some minor, flavorful abilities, 5/5 casting, and a unique capstone (at least I don't recall any spell outside Polymorph that grants earth glide).

Are there any feats that can augment a build like this similar to Born of Three Thunders/Searing Spell/Frost Casting for their respective elements?

Gnome Alone
2014-12-03, 01:26 PM
This seems like it might end up fitting well into that thread a while ago about semi-accidentally causing tons of collateral damage cuz yer hella sloppy. Like, "have at thee, knave! Heightened Empowered Maximized Earthquake Blast!" <destroys 7/8ths of city>

Elric VIII
2014-12-03, 02:44 PM
This seems like it might end up fitting well into that thread a while ago about semi-accidentally causing tons of collateral damage cuz yer hella sloppy. Like, "have at thee, knave! Heightened Empowered Maximized Earthquake Blast!" <destroys 7/8ths of city>

Imagine how much exp I can farm from all those peasants.

Fax Celestis
2014-12-03, 07:53 PM
Try seeing if you can get the silly racial requirement kicked off of Stonespeaker Guardian (RoS). There's also the Cataclysm Mage from Explorer's Handbook which may or may not suit your needs.

Gnome Alone
2014-12-04, 12:50 AM
Hunting for spells with an Earth descriptor, I found these:

Battlefield Fortification (Sor/Wiz 4) creates a trench. HoB.

Earthen Grasp (Sor/Wiz 2) grapples and pins with an earthy hand. SpC.

Stony Grasp (Sor/Wiz 3) is like Earthen Grasp but the hand can come from any natural surface. SpC.

Hail of Stone (Sor/Wiz 1) does unblockable earth damage. SpC.

Mudslide (Sor/Wiz 6, Druid 6) does the obvious thing you'd think it does, and buries everyone in a 40 ft. radius in a muddy landslide. Stormwrack.

There's also Earthquake from the SRD, but I'm assuming you've already thought of that one. 8th spell and all, so, be a while. That's why I thought Hail of Stone and Earthen Grasp would be especially nice, cuz you could have some of your schtick up and running from the get-go.

Similarly, the reserve feat Clutch of Earth can be powered by as little as a 2nd level spell, and reduces the enemy's move speed (by 5 ft. per level of Earth spell available to cast) with your earthy mojo... though I imagine it wouldn't be all that great until you had at least a 4th level Earth spell to power it with; -20 ft. movement speed at-will sounds pretty hilarious.

Fouredged Sword
2014-12-04, 09:02 AM
Greater Stone Shape is fun. Druid 5, and it hits up to 210 ft^3 of stone.

Other spells from a search of relm's wiki.

EarthMaw - Bury people alive.
Mud Shield - Shield, but rnd/level and expend to entangle those around you (and yourself)
Mud armor - Mage armor, but with a weakness to fire, but on the druid spell list.

Also, consider taking planer touchstone for the earth domain. Get twice your HD of earth elementals or other earth creatures serving you.

2014-12-04, 09:14 AM
Spell Compendium level 9 wizard/sorc spell Undermaster.

There are also more spells with the earth descriptor in the spell compendium.

Is Earth Bolt from complete arcane a wujen only spell?

2014-12-04, 09:45 AM
Greater Stone Shape is fun. Druid 5, and it hits up to 210 ft^3 of stone.

Other spells from a search of relm's wiki.

EarthMaw - Bury people alive.
Mud Shield - Shield, but rnd/level and expend to entangle those around you (and yourself)
Mud armor - Mage armor, but with a weakness to fire, but on the druid spell list.

Also, consider taking planer touchstone for the earth domain. Get twice your HD of earth elementals or other earth creatures serving you.

do note that while realmswiki aren't nearly as bad as dndwiki, it does have quite a bit of unofficial stuff (although a good bit of that is assorted creators moonlighting business from other places), among others those spells

Gnome Alone
2014-12-04, 07:52 PM
By the way, I'd be pretty interested in seeing what you come up with in the end for a build, because I think this character concept is pretty cool.