View Full Version : Suicide Squad esk campaign.

2014-12-02, 05:11 PM
So I had a thought the other day to run a suicide Squad style game where criminals and villians are forced to work for a legitimate organization and complete missions for the common good. I was thinking something like mark of justice, command word pain, command word kill, some sort of high functioning scrying ability. How would you make this work?

2014-12-02, 05:45 PM
There's always making something up...

I had a deity in one game who gave her mark to converts, because of her relationship with lycanthropes, many who were cursed against their will would come to her for a cure; her mark prevented turning, and she/her followers would ask for conversion and a year of service. The mark had a few purposes, first; my deities were not omnipresent, so it made the bearer part of her domain and thus she was aware of their actions, second; she could cause the bearer pain (a burning sensation of vary degrees) if they took actions against not inline with her teachings, and finally she could (if she deemed it necessary) burn away the tattoo (incredibly painful) if necessary leaving behind a brand that marks the bearer and enemy of the church and if it's done within the first year, re-allowing the bearer to turn in their lycanthropy.

Be creative, if you're making up the rest, there's no reason you gotta stop there.