View Full Version : Persona In the Playground: Dealings with the Russian Devil Bear

Morbis Meh
2014-12-03, 02:04 AM
Twas the night after mission and all through the dorm dear Levi was pacing all in perfect form. The snack bowls were lain on the table with care, in hopes that his targets would soon be there.

The vodka was chilling in its tub of ice, while pieces of his twisted plan began to splice. And Mozart on the speakers and camera's on, prepared to capture the key words from the pawns.

When out in the hall there arose such a clatter, with our host leaping to see what was the matter. Opening the portal with charm, style, and flair; beckoning the victim to enter his lair...

"HOHOHO MERRY CHRISTMAS COMRADE, or Hanukkah if you're a jew, welcome to game! Price to play is a favor and prize is same!

2014-12-03, 01:44 PM
I wouldn't call Yumiko's knock a clatter...Perhaps more of a tapping, rap-tap-tapping at Levi's door. When the Russian bear-man opens the door, she forces a smile on her face despite her subconscious screaming at her to run away and go hide under her covers, and says in a very small voice, "H-hi...I'm Yumiko...I just moved in. U-um...I got a letter? About...A poker game?"

Morbis Meh
2014-12-03, 03:50 PM
I wouldn't call Yumiko's knock a clatter...Perhaps more of a tapping, rap-tap-tapping at Levi's door. When the Russian bear-man opens the door, she forces a smile on her face despite her subconscious screaming at her to run away and go hide under her covers, and says in a very small voice, "H-hi...I'm Yumiko...I just moved in. U-um...I got a letter? About...A poker game?"

Levi puts on his best shark grin "Ah, what a pleasure it is to meet you Yumiko, I look forward to getting to know you... better. Tsk, where are my manners..." Despite his bulk he manages to execute a very graceful and oddly formal bow "Levi Averin at your service my dear lady, please come in make yourself at home. Can I get you a refreshment? Oh don't mind blizzard going outside of window, our conversation should drown it out soon; however, it at least looks like it will be a white Christmas... HOHOHO!"

The Russian behemoth steps aside and motions for the mortified lady to take a seat at the table, once satisfied he goes over to his bar and makes her a drink (with a tiny amount of alcohol, just enough to start the eventual snowball effect). "Help yourself to the snacks, I made baked goods myself! So while we have time, tell me about yourself a little before others arrive." With the drink mixed, Levi strides over and places it on a coaster (he will give a death glare to ANYONE who neglects to use the VERY OBVIOUS coaster set in front of them) in front of Yumiko.

Mono Vertigo
2014-12-03, 04:12 PM
A shadow - no capital S...? - drifts sideways, in front of the door. It is naught but darkness, a slim form with two saucer-shaped lights for eyes.
Menacingly, it stands, motionless and silent. Despite the lack of pupils, one can feel the surveying gaze.
Finally, it steps in, and the trick of the light breaks; no Shadow, only a black girl with big, round glasses, angry eyebrows, and an invitation in her hand.
"Is that - is that a new student?", she asks, outraged. "Levi! Your evil truly knows no bounds! I would have thought you were above easy targets that pose no challenge! I bet you don't even know her name!"
She pauses, and finally seems to realize that said new student is a human being, with emotions, and not just an object involved in some transaction.
"Lenora Hepaunton. Yes, that Hepaunton." Even she is starting to wonder why she adds that aside: most people don't actually care enough about finances to remember that name. "Err, you said your name was Yumiko, right?"

Morbis Meh
2014-12-03, 04:23 PM
A shadow - no capital S...? - drifts sideways, in front of the door. It is naught but darkness, a slim form with two saucer-shaped lights for eyes.
Menacingly, it stands, motionless and silent. Despite the lack of pupils, one can feel the surveying gaze.
Finally, it steps in, and the trick of the light breaks; no Shadow, only a black girl with big, round glasses, angry eyebrows, and an invitation in her hand.
"Is that - is that a new student?", she asks, outraged. "Levi! Your evil truly knows no bounds! I would have thought you were above easy targets that pose no challenge! I bet you don't even know her name!"

Levi looks away from his first guest and truly gives the first genuine smile since he's moved in "Oh dearest friend Lenora, it makes my heart swell to see you here. There is no need to be jealous sweet heart, I assure you Yumiko is not taking your place as my number one!"

She pauses, and finally seems to realize that said new student is a human being, with emotions, and not just an object involved in some transaction.
"Lenora Hepaunton. Yes, that Hepaunton." Even she is starting to wonder why she adds that aside: most people don't actually care enough about finances to remember that name. "Err, you said your name was Yumiko, right?"

"I apologize for my girlfriends, rather rude outburst, she can be very clingy at times but I assure you she has a bank... I mean account... heart of gold." Levi strides over and sudden'y places a very swift kiss on the enraged newcomers brow "I was worried you wouldn't make it, so you got Christmas card specifically made for you yes? Please sit down, I shall fix you a warm cocoa to chase away winter chill!" As quickly as he appeared he deftly fled the ensuing wrath of Lenora.

2014-12-03, 04:39 PM
Yumiko just shakes her head at the insanity as she bows back to Levi, then sits down and sips her drink, saying, "Thank you for the drink, Levi. A-and nice to meet you, Lenora. I am Yumiko, yes. Why is Levi evil?"

Mono Vertigo
2014-12-03, 05:22 PM
Is this guy an avatar of chaos? Where's the logic and reason?
All she manages to do is fume and stomp. "What the - how dare you -- ?!"
The paper crumples in her hand as she points an accusing (and well-painted) fingernail at Levi. "Isn't it obvious!? I'm not his girlfriend! And everything he does is part of one evil plot or another, no matter how innocent it looks. Not that he deigns to feint innocence often."
She wipes her brow, and turns to Levi, half amused, but still half angry: "Poker, though? Is that the best you could come up with? Nothing looks less innocent than poker. Even I would appear suspicious suggesting a game of poker!"

Morbis Meh
2014-12-03, 05:35 PM
Yumiko just shakes her head at the insanity as she bows back to Levi, then sits down and sips her drink, saying, "Thank you for the drink, Levi. A-and nice to meet you, Lenora. I am Yumiko, yes. Why is Levi evil?"

"It is no problem at all, I thrive when I play the host. Don't mind her, my ray of sunshine has so many pet names for me, skill calls me her teddy bear!"

Is this guy an avatar of chaos? Where's the logic and reason?
All she manages to do is fume and stomp. "What the - how dare you -- ?!"
The paper crumples in her hand as she points an accusing (and well-painted) fingernail at Levi. "Isn't it obvious!? I'm not his girlfriend! And everything he does is part of one evil plot or another, no matter how innocent it looks. Not that he deigns to feint innocence often."
She wipes her brow, and turns to Levi, half amused, but still half angry: "Poker, though? Is that the best you could come up with? Nothing looks less innocent than poker. Even I would appear suspicious suggesting a game of poker!"

"Pumpkin, I know you dislike calling our relationship formal but it is alright, your father will eventually understand once he sees what we have is truly special!" Levi puts on a pained expression as he places a hand over his heart before looking towards Yumiko "Forgive us, you do not deserve to be caught up in our drama, she gets rather embarrassed when we talk openly about it. Her father is very anti-Russian so it really tears her apart."

Refocusing on Lenora "I am sorry my cuddlebug but I wanted to be inclusive of everyone and poker is a very simple game with minimal setup, if you really want I can send them all back so we can be alone."

2014-12-03, 05:52 PM
Yumiko blinks and then says, "Oh." She then looks at her drink suspiciously and very slowly puts it on the coaster before saying, "I see...Well...Poker isn't too bad. It's just about probability, right?"

2014-12-04, 04:45 AM
Mr Levi's organising some games night thing? Is this meant to be like a team-building excersise?

When the evening came Kyoko found herself outside the russian's door. She couldn't just skip this, could she? Levi was kinda scary. After a moment of hesitation, she knocked on the door. No turning back now.

She was taken by surprise by the santa costume when he opened the door, was this some kind of foriegn tradition?

"Mr Levi, you sent me an invitation? Something about a 'poker night'? Um, is it alright if I don't know how to play? That's with a western deck, right? Uh, I know how to play baba-nuki," she offered.

Mono Vertigo
2014-12-04, 01:31 PM
The arrival of another victim takes her aback.
It's entirely the wrong way to fight Levi. Instead, he's proposed a battlefield and personally challenged her honor (and her good sense). The only thing there that can make him swallow his words and put an end to this masquerade is...
"... win your damn game! That's what we'll do. Come on, comrades, I can teach you how to play before you face him!"
Hell, if they're lucky, her new protegees might win by proxy; all she has to do is arrange things in such a way as to claim later partial responsibility for their victory.
"It's about probability, and bluffing. If you aren't a good actor, now is the best time to learn!"

2014-12-04, 01:46 PM
The arrival of another victim takes her aback.
It's entirely the wrong way to fight Levi. Instead, he's proposed a battlefield and personally challenged her honor (and her good sense). The only thing there that can make him swallow his words and put an end to this masquerade is...
"... win your damn game! That's what we'll do. Come on, comrades, I can teach you how to play before you face him!"
Hell, if they're lucky, her new protegees might win by proxy; all she has to do is arrange things in such a way as to claim later partial responsibility for their victory.
"It's about probability, and bluffing. If you aren't a good actor, now is the best time to learn!"

"Did someone say, 'actor'? Cause I believe the person who said so is a good teacher!"

Soga had stepped right behind the still-opened door Kyoko had left behind, but he lost track of what he was saying at the sight of the costume, and the decorations?

...was it snowing outside? In May?

Damn, Nagasaki's climate was odd.

Shaking (as much as possible of) the confusion away, he stepped forward, ready to partake in Lenora's lessons.

Now I need to find a way to factor Bluffing and team efforts and all that into the game too... :smallsigh:

2014-12-04, 01:59 PM
"Levi dear, you would do anything to make me jealous, wouldn't you?" Alexandra emerges from the boy's room with a smile on her face.
"Not that I can fault you on your choice, Lenora is the most fashionable of all the initiated."

2014-12-04, 04:45 PM
Yumiko blinks and asks, "Initiated? Into what? Is this a crazy cult thing?" This is definitely the most forceful she's been since she got here, and definitely freaked out.

2014-12-04, 05:52 PM
The sound of a window opening and shutting comes from down the hall, followed several seconds later by Asami's appearance in the doorway. "Sorry! I had something that I... err... needed to do. In town. I hope I'm not late?" She holds up an invitation as she looks around the room. "Oh! Is that what snow looks like? It wasn't even raining outside, but... nice of you to bring a little bit of Russia to us."

Morbis Meh
2014-12-04, 07:50 PM
Mr Levi's organising some games night thing? Is this meant to be like a team-building excersise?

When the evening came Kyoko found herself outside the russian's door. She couldn't just skip this, could she? Levi was kinda scary. After a moment of hesitation, she knocked on the door. No turning back now.

She was taken by surprise by the santa costume when he opened the door, was this some kind of foriegn tradition?

"Mr Levi, you sent me an invitation? Something about a 'poker night'? Um, is it alright if I don't know how to play? That's with a western deck, right? Uh, I know how to play baba-nuki," she offered.

Levi laughs his most fake jolly laugh "Hohoho! No worries comrade, poker is an easy game to learn and yes it is played with a western deck but I am sure everyone here is more than capable of picking up the game. Since it is Christmas I will even have a practice round to aid everyone in learning!"

The arrival of another victim takes her aback.
It's entirely the wrong way to fight Levi. Instead, he's proposed a battlefield and personally challenged her honor (and her good sense). The only thing there that can make him swallow his words and put an end to this masquerade is...
"... win your damn game! That's what we'll do. Come on, comrades, I can teach you how to play before you face him!"
Hell, if they're lucky, her new protegees might win by proxy; all she has to do is arrange things in such a way as to claim later partial responsibility for their victory.
"It's about probability, and bluffing. If you aren't a good actor, now is the best time to learn!"

"Oh yes my dear SARG, please teach all of them, you are easiest person here to read and will make game much more enjoyable! Though by the rules ONLY THE VICTOR receives a favour none of that proxy bull****, there is no loophole for you to get something out of this. Only stipulation on granted favor is this: it has to be 100% personal, not to benefit any of other players here. Aside from that sky is limit! Hey I will even go to prison for you if you murder someone."

"Levi dear, you would do anything to make me jealous, wouldn't you?" Alexandra emerges from the boy's room with a smile on her face.
"Not that I can fault you on your choice, Lenora is the most fashionable of all the initiated."

Levi smirks and boldly strides over to Alexandra "You know my heart is yours." With a wink he gently grabs her hand and lightly kisses it "I simply cannot help myself, shooting fish in barrel is just too tempting! By the way I have present for you but I can give that to you later." He moves in close for a hug and whispers "Is everything ready in surveillance room?"

Yumiko blinks and asks, "Initiated? Into what? Is this a crazy cult thing?" This is definitely the most forceful she's been since she got here, and definitely freaked out.

"Relax Yumiko-kohai, she only refers to our little club who traipse off into darkest corners of whatever nether realm velvet world really is. No need to fret, tonight is a fun, relaxing evening among compatriots, think of it like team building exercise even though everyone is playing for themselves.

The sound of a window opening and shutting comes from down the hall, followed several seconds later by Asami's appearance in the doorway. "Sorry! I had something that I... err... needed to do. In town. I hope I'm not late?" She holds up an invitation as she looks around the room. "Oh! Is that what snow looks like? It wasn't even raining outside, but... nice of you to bring a little bit of Russia to us."

"Ah, welcome Asami, yes I channeled my inner Russian and summoned forth a portal to depths of Siberia! Maybe later we have snowball fight?"

2014-12-05, 10:16 AM
"Ah, okay, if it's easy..." Kyoko responded, not feeling very confident. Her confidence slipped further when Lenora took her aside to teach her how to play. Kyoko thought Lenora looked like this was really serious, and she was only a little less intimidating than Levi was. When Kyoko saw Asami enter the room she shot her a panicked look.


A Rainy Knight
2014-12-06, 09:34 PM
Roused from her gaming by a tap on the door, Miyuki reached a save point on the next dungeon floor. Brushing aside her tangled-up hair, she hopped from the bed to see who was there. Not a soul was in sight when she looked down the hall, but the floor bore a trail both slender and small. Lined in a row were candies and sweets, every last one of them her favorite treats. It was obviously a trick one would use before trappin', but... eh, what's the worst that could happen?

"It's b-been a while since I saw some of these, anyways... I didn't even think you c-could buy them around here!"

She gathered them up piece by piece until she was at the end of the trail, then looked up and stopped in her tracks at the sight of a familiar Russian.

"Oh! L-Levi..."

Morbis Meh
2014-12-07, 12:08 AM
Levi beamed at the arrival of their resident hermit "Ah, comrade Miyuki, it is a delight that you could make it. I thought we could provide you a brief distraction from your MMO...Which is good because my next plan was to hack and DDOS the game server. So welcome to poker game please have a seat and I shall fix you a drink. We are almost ready to begin...."

Mono Vertigo
2014-12-07, 08:58 AM
"Oh yes my dear SARG, please teach all of them, you are easiest person here to read and will make game much more enjoyable! Though by the rules ONLY THE VICTOR receives a favour none of that proxy bull****, there is no loophole for you to get something out of this. Only stipulation on granted favor is this: it has to be 100% personal, not to benefit any of other players here. Aside from that sky is limit! Hey I will even go to prison for you if you murder someone."

Lenora crosses her arms, and smirks. "I don't need favours by proxy. The victory of any of my protegees against you would be enough of a reward for me!"
She turns her head slowly, toward the rookies, a malicious gleam in her eyes. The explanation starts. "Alright, where to begin? First, the point of the game is to have the most valuable card combination. You start with two cards in your hand, and..."

2014-12-07, 02:32 PM
Yumiko, perhaps sensing a kindred soul, smiles nervously at Miyuki and says, "Um...Hi. I'm Yumiko. What...Um...What game do you play?"

2014-12-07, 05:49 PM
Soga payed close attention to Lenora's lesson, and for whatever reason he felt less like he was being taught a game, and more like he was being presented with a battle plan.

Regardless, he was enjoying himself! Lenora's clash with Levi would shape up to be quite the entertainment!

...although the price of that entertainment worried him...

A Rainy Knight
2014-12-07, 07:15 PM
Miyuki glances meekly back at Levi. "T-there's, uh... not any vodka in those drinks, right?"

Surprised by the greeting from someone she doesn't know that well, Miyuki waves her hands in a fluster before managing a polite bow to Yumiko.

"H-hi there. I'm Miyuki. Miyuki Maeda," she introduces herself. "I was just playing some Star Fantasy Online in my room... I don't r-really have the time to play it as much lately as I used to. Plus, I've been playing more of this handheld game me and Soga got a little while back - World Tree Odyssey 2. It's, y'know, this dungeon-crawling kind of game... have you ever heard of it?"

She blushes as she pauses for a response, wondering if she went overboard with her answer or not.

2014-12-07, 08:11 PM
Asami keeps close to whichever friends she feels need comfort as she watches and listens to the demonstration with interest. She doesn't say anything, but does look up briefly to give smiles of pats of reassurance whenever someone seems overly nervous.

Morbis Meh
2014-12-07, 08:16 PM
Miyuki glances meekly back at Levi. "T-there's, uh... not any vodka in those drinks, right?"

Surprised by the greeting from someone she doesn't know that well, Miyuki waves her hands in a fluster before managing a polite bow to Yumiko.

"H-hi there. I'm Miyuki. Miyuki Maeda," she introduces herself. "I was just playing some Star Fantasy Online in my room... I don't r-really have the time to play it as much lately as I used to. Plus, I've been playing more of this handheld game me and Soga got a little while back - World Tree Odyssey 2. It's, y'know, this dungeon-crawling kind of game... have you ever heard of it?"

She blushes as she pauses for a response, wondering if she went overboard with her answer or not.

Levi chuckles "Of course there's vodka in all of drinks, only a small amount because Japanese cannot hold their liquor very well. Don't worry after a couple you won't even taste it anymore, I promise!"

Levi sighs and shakes his head "Sarg, Sarg, Sarg, you assume we're playing Texas hold'em, poker comes in many forms but I suppose it is probably for the best since it is most basic of poker. One day we will have seven card stud tournament... Also once you have gone bust you are free to leave or stay, I will order pizza a little later and if people wish to stay after game... maybe some karaoke, Japanese people love that pastime don't they?"

2014-12-07, 08:48 PM
Did I just see Miyuki go into Levi's room... Isn't he holding that.... Tsubaki makes a growling noise from next to the girl's room, realizing what this meant. I hadn't planned on going, but it can't be helped now I suppose. She quickly retrieves a bottle from her room, walks down the hall to the room Miyuki went in and knocks on the door quite loudly. Come bearing gifts and you'll be accepted more kindly. That's how Troy fell. The little warrior smiled as she waited for Levi to answer.

2014-12-07, 10:45 PM
Yumiko nods happily to Maiyuki and says, "Cool...I never really got into MMOs...Just can't level grind. Have you played Mob of Myths?"

Morbis Meh
2014-12-07, 10:58 PM
With another knock at his door, the large Russian sauntered casually to the door and opened it "Why Tsubaki, what a pleasant surprise! I didn't peg you for gambling type but please come in and take a seat. What's that a gift? Why you shouldn't have, and I only accept it if you promise to partake in it along with me!"

2014-12-07, 11:17 PM
Tsubaki gives Levi a big smile. "Life itself is a gamble, isn't it? I can't read the bottle, but it looks like your mother-language on the bottle. I uh... 'confiscated' it from someone who picked a fight a couple nights ago." She gently hands the unopened bottle of clear liquid over to the host as she walks in. I'm going to end up carried back to my room, I know it. I'm going to be the most irate tiger in all of Japan tomorrow...

2014-12-08, 05:49 AM
Levi smirks and boldly strides over to Alexandra "You know my heart is yours." With a wink he gently grabs her hand and lightly kisses it "I simply cannot help myself, shooting fish in barrel is just too tempting! By the way I have present for you but I can give that to you later." He moves in close for a hug and whispers "Is everything ready in surveillance room?"

"Don't worry, I don't mind sharing my toys. As long as it's for fun." She answers with a chuckle.
"I always deliver. By the way, Jess is starting to poke her nose where it doesn't belong, I might have to give her our records. Well, the slimmed down version, naturally."
As the room starts to get crowded, she picks a suitable corner and starts scanning the room for any usable information.

2014-12-08, 08:15 AM
Kyoko frowned at Lenora's explanation, trying to keep all the combinations of cards and values in her head. Wasn't this was supposed to be an easy game?

Catching a snipped of the conversation between Levi and Miyuki, Kyoko spun around. "Wait, vodka? You don't mean, like..." She trailed off; Levi wasn't really giving them alcohol, right?

2014-12-08, 12:21 PM
The game sounded simple enough. Basically, the most cards in the pattern, the better. it was funny how the best cards could be the worst hand and vise versa, depending on the center pool.

Hearing Kyoko, he nodded. "Yup, he tends to. And it has some kick", he adds with a frown.

Mono Vertigo
2014-12-08, 05:05 PM
"... and so that's a straight flush. Let me say it again: this is the nuke of poker. Should you get one today, you absolutely, under no circumstance, do not relent or give up, because Levi requires nothing lesser than a nuke to be taken down!"
Erm, metaphors.
Lenora looks up from the cards, spread around like maps, to watch the other newcomers, and announces, with the seriousness of a warlord preparing against the imminent threat of an invasion: "Miyuki! Tsubaki! Good lord, he invited everybody into his trap, that Russian devil. On the bright side, by uniting our forces, we will stand a chance against him. Please tell me you know how to play poker."

2014-12-08, 05:08 PM
Yumiko winces and asks quietly, "Could you consider not throwing that term around so lightly?"

Mono Vertigo
2014-12-08, 05:22 PM
Lenora pauses thoughtfully.
"... a spear to Levi's dragon, instead? Yes, I like this one better. A straight flush is the spear to Levi's dragon!"

A Rainy Knight
2014-12-09, 12:38 AM
Yumiko nods happily to Maiyuki and says, "Cool...I never really got into MMOs...Just can't level grind. Have you played Mob of Myths?"

Miyuki scratches her head. "Mmm... can't say I have. I've h-heard of it, though. Guess I've heard of a lot of things, really... So, um, do you ever play, like, visual novels and stuff?"

Just a bit of conversation overheard from Kyoko and Soga is all it takes for Miyuki to keep a nervous eye trained on every bottle and glass that passes through her vision.

Seeing Asami and Tsubaki there, she gives them both a little wave on sight.

2014-12-09, 12:48 AM
Tsubaki grabs herself a drink and sniffs it, determining it's contents by scent alone. Figures, I'll play his game for now though. She takes a large sip and makes her way over to Miyuki. "It's just probability and feinting. You need a bit of both for combat. I'm not the Kuroki girl who's best suited for the job though." She smiles as she talks to Lenora. "Let's see what fate has in store." The little warrior then turns her attention to her friend and the new girl she didn't know. "So, who's this here, Miyuki?"

2014-12-09, 11:42 AM
Yumiko nods to the others and says, "Hi...I'm Yamada Yumiko...Nice to meet you..." before replying to Miyuki, "Um...Well...I haven't really found any good ones." She blushes a little as she continues, "Most of the ones I've heard of are...Ah..." She trails off, face getting redder.

Morbis Meh
2014-12-09, 12:24 PM
Tsubaki gives Levi a big smile. "Life itself is a gamble, isn't it? I can't read the bottle, but it looks like your mother-language on the bottle. I uh... 'confiscated' it from someone who picked a fight a couple nights ago." She gently hands the unopened bottle of clear liquid over to the host as she walks in. I'm going to end up carried back to my room, I know it. I'm going to be the most irate tiger in all of Japan tomorrow...
Levi examines the bottle and chuckles It says Cherry Vodka... not from a very well reputed distillery but a gift is a gift, hope you like cherry coke...

"Don't worry, I don't mind sharing my toys. As long as it's for fun." She answers with a chuckle.
"I always deliver. By the way, Jess is starting to poke her nose where it doesn't belong, I might have to give her our records. Well, the slimmed down version, naturally."
As the room starts to get crowded, she picks a suitable corner and starts scanning the room for any usable information.
Levi moves to place the bottle among his collection and winks at Alexandra "Well then, may your 'toy' pour you a drink milady?....Sacrifices must be made... oh well we can go over reductions tomorrow... maybe over dinner?"

Kyoko frowned at Lenora's explanation, trying to keep all the combinations of cards and values in her head. Wasn't this was supposed to be an easy game?

Catching a snipped of the conversation between Levi and Miyuki, Kyoko spun around. "Wait, vodka? You don't mean, like..." She trailed off; Levi wasn't really giving them alcohol, right?
Levi spins around almost looking offended "Of course there's alcohol in it! While I reside in these dorms they are legal and official Russian Consulate therefor you all stand on Russian soil. In Russia it is considered not only rude, but downright offensive to not share everything with one's guests and I may be odd and even sometimes annoying but I AM NOT A CHEAP HOST!"

Lenora pauses thoughtfully.
"... a spear to Levi's dragon, instead? Yes, I like this one better. A straight flush is the spear to Levi's dragon!"

Levi looks to everyone with a pained expression "Please don't stab my dragon, I wish to have children someday and that would most certainly impede that function... I understand Lenora has deep seeded urges to play with my dragon but please for my future children's sake, resist. Also Sarg is a terrible teacher; ultimate poker hand is a Royal Flush but all you need to do to know that is look on the back of the card that is within the deck as an added card."

2014-12-10, 01:00 AM
"What- uh-" Kyoko was starting to panic. In the back of her mind, she heard some other conversation about how confusing this game was, but her attention was on Levi and his drinks. She couldn't drink alcohol, but it looked like Levi would be offended if she refused. Completely lost for what to do, she defaulted to accepting the drink. "Uh, thanks..."

2014-12-16, 10:26 PM
Asami looks up, not sure if she correctly understood Levi's booming voice. On one hand, it makes perfect sense for him. Be a good host? Check. Get people drunk so they don't play as well and he can get favors from them without risk? Check. We haven't really interacted much before now, so I don't have a good read of his personality... but that does seem about right. On the other hand... well... there isn't need for an 'other hand', the first one wasn't really in debate. She smirks a little in amusement, but inside is feeling rather concerned. "Your hospitality is most welcome, and I do not wish to slight it, but... I really shouldn't drink. I tried it once, and to say things went poorly would be a vast understatement."