View Full Version : What games are you playing RIGHT NOW!?!?

2014-12-03, 02:10 PM
And by that I mean games which you play at least every week. I'm curious to see people's tastes. For me:

Computer: World of Warcrarft.
Wii U: Super Smash Brothers for Wii U.
PS3: Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Tablet: Kingdom Rush: Origins.

And for my Christmas my wife is going to get me Lunar on our tablet :)


2014-12-03, 02:18 PM
Right now:

3DS: Pokemon Omega Ruby
PC: Baldur's Gate 2

A few others sprinkled here and there, but those are the only two that I've spentpre than an hour on recently.

2014-12-03, 02:35 PM
Skyrim, Dota 2

2014-12-03, 03:04 PM
DS: Dragon Quest IX. So much grinding.
Tablet: Hay Day.
Computer: Skyrim, Empire: Total War, Master of Orion II (thanks GOG).

2014-12-03, 03:09 PM
PC: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Therian Saga
Tablet: Brave Frontier, Terra Battle (though neither of these very consistently)

2014-12-03, 03:31 PM
Hearthstone, and I just started playing Sunless Sea. Also, I've been playing Civ V and only stopped because Giant Multiplayer Robot got messed up.

2014-12-03, 05:18 PM
Well, I finally got around to beating Armored Core 2. So now I don't know what to play.

2014-12-03, 05:22 PM
I'm multitasking right now, playing BG2 and Pokemon OR, At the same time!

2014-12-05, 05:56 AM
Well, I finally got around to beating Armored Core 2. So now I don't know what to play.

Armored Core 2: Another Age, perhaps?

I've just about finished Final Fantasy IV (PC), and will probably be moving on to Final Fantasy III (PC) when that's finished.

2014-12-05, 07:33 PM
Wii U: Super Smash Brothers 4.
3DS: Super Smash Brothers 4 (on breaks at work, mostly).
PS4: Dragon Age: Inquisition
PC: Hearthstone (Haven't played much since Dragon Age hit, but the free arena yesterday brought me back, and I'm sure I'll play more regularly when the expansion hits Monday.)

Soon enough I'll have Guilty Gear Xrd on PS4 too. Will have to see if that displaces Smash Brothers as my fighting game for online multiplayer for a while. Though I only have a week of free PS+ to use, so unless I get really addicted, it won't last too long. I doubt I'll consider it worth getting a PS+ subscription just yet with only one game I want to play online.

2014-12-05, 07:38 PM
PS4: Dragon Age: Inquisition. Just...this game non stop since it came out
3ds: Omega Ruby
PC: Sort of WoW, sort of FFXIV, sort of ArcheAge...been pretty slack with them since DA has been out though

Hiro Protagonest
2014-12-05, 07:44 PM
This week, I've cracked down for another serious attempt at King of Dragon Pass. The last two weeks have basically been Katawa Shoujo for me (I only played two stories, but then I repeated them. Twice).

DS: Dragon Quest IX. So much grinding.

That one's on indefinite hold for me. It's so hard to figure out what quests to do to get the post-campaign story continuation after you get ahold of the Starflight Express. Maybe I should just google it (gamefaqs probably has the info I need), since the questlines are impossible to navigate on the wiki (which has some inaccurate info anyway. You do not get the title "Simple Simone" just from wearing Erdrick's Helmet, that gives you "Haughty Beauty". You have to track down a lot of rare gear to complete A Simple Task).

Even with my policy of just doing whatever quests I haven't, it's still not exactly easy. Last time I got into it I completed grottoes left and right to find one that had the type of badger enemy I needed to fight to complete a quest. Haven't found it. I did also spend a lot of time repeating grottoes to try and get rare gear from the bosses though (more for the accolades I'd get from complete sets than for their power >_>).

2014-12-06, 03:21 AM
I tend to play one game until I finish it (or get frustrated and give up on it), and at the moment, that's Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning which I got in the recent Steam sale. By the time I finish that it'll probably be Christmas and I'll be away from home for a week--no idea what I'll be playing when I get back, possibly Elite: Dangerous?

Kaptin Keen
2014-12-06, 08:38 AM

Styx: Master of Shadows. Remember Me. FTL.

Considering for purchase: DA:I, Legend of Grimrock II.

Otherwise undecided. I lack story based games =(

2014-12-06, 08:52 AM
PC: Mass Effect, Baldur's Gate EE.

2014-12-07, 12:17 AM
Playing Final Fantasy 7 for the first time. Just got through the motorcycle chase scene after the escape from Shinra.

2014-12-07, 12:25 AM
I just finished up Persona 4 Golden for the PS Vita. I played through twice so I could beat on Margaret and the true final boss and get the True Ending, which I have to say is a million times and one better then the regular ending. A bit frustrated as I apparently missed 3 social links, they hid them in the jobs this time around(my only experience with the Persona series is 3 and 4, and there were no social links in the jobs in Persona 3). So I'll eventually have to go back and replay the game again so I can max out all social links in a single playthrough.

About to start up Disgaea 4, also for the Vita, very much looking forward to it, love the Disgaea series, one of the grindiest games in the world and it's tons of fun :)

2014-12-07, 01:43 AM
I'm playing The Legend of Groose Zelda: Skyward Sword on the Wii right now, because I'm going through my games library. I've played it before, this is my second run.

I also JUST started playing Dust: An Elyssian Trail today. It's been gathering dust* in my Steam library for a while and I decided to try it out. I can say the gameplay is pretty nice, fun, but the art is just beautiful. It looks fantastic. I can't believe it took me so long to try it out.

*I'm not sorry.

BeerMug Paladin
2014-12-07, 09:23 AM
Hyrule Warriors, Animal Crossing:New Leaf and Neverwinter Nights.

I dropped grinding on Dragon's Quest 9 when I got AC:NL, and when I stopped I had managed to make only a few of the super-ultimate equipment pieces. Maybe, I think 2 of that one sword, and a few of the armor pieces. I think I made another ultimate weapon besides the sword, but I may have only made the attempt and not succeeded at it, I can't remember.

I got my 4 main characters to level 99 in each class, pumped their re-level stats to max in at least one class (and I think more than one for all of them) and have a couple of character's stats capped out at max for an attribute (I think strength and either agility or defense) using the super-rare seeds that drop.

That game is crazy on the post-game grind.

2014-12-07, 09:44 AM
I haven't played these games for a couple weeks now, but last games:

PC: GalCiv2, Fallout 3

2014-12-07, 02:50 PM
I'm playing The Legend of Groose Zelda: Skyward Sword on the Wii right now, because I'm going through my games library. I've played it before, this is my second run.

Now, that one's on indefinite hold for me. I've started it a couple of times now, but can't bring myself to come back to it after the second session.

I absolutely loved Twilight Princess, played it quite addictedly in its day, but Skyward Sword - was something of a disappointment. Mostly what annoys me is the tedious reams of i n c r e d i b l y s l o w s c r o l l i n g d i a l o g u e. That game needs two changes: one, someone needs to cut out about 50% of the dialogue, and two, introduce an option to fast-forward the scrolling while it's displaying.

2014-12-08, 03:23 PM
vita: Final Fantasy 6
PS3: Boardlands
MAC Book: Might and Magic 1, Civ 5
PC: Diablo 3 Hereos of might and Magic 1

Although I am way busy with school so not much playing going on.

2014-12-09, 05:03 PM
PS3: Kingdom Hearts 2.5, Tales of Xillia & Symphonia
PC: Minecraft, Final Fantasy 8
PSP: Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness
3DS: Pokemon AS, Smash
Phone: FFT: WotL, FF1, FF2 (Yeah, my phone's hard drive is filled with Final Fantasy games. What about it?)

I like to have a bunch of different games going at once... It gets confusing sometimes.