View Full Version : Computer Interested in Planetside 2? Wanna do a bro a solid?

2014-12-03, 06:03 PM
So, I play Planetside 2, the free 2 play MMOFPS by Sony Online Entertainment.

If anyone is interested in trying it, and doesn't mind helping a dude out a little, heres a link! (https://recruit.soe.com/recruit/smlanding.action?iId=7YK9ZFM5V4B3CUD5RYSI&gamecode=PS2) Clicking this link and registering for the game will help me out some, which is cool.

I play TR on the Miller server if anyones interested in playing with me. I'm called NinjaSpiderman.

2014-12-04, 04:55 PM
So, I play Planetside 2, the free 2 play MMOFPS by Sony Online Entertainment.

If anyone is interested in trying it, and doesn't mind helping a dude out a little, heres a link! (https://recruit.soe.com/recruit/smlanding.action?iId=7YK9ZFM5V4B3CUD5RYSI&gamecode=PS2) Clicking this link and registering for the game will help me out some, which is cool.

I play TR on the Miller server if anyones interested in playing with me. I'm called NinjaSpiderman.


Hook a dudebro up with a boomering-solid and tell me about the game, general tips, things to avoid, etc.!

2014-12-05, 11:09 AM

Hook a dudebro up with a boomering-solid and tell me about the game, general tips, things to avoid, etc.!

Planetside 2 is amazing! It's the only real MMOFPS I have ever come across, and the scope is just incredible. The game has three factions, each with a distinct play style: The oppressive Terran Republic which has fast-firing guns with larger magazines; the rebellious New Conglomerate with slow-firing, heavy hitting firearms; and the Vanu Sovereignty, which use alien technology.

PS2 has AAA level gunplay, and massive scale. Battles with hundreds of players are common, with infantry, armor and aircraft battling across four unique and enormous continents (64 square km) with a max population of 2000 players per faction. Thats big.

Theres a bit of a learning curve, mostly because the MMO nature of the game clashes with the expectations people have from shooters such as Battlefield and Call of Duty. Expect to die a lot before you get your bearings. Don't let that discourage you though, as dying isn't a big deal. All that matters is playing the objective and having fun.

As a newbie, the best thing to do is find a squad and follow orders, Asking for help through voice chat can lead to finding people willing to teach, and maybe even new friends! It's a very friendly community.
Starting out, a good idea is to play either Medic or Engineer. You'll be useful while gaining XP at the same time. Gaining XP gives you Certification Points (or just Certs) which you can spend to upgrade your character, buy new guns and stuff like that.

There is no need to subscribe, since the games F2P model works very well. The weapons you start with are some of the most versatile in the game, and you can get by perfectly without spending a cent.

Hope this sounds cool! I absolutely love this game, and introducing others to it feels good.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2014-12-06, 08:34 AM
The best thing about the game is that it gives you the feel of actually doing important things in actually large-scale wars that have a realistic ebb and flow. I remember one specific time, which is the story I tell to explain why I like the game. I friend and I were playing together back in residence at university, and after the first few lives spent figuring out what was going on where, we ended up devoting most of our time defending a large industrial installation under siege by both other factions, completely cut off from the main body of our army. Because the installation was a spawn point and included placed to occasionally requisition armour, we held that point for a good hour, only occasionally would the enemy be able to emerge from the canyons around it to take the outskirts of the installation.

When we saw the rumble of the entire COLUMN of tanks with CLOSE AIR SUPPORT that came to relieve us, punching a hole through enemy lines to join up with us, we cheered. And then our bravado led us along with the armoured column to almost wipe out the main team that was sieging us, before the attrition of taking each hardpoint in the canyons wore our column down and took away our momentum.

This is the kind of scene that only games like this and EVE can do, where you give a large enough number of players a large enough space to roam in, and they create these huge great stories!