View Full Version : Optimization Help me make a jedi!... Sort of

2014-12-04, 01:11 PM
So, my dwarf cleric got pummeled in the Return to the temple of Elemental Evil, and I had no chance of being brought back to life, so my DM decided that he could allow me to make a new character at the current level we're at (6).

But, since I can't make a gestalt, I decided to go with a multiclass elan psychic warrior 2/swordsage 4.

So far, the numbers (rolled), are like so: 14, 16, 16, 17 (will turn to 18), 12, 10.

Honestly, though, I've little experience with psionics and no experience with ToB, so I'm kind of in the dark here.

My feat selection is as follows: Speed of thought , Psionic Charge, Up the Walls, Desert Wind Doge, and Desert Fire.

Mostly I want to play the character as a sort of jedi, and move about while fighting, thus taking advantage of some psionic powers and maneuvers. I also like the synergy between the psionic warrior and swordsage as in both use Wisdom to AC and Insightful Strike.

The rest of the party is as follows:

Human Barbarian reincarnated as a Half-Bronze Dragon human... 100% on the Reincarnation table, and the DM was feeling generous after the semi-TPK that we had before my cleric died.

Half-Elf druid/pokemon trainer

Elf wizard (generalist)

Human Paladin with the charger classed option instead of the mount

Halfling rogue

So... Any suggestions?.

2014-12-04, 01:28 PM
As long as your DM is feeling generous do you think you could convince them to let either Ruby knight vindicator or Jade Phoenix Mage advance psionics instead of spell casting with a little tweaking?

2014-12-04, 01:59 PM
If you want to stay with Psiwarrior there is an alt on the web that creates a special weapon.
It basically is an augment of the call weaponry power that allows you to add special abilities on it and scales with your level.

Ardent also helps due to the wording of learned powers and practiced manifester feat.

There are tome of battle feats that gish well with psionics. but I would go with an ardent base over a psionic warrior one.

Ardent 2/Swordsage 4

str 16
dex 14
con 16
wis 17 (18)
Int 12
Cha 10

(switch dex/con as desired)

Main ardent mantles you want are freedom and time (you can ask politely if you can grab sychronicity for time)

1. Practiced Manifester
3. Psionic Meditation
6. Psychic Renewal

Now you have access to 3rd level powers (still have only 2rd level power points)
Can recover manuevers by expanding focus as a swift action and spending power points, and you can recover your focus as a move action.

Now you can hustle and use full attack manuevers from desert wind, you have a slightly better way to recover manuevers in a rush and more power points as a result. you can still get 9th level manuevers with 6 lvls of ardent and you can get more higher level manuevers using ardent to offset swordsage levels. if there is a way to get a psionic JPM version that would be all the sweeter. but a ardent 2/ Swordsage 4/ardent 4/Swordsage 10 would still get you 5th level powers and 9th level manuevers. 10 swordsage/10 ardent would get you 7th level powers and 8th level maneuvers. The benefit of 10/10 is when you'd get ideal mantle and you twin synchronicities to get two manuevers to go off at the cost of power points, or linked synchronicities to stack actions, or both if you want to get into that.

2014-12-04, 02:14 PM
Unless you are really hung up on using swordsage, you could look into the psyche im warrior build. It could be pretty Jedi-esque.

Otherwise I would suggest focusing on Diamond Mind and Setting Sun seem like obvious flavor choices.

Also I would consider going Ardent rather than PsyWar, as it is EXTREMELY multi class friendly, as your highest level power known is based on your manifested level rather than your class level.

2014-12-04, 02:20 PM
As long as your DM is feeling generous do you think you could convince them to let either Ruby knight vindicator or Jade Phoenix Mage advance psionics instead of spell casting with a little tweaking?

Speaking of psionic Jade Phoenix mages... I humbly offer this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g7M4znzgsmBV7c6NX5Vw6LtNdHpFecJM-jZ0NhFi88g/edit?usp=sharing

2014-12-04, 03:00 PM
I'm looking at the Arden right now. It's a psionic cleric? O.o

Anyways, I will ask if the DM lets a psionic JPM or Ruby Knight, but it'll have to wait to the weekend.

Also, which is the better choice: Elan, or Maenad? I've seen both, but the Elan looks more tanky, which is nice, but Maenads have some pretty neat stuff in there, too.

2014-12-04, 04:23 PM
depends on how Jedi like you want to be:

Kalashtar Ardent/Swordsage(Ardent and all ToB classes are very multiclass friendly) btw take Practiced Manifester

Look at the Psychic Scimitar psionic power, but see if you can get access to spells Flame Blade, Moon Blade, or even Decastave(maybe Magic Mantle to UMD a wand). Any of those will do for lightsaber type weapons, but you'll have to find a way to boost your damage. Freedom Mantle will help your movement options/abilities.

Force Jump = Sandals of Spring or Ring of Improved Jumping, and Mighty Spring psionic power
Force Push = Ring of the Ram until you can get some of the higher level psionic telekinesis powers

There are weapon enhancements and feats for ranged attack deflection.

2014-12-04, 06:52 PM
I always like Wilders as my Jedi of choice yes smaller amounts powers but if your going for a Jedi they don't typically get a while lot more than the basic jump/tk/mind trick combo platter. Use a Dorje of Psychic scimitar for a lightsaber and go nuts.

2014-12-04, 07:36 PM
Warlock's make passable Jedi: Eldritch Glaive, various other abilities.

Half Fey can add lots of mind effecting powers — for +2 LA, though Savage Progressions exist. The wings just need re-fluffing even.

So: Half Fey[2] / Warlock 1 / X 17

Or you could just make a Beguiler Gish, with a Warlock dip.

Sorcerer, with Thunder Lance, can also fit the bill, but you have to wait a very long time for your light sound sabre.